Last 20 pounds Club



  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Welcome Love...

    I notice @158 your a size 8. That is basically where I am, tho I wear 8 and 10 interchangeably

    Good luck with your July 4th goal
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I have my last 20 to lose, which just became 22 after eating like crazy this weekend, but count me in!!

    BK - I bet you will drop that in just as many days. Hang in there/
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I'm still yo-yo'ing on my Scale Numbers, but I think I'm yo-yo'ing a pound lower in the ranges.

    How's everyone doing?
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    My scale isn't moving much.
    My clothes are still..owie...Tight.

    I want outta this Club -- and I want ya'll to come with me!

    Today is my 1-week MFP-iversay
    I think I'm a good Entire One-Pound down, so I call this Progress!

    Goal for the next seven days --Strength Exercises.
    Move some muscles that have been stagnant all year
    Hope to increase my metabolism/calorie-expenditure by doing so!

    I want out! :-)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Morning all!

    Cletc - I totally hear what your saying. I have been here over a month and lost/regained the same 2 lbs. I think my change that I imposed might be getting me someplace. I "feel" thinner. I really should not be so obsessed with what the scale says and focus on how I feel. Ugrhhh!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I think my change that I imposed might be getting me someplace.

    Is that the ZigZag or Not eating back exercise calories?
    I hope you see some improvements!

    I am doing the following for a week:
    1--Dropping overall calories,
    2--Not eating back exercise, and
    3--Carbs under 100g -- aiming for 50+ grams Carbs

    It's worth a Week of my Attention :-)
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Is that the ZigZag or Not eating back exercise calories?
    I hope you see some improvements!

    Both actually

    I am doing the following for a week:
    1--Dropping overall calories,
    2--Not eating back exercise, and
    3--Carbs under 100g -- aiming for 50+ grams Carbs

    It's worth a Week of my Attention :-)

    everything is worth your attention :smile: I lost alot of weight 4 years ago on the low carb diet. Generally, the only kinda carbs I watch now are white carbs. If you are that color, you are limited.
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    I would love to join this thread. I am 5'4 and been stuck at 160 for ages! I've been doing MFP for 2 months and love the support nd it truly makes me much more conscience of my choices. Just need the scale to budge downward! It's soooo easy to gain weight, even if it is water weight, and impossible to lose the last little bit.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Folks stuck at a plateau, at the risk giving you advice you've already heard for the upteenth time, have you tried raising your calories? Or, if you are exercising hard, laying off for a few days? Basically, giving your body the signal that you've given in and are not trying to make it lose any more weight so that it relaxes before you kick it again...that has worked for me in the past. Although I just called it, going on a diet break...Some people also suggest eating cleaner...not eating less..., just cleaner. I know for me, a calorie isn't a calorie. The 1200 calorie kefir and gummi bear diet didn't work for me. I don't know...lowering your calories just seems like a zero sum game...what will you do at the next plateau? But...I also don't eat when I'm not hungry, calories be damned, so I guess I shouldn't be talking...

    Anyway, enough from the peanut gallery...

    My goals for the week are to keep with my couch to 5k training...I'm on week 3! And also to start with some basic strength training. I'm trying slim in 6. I've never done a DVD style workout. I always felt too silly...and like something my mom would do. But, its kind of nice just following what someone else tells you to do. And I guess feeling silly alone in my living room is okay.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Have to say I'm with tatiana on this one.

    I dropped fifty pounds pretty quickly, slowly raising my calories up from 1200. As I got into the healthy range and continued to exercise relatively hard, I needed to incease my food intake. The rate of drop is down, but at least it is not longer at a stand still. Well actually it is, but that also coincides with my cycle so know it will fall back off in a couple days. I'm up to about 1800 on an average day, more on weekends and high clalorie burn days. My body is happier, stronger. And even see more fat being replaced my muscle. Even saw bones in my sternum today, can't remember that ever happening before. Crazy!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I definitely hear what you ladies are saying. Before MPF, I personally feel I was eating enough calories to maintain w/ the exercise I was already doing. When I started MPF, I tried the whole "eating back calories" and never saw a significant loss. This lead me to believe I was already doing that prior to joining. That said, I have lowered my calories to approx 1350 daily (within reason) and do not log my true exercise calories. If you look at my diary, the "daily goal calories" include zig zag amounts (that amount should equate to what you see in the notes box along with the "actual" calories I burned through exercise that day.) Does that make sense, or have I confused you enough already..haha.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    zig zag amounts (

    I kind of zig-zagged yesterday.
    Went under on calories.

    Today went over on Carbs (restaurant with friends)

    Tomorrow I'll try to load up on Veggies Calories.

    This shouldn't be so complicated, but it's Quite An Effort for me I think!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352

    I'm gaining again back to my starting here.

    I'm going to try to move around more, exercise.

    A real effort I'm finding with my sedentary obligations (job, home, etc.)

    How are you doing? '

    I really do NOT want to join the Last 30-pounds Club....sigh...

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    im same; im a little drained. going to revamp and get motivated for june!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I walked around the block

    :15 minutes

    brisk but not fast.

    just trying to jump-start my metabolism.... whatever that means.
    It's better than sitting I guess is what I meant :laugh:

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I have about 15-20 more to go!!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Hey all! Just checking in. Joining in the chatter. My week has been going okay. I've been a little physically out of it the last two days...which means I didn't do anything fitness related except sit on my bum yesterday and today (although my life contains a lot of ambient ambling as I do alot of errands by foot). But, I'm going to start the day off tomorrow with one of my C25k runs.

    I'm also bracing myself for no loss this week. I knew it was coming (I had a great big loss last week, due to giving up wheat for the upteenth time), and I tried to prepare myself by trying to stay of the scale. But, of course, I haven't been able to--a preview of what's to come. So, I'm just trying to stay focused on the process. Keeping with the exercise, trying to cook, being excited when I find "new clothes" in my own closet.

    Also, on one of my ambient amblings, I stopped by my local food co-op and picked up some milk. Why you ask? For my kefir grains! Kefir grains? Because I make/culture my own kefir (like yogurt, but not) and the "grains" contain the culture! Just thought I'd share a little weird, random fact about Tati. I resist cooking (how many scrambled eggs can I eat? ALOT.), but am not opposed to culturing things in my kitchen.
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    Folks stuck at a plateau, at the risk giving you advice you've already heard for the upteenth time, have you tried raising your calories? Or, if you are exercising hard, laying off for a few days? Basically, giving your body the signal that you've given in and are not trying to make it lose any more weight so that it relaxes before you kick it again...that has worked for me in the past. Although I just called it, going on a diet break...Some people also suggest eating cleaner...not eating less..., just cleaner. I know for me, a calorie isn't a calorie. The 1200 calorie kefir and gummi bear diet didn't work for me. I don't know...lowering your calories just seems like a zero sum game...what will you do at the next plateau? But...I also don't eat when I'm not hungry, calories be damned, so I guess I shouldn't be talking...

    Anyway, enough from the peanut gallery...

    My goals for the week are to keep with my couch to 5k training...I'm on week 3! And also to start with some basic strength training.
    I'm trying slim in 6. I've never done a DVD style workout. I always felt too silly...and like something my mom would do. But, its kind of nice just following what someone else tells you to do. And I guess feeling silly alone in my living room is okay.

    I upped my calories for last few weeks to 1540 from 1200 but have gained. Some may be water weight from a weekend but nonetheless scale shows a gain. I'm not sure if I should lower it back down-what are your thoughts? I would hate to raise my calories again and gain weight. Your input would be great
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I walked around the block

    :15 minutes

    brisk but not fast.

    just trying to jump-start my metabolism.... whatever that means.
    It's better than sitting I guess is what I meant :laugh:

    :drinker: :drinker:

    I did this again last night after dinner....and dessert....(not good! oh well...)
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    I walked around the block

    :15 minutes

    brisk but not fast.

    just trying to jump-start my metabolism.... whatever that means.
    It's better than sitting I guess is what I meant :laugh:

    :drinker: :drinker:

    I have had good luck by working out twice a day. Wake up early and run, also do weights if I have time, before breakfast. Graze pretty much continuously through out the day. Then try for spin, yoga or horseback riding in the evening. Lastly dinner while I am hopefully still burning. Seems to be keeping my metabolism up.