Hi! Feeling a little demorralised :(



  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    maybe you arent eating enough? not sure. Your diary isnt open to the public so hard to tell. You may be eating too much soduim and retaining water, or too much fat etc.
    Are youeating back exercise calories?
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    Weigh in in the morning like many above have said.
    I personally do not rely on the scale, It lies soooooo much. I know it is really easy to become a slave to it. Problem with the scale is that it does not take into account water, food youve eaten and not "removed", water retention and so many other things. Also, a persons weight varies hour to hour, day to day. Im pretty close to my "goal", so I weigh in once a month. I check my Body Fat with a Body Fat monitor.

    Have you taken your measurements? This is a great way to track your progress.

    Maybe youre not eating enough. I was not losing weight for some time, I did some research on the boards and ended up Upping my calories twice and voila the scale moved.

    Remember that your deficit is built in when you punch in your numbers when getting started on MFP, so if you are being completely honest with logging your food, drinks etc. you should lose weight. If you are doing this and still see no drop I would suggest increasing cals little by little.Y ou may be burning more than you think and your body needs more.