What did you hate most about being your heaviest weight?



  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    The way a guy who knew me way back in highschool when I use to weigh 105 lbs and was a size 3 looked at me when he saw me years later weighing 100 lbs heavier. I never felt so ashamed and ugly, it completely broke my heart.

    Also the amusement ride thing, I had to get off and be embarrassed but more so my daughter was upset for me and yelled at the attendant for making me leave the ride, she had to ride with strangers.

    Those both should of been my lightbulb moments but I guess I had to suffer a bit more before I was ready to do this.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    HAVING NO ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    Let's see...

    1 Camera time
    2 Clothes & Shoes not fitting
    3 Walking up the 3 flights of steps at my job, then feeling like I was dying afterwards
    4 People saying "WOW 2 years ago you were a size 2, now you look like a size 10...Do you think you will ever be small again?" :mad: :devil:

    and last

    5 My lack of self esteem...

    I LOVE ME NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! And yes, I am shouting this from the top of my lungs :wink:
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    I'm actually not that far from my top recorded weight - 152. When you're only 5'1" that's a lot. I think I was hei\vier at some point, but I didn't weigh myself for years. Here are some of the things I hate:

    1. Shopping for clothes. Instead of being fun and exciting I find it humiliating. Especially if I'm going with my thinner sister, or my mom who can't stop commenting on my weight.

    2. The compulsive need to have a cushion or something on my lap when I'm sitting down so that my tummy doesn't show

    3. Constantly sucking in my gut so that I'm short of breath because I can't stand how my tummy bulges out of my shirts

    Good 1's...number 2 & 3 is on my list too :happy:
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    1. When you went shopping...if something fit, you bought it. You didn't ask if it looked good on you, if it was cute, if it was flattering--none of that. Fit? Bought.

    2. Living in fear that a friend would suggest walking someplace. So I would have to sweat, huff and puff why while we talked? Ah!!

    3. Having to go to an event where I had to dress up. There is no such thing as formal wear for short fat people. Big and tall, yes. Short and fat? NO! Are you listening Lane Bryant?
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    The degrading and humiliating things my peers at school would say to and about me.
    Having put talc powder on the inside of my jeans so they wouldn't chafe my thighs.
    The awful feeling of being the only girl at the lake wearing a oversized t-shirt over her swimsuit.
  • jgrice
    jgrice Posts: 22 Member
    PETA kept rolling me into the water everytime I went to the beach... :laugh:

    Seriously though I was embarrassed by my body and it destroyed my self-esteem. Beaches where not my favorite place to go.
  • afordham
    afordham Posts: 22
    Looking in the mirror, and instantly feeling sad about what i looked like.. I can't wait until i get to the point where i am totally content with what i look like! :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    sleeping 16 hours a day b/c I didn't have the energy to do anything else
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    Seeing all of the great looking clothing that I know would look rediculous on me as most of the clothing is made for someone who is thiner than I am. Not happy with that.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    Not being able to be SPONTANEOUS 'cause "feeling cute" on a whim can require a bit of an effort!
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    For me it was pretty complicated. I wasn't fat because I didn't want to be active and I wasn't fat because of how or what I ate. I was/am fat because I had undiagnosed celiacs disease. It was like taking a dose of rat poison every meal and not even knowing it. Every effort I ever made for years either resulted in me crashing and being sick for months or making only momentary gains and then crashing and being sick for months.

    When I discovered I was a celiac this last fall it was life changing and once I had my diet down, the weight started coming off without me changing much of anything.

    Yeah I felt the frustration, it was like no matter what I did changed anything. Even as I watched very carefully what I ate everyday, and did as much exercise as I could manage without passing out (literally) the scale would go up. I could be sick and throwing up for three days and still gain weight.

    That was the worst ever. The extreme pain, the extreme tiredness, the constant crashes, the scary random passing out, the weight gain despite my efforts.

    People ask me how I can give up all those foods. Doesn't even compare to the health and freedom I've found without them.
  • CirrusMoth
    CirrusMoth Posts: 35
    -How heavy I looked in my wedding pictures. It never looked that bad in the mirror :-(

    -SWEATING! I hate how easy it seemed to get over-heated. Every time I got sweaty I felt so self-conscious like people really noticed and chalked it up to my weight. Just another fat, sweaty chick.

    -Getting out of breath so easy (phone ringing upstairs, having to run).

    -Trying on new clothes; especially jeans! That was the final straw: when I realized that I might have to buy above an 18.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    For me it was pretty complicated. I wasn't fat because I didn't want to be active and I wasn't fat because of how or what I ate. I was/am fat because I had undiagnosed celiacs disease. It was like taking a dose of rat poison every meal and not even knowing it. Every effort I ever made for years either resulted in me crashing and being sick for months or making only momentary gains and then crashing and being sick for months.

    When I discovered I was a celiac this last fall it was life changing and once I had my diet down, the weight started coming off without me changing much of anything.

    Yeah I felt the frustration, it was like no matter what I did changed anything. Even as I watched very carefully what I ate everyday, and did as much exercise as I could manage without passing out (literally) the scale would go up. I could be sick and throwing up for three days and still gain weight.

    That was the worst ever. The extreme pain, the extreme tiredness, the constant crashes, the scary random passing out, the weight gain despite my efforts.

    People ask me how I can give up all those foods. Doesn't even compare to the health and freedom I've found without them.

    Me, too. I was sick for 10 years. The docs told me that I had GERD. I got sicker and sicker. They told me if I lost weight, the symptoms would get better. But I never had heart burn and could not lose weight. When I found out I was Celiac, I lost 10 pounds immediately. All my energy came back. But all the GF foods were higher in calories. So I started gaining it back.

    I have no issue at all giving up all floured foods, beer, donuts, and bread. I do because I love feeling healthy. I do not miss being sick and the frustration that came with it.
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    1. I live a plane ride away from my parents, so I only see them maybe once or twice a year. They never knew what size I'd be when they picked me up at the airport, since I tended to fluctuate so much. If I was on the heavier side, I could feel my mother's judgmental stare on my body the entire trip. The same went for my friends from home; I always felt like I was being judged.
    2. Trying on clothes... it was always a sweaty, humiliating process.
    3. Outweighing my fiancee. I was always self conscious, and hell, I still am but it's gotten a lot better.
    4. Taking pictures. There is barely any photographic evidence of the first four years of my relationship.