To tell the truth.....



  • prettypain
    prettypain Posts: 90
    To tell the truth......I have a face book account that I very rarely use cuz fb sux, for the most part! I have found some of the most amazing and caring friendships on this site than I could hope for in my "friends" list on fb!!! I have the best support group I'll ever need right here!!! I love all my friends and as some of you learned about me earlier tonight I stop at nothing to defend the people I love and care about!!!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    To tell the truth....I look WAY more innocent than i really am...
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    to tell the truth, I am more giddy that a 16 year old going to prom.. SYTYCD starts next week!!!! YAA!!!!!

    To tell the truth, me too!
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    to tell the truth, I am more giddy that a 16 year old going to prom.. SYTYCD starts next week!!!! YAA!!!!!

    To tell the truth, me too!

    To tell you the truth..... So you think you can dance never came to mind when I saw SYTYCD!
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    To tell the truth..... it's hot as BALLZ out here today!!!

    Hell yeah it is C!
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I don't want to tell the truth.... lol
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    To tell the truth Im bored as hell here today and oh yeah its hot muggy and storming....
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    To tell the truth...... I was never really a bad boy.......IN PUBLIC!!! Get me behind closed doors and I'll rock yo' mutha effin' world!!! WORD!!!

  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    to tell the truth, I am more giddy that a 16 year old going to prom.. SYTYCD starts next week!!!! YAA!!!!!

    To tell the truth, me too!

    OMG !!! Yaaay! Me too!

    To tell the truth... I'm glad my knee hurts today so I dont 'have' to exercise.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    To tell the truth I don’t know if I am more tired of exercising everyday and counting calories OR more tired of being fat.

  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    to tell the truth.. i cant seem to find my motivation anywhere. i know i put it around here somewhere... now if only i could remember where....

    to tell the im looking for my motivation im also snacking on a bag of tgi fridays potato skins... so much for looking for that motivation. *sigh*
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    To tell the truth...there is ONE person who I tell EVERYTHING to on this site....

    To tell the truth....sometimes it's wonderful and sometimes I'm afraid they'll stop caring about me
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    to tell the truth.. I want an EFFING CHEESEBURGER!
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    To tell the truth I feel like an idiot today.

    (Ok busting your follow upcomment of me being an idiot everyday, so it won't be funny now if you say it ;) )
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    To tell the truth......Im scared it will never happen
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member
    To tell the truth.... I wish women were easier to understand.

    And we feel the same about men.
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member
    I love it when women talk dirty and you can tell they mean it GET IN BIG TIME

    When we arent talking dirty we are normally thinking it.
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    To tell the truth, I am not as strong as I let people percieve me to be.
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member
    Tell the truth. I can normally make anyone think I am telling the truth and believe what I am saying...good news I am not a liar but tis fun to fool people :-)
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    To tell the truth....I'm scared I'll never find friends close by that 'get' me like my friends on here do (except for Kathy who is right here with me!!!)
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