Does the UN actually do...ANYTHING???



  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    The climate is cooling. When this happened when I was a child, they were all screaming we were all gonna die of freezing temperatures. I believe it's the sun. It has bursts of output. What can we do about that?

    Maybe the UN could send one of it's crack ambassadors to discuss the situation with this 'Sun'. Might be he's eating too much meat. :noway:
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    The climate is cooling. When this happened when I was a child, they were all screaming we were all gonna die of freezing temperatures. I believe it's the sun. It has bursts of output. What can we do about that?

    Maybe the UN could send one of it's crack ambassadors to discuss the situation with this 'Sun'. Might be he's eating too much meat. :noway:

    I laughed so hard over the last two posts I almost barfed.
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    Show me scientific proof that global warming is a real threat and is more than just hype, and I'll be concerned.

    That is all.

    I really don't have time to debate this with you all, but I just can't go without responding to this post and the ones agreeing with it. There has been SO MUCH evidence to support that global warming is real and is going to pose a threat to us if it isn't stopped, and that the climate change that is going on right now is something like 10x worse than it ever has been before, and ways of linking this to carbon output that is the byproduct of the way we live our lives today. Again, I don't have time to comb the internet to find sources for you, but I'd suggest starting with the film An Inconvenient Truth - this is the most comprehensive and easily accessible case I've seen made. You can check out the sources used in this film if you are interested. I kind of doubt that any sources anyone can provide are going to change your minds anyway - if you see source after source after source and choose to believe that it's just hype, I don't know how much and what kind of proof you need. I'd also ask you to check out the sources behind claims that it is just hype - I know there was one billboard in my town claiming this and it was financed by the oil companies.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Guys, I thought you just agreed to stay away from controversial topics in another thread. Please do.
  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    Show me scientific proof that global warming is a real threat and is more than just hype, and I'll be concerned.

    That is all.

    I really don't have time to debate this with you all, but I just can't go without responding to this post and the ones agreeing with it. There has been SO MUCH evidence to support that global warming is real and is going to pose a threat to us if it isn't stopped, and that the climate change that is going on right now is something like 10x worse than it ever has been before, and ways of linking this to carbon output that is the byproduct of the way we live our lives today. Again, I don't have time to comb the internet to find sources for you, but I'd suggest starting with the film An Inconvenient Truth - this is the most comprehensive and easily accessible case I've seen made. You can check out the sources used in this film if you are interested. I kind of doubt that any sources anyone can provide are going to change your minds anyway - if you see source after source after source and choose to believe that it's just hype, I don't know how much and what kind of proof you need. I'd also ask you to check out the sources behind claims that it is just hype - I know there was one billboard in my town claiming this and it was financed by the oil companies.

    It's obvious that Walnut is passionate about Global Warming, and that's all fine and dandy.

    What I am passionate about it the millions upon millions of human beings that suffer and lose their lives due to UN inaction while they are sitting around making inane suggestions about how people should live their lives. Ok UN, we got it, you want us not to eat meat so the world doesn't become an oven. Roger that. Now get off your international butts and do something worth while for a change.

    I am honestly appalled, yet little surprised that 'global warming' was mentioned again, while the whole point of the thread and the 12 examples of global conflict around the world that I cited was ignored. Maybe if Al Gore made a movie about *that* people might take more of an interest in it.

    Oh, and just so you know, 'An Inconvenient Truth' is far from the best evidence of global warming. In fact that's the movie that where I actually went, 'what???' and started looking into the facts for myself. I still haven't made up my mind on the whole Global warming, (is it real or not?) debate. All I know is that if someone wants to convince me of something, usually using facts instead of half-truths does a better job of convincing me.

    Now to get back on topic, it's as if the UN is chasing down topics to 'look into' so they can feel important, when what they need to be doing is what they are charted to do. They are not chartered to look into scientific theories, there are plenty of private and government funded science organizations all over the world that can research whether meat contributes to enviromental destruction. What those same private and govermental entities can't do, is show a world wide united front against war and tyranny, which is what the UNITED NATIONS was founded to do. The UN has no teeth, and no Despot anywhere in the world is afraid of them.

    That's the point of this post. I have seen first hand the suffering that goes on in this world. I just wish people who claim to be help end it, would do just that.
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Ok, so just to throw my 2 cents in,

    According to all the scientific data (whether you believe it or not is your choice...) herds of cattle are one of the main reasons for global warming, and the reason this is a problem now, not when cattle were wild is because of human interference. It's all about the way we raise them, the fact that we raise more than would occur naturally, and the way we take care of/don't take care of their waste.

    This has been shown by innumerable environmental impact studies and has been accepted as fact by international communities, scientifically. The reason we don't see a lot of that in the U.S. is because it has become a highly politicized debate.
  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    Ok, so just to throw my 2 cents in,

    According to all the scientific data (whether you believe it or not is your choice...) herds of cattle are one of the main reasons for global warming, and the reason this is a problem now, not when cattle were wild is because of human interference. It's all about the way we raise them, the fact that we raise more than would occur naturally, and the way we take care of/don't take care of their waste.

    This has been shown by innumerable environmental impact studies and has been accepted as fact by international communities, scientifically. The reason we don't see a lot of that in the U.S. is because it has become a highly politicized debate.

    Apparently global warming is more important to people than human suffering.

    Since this has become a global warming topic, much to my chagrine, this will be it for me.
  • Fit2btied
    Apparently global warming is more important to people than human suffering.

    Since this has become a global warming topic, much to my chagrine, this will be it for me.

    Jeremy, since you work with international aid, how can an individual make a difference besides being informed. I help local charities, and I have a child sponsored in Tanzania, but I don't know how little ole me can make a bigger difference. Any suggestions?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ok, so just to throw my 2 cents in,

    According to all the scientific data (whether you believe it or not is your choice...) herds of cattle are one of the main reasons for global warming, and the reason this is a problem now, not when cattle were wild is because of human interference. It's all about the way we raise them, the fact that we raise more than would occur naturally, and the way we take care of/don't take care of their waste.

    This has been shown by innumerable environmental impact studies and has been accepted as fact by international communities, scientifically. The reason we don't see a lot of that in the U.S. is because it has become a highly politicized debate.

    It's not their waste that causes problems.

    It's their farts. :laugh:

    We need to form the MFP Coalition for the Distribution of Beano. The MFP CDB will make every effort to battle the threat of global warming by forming relationships with farmers--as well as their gassy cows--and promoting the distribution and free use of Beano gas-prevention pills.
  • Fit2btied
    Jeremy, since you work with international aid, how can an individual make a difference besides being informed. I help local charities, and I have a child sponsored in Tanzania, but I don't know how little ole me can make a bigger difference. Any suggestions?

    Would really like a response! Pleeeease
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member

    Apparently global warming is more important to people than human suffering.

    Since this has become a global warming topic, much to my chagrine, this will be it for me.

    i cannot help thinking of what impact global warming will have on humanity in the long run (or even now, droughts in africa, hurricans in the americas, floods in the uk, probably missing a lot)

    i totaly agree with the fact that ANY human suffering is a tragedy, in fact, by caring for the environement, i'm trying to avoid as much of as possible. that is something i can actively do, as for the global conflicts, i try with wisely choosing where i spend my money ( i refused to buy potatoes coming from israel or buying fair trade products for example) ...

    that said, i do totaly agree that the UN doesnt have teeth, more then once did i wish i could give them i good kick in the behind to help them do more of what they are suppose to do.

    i do try in my own way, to make this world a better one
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    Ok, so just to throw my 2 cents in,

    According to all the scientific data (whether you believe it or not is your choice...) herds of cattle are one of the main reasons for global warming, and the reason this is a problem now, not when cattle were wild is because of human interference. It's all about the way we raise them, the fact that we raise more than would occur naturally, and the way we take care of/don't take care of their waste.

    This has been shown by innumerable environmental impact studies and has been accepted as fact by international communities, scientifically. The reason we don't see a lot of that in the U.S. is because it has become a highly politicized debate.

    It's not their waste that causes problems.

    It's their farts. :laugh:

    We need to form the MFP Coalition for the Distribution of Beano. The MFP CDB will make every effort to battle the threat of global warming by forming relationships with farmers--as well as their gassy cows--and promoting the distribution and free use of Beano gas-prevention pills.
    Don't know why the last one didn't pick it up right, but here goes again - - -

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    ...Since this has become a global warming topic, much to my chagrine...

    Chagrine...I love that word. I also love the words persnickety, flibbertigibbet, and shinanigins...just a random thought. :smile:
  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    Jeremy, since you work with international aid, how can an individual make a difference besides being informed. I help local charities, and I have a child sponsored in Tanzania, but I don't know how little ole me can make a bigger difference. Any suggestions?

    Would really like a response! Pleeeease

    It's not so much the individual can do, it's the millions of individuals coming together that can really do a lot. My work place Samaritan's Purse International couldn't make it very long on the donations of one person, but it's the thousands upon thousands of churches, groups, and even individuals that empower us to bring aid and reaasurance both domestically and abroad.

    What you have done is far more than many do, and I want to thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for it.

    Thank you Fit, and everyone else that takes an interest in the poor, destitute and oppressed of the world. That's what makes the U.S, Canada and our staunch allies more than the sum of our parts. Many in the world look down upon us, but I can honestly say that the US, Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and a many groups in Europe contribute so, so, so much to bringing aid to the world. While our governments may be involved in controversial issues, it really is the individuals that make a difference (and to be fair, our governments really do much good as well).

    Thanks again. Those who give unselfishly to help their fellow human beings are truly my heroes.

    God Bless you.




  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    ...Since this has become a global warming topic, much to my chagrine...

    Chagrine...I love that word. I also love the words persnickety, flibbertigibbet, and shinanigins...just a random thought. :smile:
    I'm a fan of fun words too! LOL!

    I love saying "Flabbergasted!" :laugh:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    Thanks Jeremy! Pics were awesome too!
  • calatibo
    calatibo Posts: 289 Member
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Ok, so just to throw my 2 cents in,

    According to all the scientific data (whether you believe it or not is your choice...) herds of cattle are one of the main reasons for global warming, and the reason this is a problem now, not when cattle were wild is because of human interference. It's all about the way we raise them, the fact that we raise more than would occur naturally, and the way we take care of/don't take care of their waste.

    This has been shown by innumerable environmental impact studies and has been accepted as fact by international communities, scientifically. The reason we don't see a lot of that in the U.S. is because it has become a highly politicized debate.

    Apparently global warming is more important to people than human suffering.

    Since this has become a global warming topic, much to my chagrine, this will be it for me.

    J- that was a low blow and I didn't think was very respectful!

    Just because I believe that global warming is a significant and important issue, doesn't mean I don't worry about human suffering or involve myself in my community or in the world. Since you don't know me that well, I understand that you wouldn't know how involved I am or not, but again you don't know me that well, so don't stand in judgment because I care about the environment, because you DONT know about the rest of my life.