No Moral Support From Family or Friends



  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    i agree w/ EVERY single comment. you do what YOU need to do for YOURSELF!! and look for support where you know it is. kick *kitten* girlfriend!!:bigsmile:

    WE believe in you, and you believe in yourself (you joined MFP & you're leading a healthier lifestyle) that's all that counts right now...Keep up the great work and soon they will notice all of your hard work :wink:
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    The best advice I ever received was this, "Learn to accept the limitations and preferences of others."

    It applies in so many facets of life. I think this situation that you describe is a perfect occasion to use this advice. This is not about THEM. This is about YOU. Your choice to live a healthier lifestyle is just that... Your choice. It is not really up to anyone else to be supportive, though it certainly would be nice. How you proceed is also your choice. You can choose to focus on the lack of support from those closest to you, or you can stay on the path that is best for you.

    Emotional eating is just a bad habit that many of us fell into at some point in our lives. Replace it with a better habit. Walking, yoga, meditating, whatever. As long as it is healthy for you. This is your life. You can choose to expect more out of people then what they are prepared to offer. Or, you can live the life that is best for you.

    Just some advice on what is working for me in terms of preparing meals for myself an others who are not following my lifestyle... I shop for foods that they will eat ie. lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and I modify how I prepare them for me. If they want butter on their broccoli, they can put it on. If they want pasta, I make it for them and I skip it and just double up on veggies or salad. The reality is, I see this as a lifestyle change and I have to learn to live in a world where everyone else is not living the same way I am.

    Good luck!
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm guessing you want to get healthy for yourself, so don't get caught up in their negativity. If your family and friends don't want to be supportive, it sucks, but its their choice. Try to surround yourself with positive people. Remember you can't choose family, but you can choose who to surround yourself with! Good Luck! :)
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    Changing your life is a very difficult road to take, so of course it's always a blessing to have the ones you love the most back you up and support you on your journey.

    But when they scoff at you, criticize you for "ruining meals" because they're less caloric or a little more nutritional, roll their eyes at you when you try to portion out proper serving sizes, humiliate you for working out...... or even when I try to encourage my parents to try these new recipes that are low-glycemic for my dad's diabetes, I get ridiculed for trying to help.

    If they don't want to change their lifestyles, that's fine. I'm not forcing it onto them when I haven't even gotten myself in a sound enough mindset to really help myself. But just a little support would be wonderful..

    Instead of being asked, "How much have you lost?" I get "How much did you gain today?" I have enough issues being an emotional eater - I'm thin skinned enough as it is about my self image, these little remarks don't help my self-control from running to the fridge.

    I have friends around me, but not ones that quite get what I'm doing; they've always been thin, never had the need to be athletic, and at the same time, criticize me when I start to count out my calories and measure my portions because that's something they've never even had to do.

    After a while, it all gets to me.

    What do you do?
    I have the same situation. Well, I ignore them. I don't do this for them , I am doing this for me . I am disapointed , of course , but really I don't care anymore. I have to admit , sometimes I am sarcastic but they still don't get it :)
    Don\t let them put you down . Fight for yoursef!
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    My in-laws are kind of like this I just ignore them I get looks and confusion from them when I only eat what I can count the calories for. If I go to a family get together and ask for a measuring spoon for anything or tell them I can't eat that because i don't know how it is made they tell me just ignore today so I ignore them instead.