Someone asked my husband...pregnant



  • DancingYogini
    DancingYogini Posts: 377
    I believe the comment I always remember on this topic is, "Never ask a woman if she is expecting unless you see a baby coming out of her." :happy:

    Love it!! True...true!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Lol, I have the opposite problem with my Mum-in-law. Every time I see her, she says I look like I've lost weight (which comes from a good intention, I guess). I've weighed roughly the same since the day I first met her, so I have to wonder just how fat she pictures me when I'm not around.

    I HATE when people do that... I had someone ask me about a week before I started MFP if I was losing weight. "You look slimmer today." It was difficult to tell her that no, I'm the heaviest I've ever been. *sigh* Always makes me wonder how large people think I am. It's depressing.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    I understand your pain...after loosing 30 lbs someone asked me, while on a date with my husband, did I have a baby in my tummy!!!! I've only had 2 kids and my daughter is 1 year. I had been feeling so good about myself and that really brought me down.

    Hugs to you....
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    The real question is why was your husband dumb enough to TELL you? If it were me I wouldn't have said a damn thing.

    from the way she related the story, maybe she was standing there as it happened?
  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46
    With all three kids of mine, I was asked shortly after birth when I was due.... I get it, you still have a tummy after... but with 1 and 3, I HAD THEM WITH ME. Stupid people. I have a 6 week old baby and you are asking me when I'm due. It definitely hurts. I'm sorry about that.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    This happened to me after my 3rd he was just over a year old. It was my birthday. My husband took me to Kohl's to buy me some clothes for my b-day. After trying on clothes and feeling like crap. The clerk asked if I was pregnant and what I was having. I just looked at my husband and walked out. Cried all the way home.
    Like other people have said let it be a motivator. Sorry that happened to you. It's so hurtful.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sigh - this story reminded me of the day I checked out of the hospital after having my first son. I was standing in the doorway of my hospital room, and a hospital volunteer came to the room to interview me about my stay.

    She asked, "Is she in there?" I asked, "Who?" She said, "The gal in the room - who just had the baby." TWO DAYS after I had the baby, I looked like a friend of the new mom!

    I wish that were still true today.
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    The day I went back to work after having my 2nd daughter, I had a co-worker stop and ask when I was due. My baby girl was 8 weeks old and I had dropped 40 pounds or so from my pre-pregnancy weight. I was floored. He played it off that it was because I was sitting and he couldn't see my stomach and since he worked nights (police officer) that he didn't know I had her already... I let it slide because he's always been a super-nice guy around and to me, and he probably honestly had no clue...
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    It was the head bell-ringer at church who did it to me, on behalf of a group of his friends!

    I just said 'No, I'm just fat!' and lost 20 lb :wink:

    Now I have a colleague I wonder the same about, but I just bite my tongue!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    Today, someone asked my husband if I was pregnant. My baby is almost 9 month old. He played it off, and said "I hope not" :( That right there is motivation to lose the weight.

    that has happened to me from some random lady in safeway 2 years ago I WAS 16!!!!! "when are you due" (i have polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance which i wasn't aware of at the time) but i hold alot of excess weight around my middle once its been said the fear does not go away unfortunately so hopefully when i finish loosing the rest of my weight maybe it will go away lol i laugh only because its nice to know other ppl have experience that (it's not a nice feeling....) keep up the good work

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  • Salpica
    Salpica Posts: 205 Member
    Fortunately no one has asked me when I was due, or if I was pregnant. IDK how I would react to that.......:laugh:

    It's good motivation indeed. I'm sure when people ask this they mean no harm, but yet maybe are a little misguided and should think before they speak. Good luck with your journey!
  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    I've been asked in the past, and like somebody else on here my response was "no, I'm just fat." However, I don't think any rudeness was meant by it, I just think the person concerned just didn't consider what the reaction might be if I wasn't pregnant.

    Having said that, several of my male friends, when travelling on the London tube, have always said that they'd rather let a pregnant woman stand than a fat woman cry... ;)
  • Pawsntails
    Pawsntails Posts: 67 Member
    I like jimmy carrs stance and its the one I take (talking about public transport and why he doesn't give up his chair) ' I'd rather see a pregnant girl standing then a fat one sat down crying'

    Just spotted the post above, damn pages not loading fully lol
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I don't ask precisely for this reason! Heh. I have a former coworker who was pregnant last year and she told me she and her husband were having dinner at a Fuddruckers and the cashier kept looking down at her stomach. My coworker felt uncomfortable, but didn't say anything. A few seconds later, the girl says, "I'm sorry, I just can't tell... are you fat or pregnant?"

    I still can't believe someone would ask that! The nerve of some people.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Omg I had someone said that to me before and it was embarressing. So it will be your motivation to help with weight loss and I still remembered that and it will help me has well. the person before me that is awfull!! I don't like it when people do that!
  • misspopsicle
    I've had this so many times and as a mum of 4, I do carry extra weight around my belly but it's so annoying. The last person to ask was my next door neighbour and the kick up the butt I needed to lose some lbs, actually. It's very embarrassing though and something that's brought me to tears a few times now :(
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I had that happen to me too at Home Depot, the guy helping me load up my car asked how far along I was and I just went with it, it would be too embarrassing to say I wasn't.
    I look them straight in the eye and say, I'm not pregnant. Yes. I am fat." They stammer and back off and than I go cry. But later, I get a laugh out of their horrified expresson when they know what they did. Maybe they will think twice before asking someone else.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    That was a turning point for me when one of my clients (hairdresser) asked me how far along i was. He was a regular client. It was an eye opening moment. A little bit after that is when I made a promise to myself to get in shape. 9 months later i'm still here on MFP working out and logging. Take that as inspiration!!
  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    My son's teacher wasn't fat at all, but she looked pregnant. It's a good thing that I never asked when she was due....over the course of the school year there was no pregnancy or baby announcement. A year later she did get pregnant and have a baby. I guess she carries excess weight in her stomach and still had a few pounds from her first child - who was about 2 years old.

    Thank god I know what not to say or ask.
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    The real question is why was your husband dumb enough to TELL you? If it were me I wouldn't have said a damn thing.

    So true. I would LOVE for my BF to keep that **** to himself... and maybe casually suggest that we should go to the gym next week or something.

    But hey, you're really strong for not breaking down. If someone asked me if I was pregnant, I wouldn't eat anything for a week :P