Just started running...any tips



  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I'd second the recommendations for the C25K programs, or look and see if there is a running club in your area that has a similar program (personally, I like this better than the online program because you get to meet other runners at your same level). There are also couch to 10K and couch to longer distances, depending on what you want to do. For motivation, try signing up for a 5K race - then you have a solid goal to work toward. Usually, once you run one, you get hooked - it's a great way to monitor your progress as you get fitter.

    As to the question about how often to run, I get 4-5 sessions in a week - 1 needs to be a long run at a slow pace, to help build the cardio and endurance. The other are a mix of shorter runs with some speed work (hills, fartleks, ladders, etc...). You don't have to skip a day every time (though I wouldn't recommend 7 days a week), but stretching is CRITICAL after you run. Bad shoes and not stretching are the quickest ways to get injured, and that can set you back weeks to months, so a little prevention goes a long way.

    Also, don't wear cotton - invest in some good technical shirts and shorts - it makes a huge difference in how you feel while running.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Plenty of people run consecutive days without rest- and even more run twice a day. The important thing is that you need to work up to that point though. Right now you shouldn't be running more than 3x a week, and don't increase your mileage by more than 10% a week.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    just don't run two consecutive days. You risk injury!

    I'm just curious - do all runners skip a day in between runs? I don't run every day, but I sometimes will run 2 days in a row, then take a day off. Should I change it to every other day or something?

    Nope. I ran 6 miles Thursday, 3 miles Friday, ended up not running Saturday, did 15 miles today and will do a 4 mile recovery run tomorrow. You run what you feel capable of running. Most training plans call for 4-5 days of training a week.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I would like to give you 5 pieces of advise (well Ok maybe a few more)

    1. Train hard enough that you still enjoy it. Running can be a truly wonderful thing. I run because I enjoy it. People quit when they stop enjoying it whether that be from over training, improper training whatever.

    2. Use common sense... Rome wasn't built in a day, you won't be able to run a marathon in a day either. Enjoy what each day gives you. Rule of thumb is to never exceed the previous weeks distance by more than 10%.

    3. Concentrate on form rather than speed or endurance. Form is very helpful in making running pleasant. It prevents injuries which will keep you from speed or endurance.

    4. Don't cheep out, get properly equipped. If you are planning on running in shoes, make sure they are the right ones. Go to a running store and have them assess your running style or gait. Every mile that you run results in your feet slamming into the pavement at up to 12 times your body weight per square inch (source: Born to Run by Christopher McDougall). Proper shoes make your running more enjoyable and prevents injuries. Ditto on clothing... it is so much more comfy to run in tech type clothing which wicks moisture away from the skin (as opposed to cotton which over time will chaff) A great investment.

    5. Set reasonable goals for yourself. Don't feel that you can or have to go out and run a full marathon 9 months after you start running (only complete fools do that... oh wait... I did that... and paid the price with shin splints, it band issues, tendinitis etc). You might start with signing up for a 5K, 10-12 weeks down the road as a goal. Set multiple goals to help keep you in line.

    Bonus Tips

    6. Its easy to stay on track if you join a running group... Places like Running Room, Fleet Feet etc all have clinics to Learn to Run. When you have a scheduled time to run, and a plan in place, it really helps you to keep going. The coaching of most is thes clinics is usually perfect for beginners.

    7. Listen to your body... if you feel a sharp pain... stop running and assess it. I know to many people who have pushed thru injuries and ended up sidelined for months. Don't be afraid to take a day or two off to allow for some healing.

    8. R-I-C-E is not just for serious injuries... it can help you heal faster in terms of minor strains and stiff muscles.

    9, The correct order of a workout is warmup -> Dynamic Stretching -> Running -> Cool Down -> Static stretching. Most importantly is to stretch after the workout. You would be amazed at how well it helps recover from a run.

    Finally... Enjoy. When you patiently build up endurance and follow many of the little rules, you don't suffer. Running becomes a very fun sport... especially in the company of others.

    Good Luck!

    Happy Running!
  • Hollie_downunder
    I was in the same boat as you a mere few months ago... never run and HATED IT!
    now i'm proud to say on sunday i completed a 4.5km run for charity, finished in 25mins and raised over $500 for Diabetes

    i used a similar approach to couch25k, but used a free app on my iphone called Runkeeper

    little by little i built it up until i was running non-stop for 45mins, gps tracking my runs really helped as when i thought i couldn't do it i look back at how far i've improved and it really motivated me!

    now i'm over the moon to say i CAN do it, i AM a runner and i actually (sadly enough!) sometimes even have a smile on my face!

    my next challenge is a 12km run in august

    the change to my body is amazing, pls pls give it a go you will love it! everyone says you'll get the running bug... i thought "me? yeah right! i'll never be one of those runners!"

    oh, and a tip... cut your big toenails short! sounds weird, but my first run downhill gave me "runners toe" and it aint pretty! lucky i'm a chick who paints her toenails to hide the blackness underneath!

    Hope this helps! SERIOUSLY... GO FOR IT, IF I CAN DO IT ANYONE CAN!!