200 Sit-ups challenge!



  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Go for it Mikeast - let us know how you get on!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    wow this sounds really good! your posts have inspired me! hehe going to have a look at this website.

    Yes Mikeast, check it out! Keep us posted on your progress :smile:

    I know this is off topic but have any of you guys done the c25k program or one hour runner program? I think I'm going to start the one hour runner program so that I have a cardio challenge in addition to these strength training challenges!
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    I would like to join in also. I'm also working on the 100 push up challenge. I will do this one on Tue. Thur. and Sat. Be back later with my initial test results. :)
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I got an app that on my phone. I had like 10 when i first started which is lame.....but its only my third day and i am at 37...which goes by fast and is oddly enough...pretty easy.I am also going for the 200!

    I also got the squat app.......200 as well....anyone else doing that one?
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    I got an app that on my phone. I had like 10 when i first started which is lame.....but its only my third day and i am at 37...which goes by fast and is oddly enough...pretty easy.I am also going for the 200!

    I also got the squat app.......200 as well....anyone else doing that one?

    I am working on the squats and push up ones as well!
  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Yay! More people!! :smile:

    I've not done c25k but it sounds like a good idea to mix some cardio with the strength. I have ran a few 10ks (in very slow times!) but it's just something I've done by myself. I think if I knew of any of the programs when I started jogging they would have been really useful. Hope it goes well for you, and if I can help with any jogging questions do ask - though I'm by no means an expert!!
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    I was able to do 30 sit up for my initial test. I will be doing week 1 day 1 on Tuesday.
  • mikeast
    mikeast Posts: 16
    i'm doing the sit ups, squats, push ups and tri dips! lol thought i would go the whole hog as im going on holiday in 3 weeks!
    think the full body press ups are dead hard! just had to do 12 in a row so now im having a rest! hehe
    I don't really enjoy running so i used the cross ramp, circuit training and zumba to get my cardio. Whats a c25k??
  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Well done Ruby - that's fab!

    Wow Mikeast - gold star for effort definately!!

    I think C25k is a program that basically gets you from no exercise (couch) to running a 5k in a certain number of weeks.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Great job Ruby! Keep it up and let us all know how it goes :)

    Wow Mikeast, that is hardcore haha. I thought I was being ambitious by doing the squats, push ups, and sit ups at the same time but you've one-upped me for sure! The dips do seem really hard though. I think I will wait until I'm done with the push ups before doing the dips. Do you do those on the same day as the push ups?
  • mikeast
    mikeast Posts: 16
    Hi Guys,
    Yeah good luck with your first day tomorrow Ruby!
    Yeah i have been doing all 4 together... hardcore! lol that made me laugh! :smile: i try to do sit ups, push ups, squats then dips so the arm exercises arn't next to each other so then can have a little rest. i think you should go for it! you can do it!
    The one i will not be doing for sure is the pull ups! wow now thats hard.
    Im slightly worried that my next day, which im doing on thursday, the push ups are going to be really hard!
    well keep up the good work xx
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Good luck to everyone on their next workout with these challenges! Mine is tomorrow, I'll check back in with the numbers...hopefully they aren't terrible haha.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Finished W1D1L3 for a total of 73 sit-ups.
  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Well done Ruby!

    I'll be back tomorrow!! :smile:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Checked out the websites - loving it. Just what I was looking for to add some strength training without going to the gym everyday this summer.

  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Let us know how you get on Renaejae!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Ruby - great job on the sit ups!

    Renaejae - yes I feel the same way. I'm loving these challenges because I really slack on getting my strength training in and this is an easy and convenient way to do it. Keep us posted!

    I did my workout today and during the final sets of each, I was able to do 21 push ups consecutively, 62 sit ups consecutively, and 125 squats consecutively. I'm doing pretty well with the squats, over halfway to 200! The sit ups I'm doing okay but they are hard. But those DAMN PUSH UPS! Those are the ones I have the most trouble with. I still have a looooooooong way to go before I reach 100 with those haha.
  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Justbreathe - that's fab results!! Well done you!
  • mikeast
    mikeast Posts: 16
    Hi everyone!

    Justbreathe thats really good you should be well proud of yourself! yep push ups are scaring me too! do you think i should go down to doing 'lady ones'? as i can never see myself doing 100 full body ones!!
    Renaejae i agree its really good to do on days off from the gym and im desperate to get rid of my post baby belly so the sit ups are great!
    hows everyone else getting on??
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    Tell me about it!