


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    When I was looking for a Kung Fu school, I chose based on the physical fitness level of the Sifu. I went into a school where the master looked like he was pregnant. Clearly he isn't the "black belt" I wanted to learn from. My Sifu looked like Bruce Lee (fitness level, not an acual resemblance), and that's why I chose him.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Monchand said: "But I can tell you one thing, I am treated differently now that am "THIN" then when i was overweight....which can take us into another whole differenet direction on this conversation. "

    Elaborate please?

  • johnnythebaptist
    Its a matter of choice and you absolutely have the right to make that choice. Many today have knowledge but as you know it must be applied. Sometimes we may know the answers and refuse to acknowledge it. Just wanted to say you are doing great and keep doing what your doing......You Rock!
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Here's my thought: When you go sign up for a trainer, give them a specific list of the qualities you want in him/her. Give whoever they assign you a chance and then if it isn't working out, you can say "I specifically said that I wanted someone who would be able to xyz, and the trainer you gave me isn't doing that."

    It's a tough situation, but hopefully it doesn't keep you from trying a personal trainer, as they can be great motivators and provide you with tools for you to use on your own in the future.

    Good luck!
