After-dinner, tv-time munchies

My biggest struggle is not the weekends (although this is very tough) but for some reason it's that time after dinner and before bed.. when I'm relaxing and watching tv when I feel the urge to eat something. Sometimes it is out of hunger, but sometimes just out of habit... used to eatting snacks when watching tv.. something sweet or salty or both!

Anyone have this problem? Know how to fight the urge? Is there anything you do to keep occupied while watching tv but fight that urge to snack for no reason?


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    GUM! Gum has helped me in a tight spot a number of times. You could do a whole lot worse than a stick of gum. My favorite is 5 gum (vortex, zing, and solstice)
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    this may sound EXTREMELY odd, but sometimes at night, mainly if i am super hungry and i am just in bed laying down, i start telling myself i ate pizza and fries, and hamburgers, and steaks and tacos, and, and, and..just randomly listing stuff, and it settles my brain into thinking i HAVE eaten all that stuff, and that i am not hungry anymore..
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Jerzeeblondie Posts: 236
    chewing gum has seemed to help for when I'm wanting something sweet to snack on, but I've found it doesn't help so much when I have the craving for salty munchies!

    And I never thought to tell myself I've eatten those foods, that's an interesting idea.
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    When we had cable, it was always the commercial breaks that got me. It wasn't what I wanted to watch so I would meander into the kitchen. Just think of all those food commercials. I would get off the couch and see how many sit ups I could do, or if I felt worn, I'd stretch out and work on my splits. Grabbing a big glasses of cool water when you're in the kitchen instead of food can fill you up and make you feel good leaving it with something in hand. It all sounds dorky as I re-read it, but I find little tricks work best.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    chewing gum has seemed to help for when I'm wanting something sweet to snack on, but I've found it doesn't help so much when I have the craving for salty munchies!

    And I never thought to tell myself I've eatten those foods, that's an interesting idea.

    salt is delicious, and EVIL..try some low sodium pickles or something..i actually found some @ the store tonight, and i was extatic, but they are a limited thing for me, since there still is salt in them..try that idea, and see if it may not, but there is no harm in trying..let me know if it worked or really helps when my tummy is grumbling, and i cant sleep..i go thru my list, feel full, and am out like a light :happy:
  • libstr
    libstr Posts: 36 Member
    i try to drink a glass of water and fool my stomach into thinking its full...... sometimes helps. try a piece of fruit instead of chocolate. gum makes me more hungry as it gets my stomach juices going!!
  • skizzizme
    skizzizme Posts: 14
    I eat frozen berries! Just a few.
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    I have a big problem with this too. My tactic lately is just to tell myself NO food after dinner! I made sure to eat a good dinner, and even a dessert, but after that, it's just water till bed. 9-11 is the hardest for me, but this week has been easier. I've been keeping this up for 3 weeks, so maybe a few more weeks and the habit will be broken.

    On the bright side, when I don't eat at night, I am much hungrier for breakfast, and I am not a good breakfast eater, so that's been helpful overall.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Jerzeeblondie Posts: 236
    thanks for the good ideas. I've been struggling to control the thoughts of needing a snack, because I am trying to stop snacking after dinner... it's a slow process though because some nights are harder than others. Sometimes it's just a habit I think and when choosing an after dinner snack, I'd want it to be something that will digest well and not interfer with sleep.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Jerzeeblondie Posts: 236
    I have a big problem with this too. My tactic lately is just to tell myself NO food after dinner! I made sure to eat a good dinner, and even a dessert, but after that, it's just water till bed. 9-11 is the hardest for me, but this week has been easier. I've been keeping this up for 3 weeks, so maybe a few more weeks and the habit will be broken.

    On the bright side, when I don't eat at night, I am much hungrier for breakfast, and I am not a good breakfast eater, so that's been helpful overall.

    9-11 seems to be the hardest for me too! I think I find water doesnt help because I already drink about a gallon of water a day. I was thinking maybe reduced sugar chocolate milk or propel zero for when I want something sweet... but sometimes drinking something doesnt help that urge to MUNCH lol I really need to work on this... I know part of weight loss is pyscholoogical... I need to train my brain not to need those snacks
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    I never get time to have a morning or afternoon snack, so I plan for a 200-250 calorie evening snack. A glass of wine and some cheese is my usual snack, but if I'm craving crunchy/salty...airpopped popcorn, crispy minis rice cakes, vegetables/hummus, sunflower seeds, and if I'm craving something sweet frozen grapes or some dark chocolate mini chips. I try to choose snacks that I can pick at, makes them last longer and I tend to eat less (for example...I'll have a couple of tablespoons of grated cheese rather than a slice, chocolate chips rather than a bar) just be sure to measure/weigh them out and no going back for seconds :)
    I find a couple cups of herbal tea with my snack really helps to fill me up too.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i allow myself a snack in the evening, and work it into my calories.

    but often when i'm feeling like pigging out, i'll do some crunches (usually about 100 in sets of 25) and some push ups (i'm training myself to be able to do them, i started at 3, now i can do 14 in a row) and a few leg exercises on the floor. once i've done them, it gets my mind off the food.

    so for some unscheduled exercises, it's good, and to get my mind off of chocolate and other such delicacys it works as well.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Sugarfree pudding? That's my nightly snack. 60 calories, can't go wrong. I am gonna back spinach for "chips" also. Oh and freeze dried fruits are yummy.
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    i definately have this problem too. At the moment I do half a tin of lite tinned fruit (for about 50 cal) and a diet soda.
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    I get the orville redenbacher 100-cal single serving popcorns. They have regular and kettle corn, and its a LOT of popcorn for only 100 calories. Satisfies a craving for salty or sweet, and some crunch, without killing your calories for the day :)
  • MLouis1
    MLouis1 Posts: 108 Member
    I just started using MFP. I plan on an evening snack. I love oranges, so I always have one. I like the mini bags of popcorn. And I either have a sugar free fudge bar or a small amount of dark chocolate. I have really been trying to not bring anything into the house that I might eat if I go crazy at night. I'm good during the day. I have to have EVERYTHING planned. And I drink water.
  • MLouis1
    MLouis1 Posts: 108 Member
    I just started using MFP. I plan on an evening snack. I love oranges, so I always have one. I like the mini bags of popcorn. And I either have a sugar free fudge bar or a small amount of dark chocolate. I have really been trying to not bring anything into the house that I might eat if I go crazy at night. I'm good during the day. I have to have EVERYTHING planned. And I drink water.

    I have done this before, accidentally posted twice. Is there a way to delete one?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    this may sound EXTREMELY odd, but sometimes at night, mainly if i am super hungry and i am just in bed laying down, i start telling myself i ate pizza and fries, and hamburgers, and steaks and tacos, and, and, and..just randomly listing stuff, and it settles my brain into thinking i HAVE eaten all that stuff, and that i am not hungry anymore..

    I have the same habits as the original poster and have yet to find a way to consistently stop the snacking. But this idea (above) works for me sometimes. I think the sensation of eating is over soon enough anyway, I might as well just act as if I ate it, convince myself I enjoyed it and spare the calories. I think it sounds a little nuts and I also thought I was the only crazy out here doing that. It does work when I think to do it. :laugh:
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    I try to leave 100 - 200 calories for after dinner and usually have a handful of Animal crackers (13 = 100 calories) or 4 -5 cups air popped popcorn.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I love iced tea but drink water most of the day, so I'll have a big glass at night (decaf) with lots of ice and a tiny bit of sweetener and it seems like a treat! Over the years I've weaned myself off of sweetening my tea too much and now can drink it without any sweetener but I'll put a little in as a treat (used to put 2 Splendas in a big glass, now I put 3-4 Splendas into an entire pot of tea which makes me 5-6 large glasses of iced tea).