
ashiexx Posts: 7
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so i lost 5 and a half stone in total, but was told i looked to gaunt and thin,ive put half a stone back on but feel really upset by it but the weight i got down to was so hard to maintain.everyone says i look perfect now but i constantly obsess about my weight,
i go to the gym 3-4 times a week and walk 3 miles to work each day.
i stick within MFP 1200 calories a day but then i burn off usually around 800 at the gym but i still dont seem to be losing my stomach or thigh or arm fat :/ what am i doing wrong? x


  • OHJeepGirl
    OHJeepGirl Posts: 4 Member
    There are several things from the little bit of info in your post that may be contributing to the skinny fat syndrome you are experiencing. First, you are at the starvation level if you are only consuming 1200 cal per day. Your body will begin to store fat instead of dropping it. Your gym workouts, are they cardio or weight training? If it's just cardio, you are burning muscle off and not fat. Do some HIIT (high intensity interval training) which mixes load bearing excercises with cardio. Great exercise to burn fat and maintain muscle tone. The third thing that you need to look at is actually what you are consuming. You can watch your calories but if you are not losing fat (especially in the midsection) it is the makeup of what you eat. You need to consume foods that are as unprocessed as possible (they call it clean eating). If you look at those three areas and make a few changes, you should see the skinny fat go away.

    Good luck
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Also, set your MPF goals to "Maintain". It will adjust your calorie intake to maintain your current weight.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Hey no one is perfect so dont try for perfection. i think you look great, you have done a good job. Have you thought about bulking up a bit? it will tone and fill in the areas you are concerned about right now. And by bulking I just mean gaining some extra muscle not becoming the Hulk. You will need to adjust your diet habits though.
  • ashiexx
    ashiexx Posts: 7
    my diet is made up of only HEALTHY foods and i do body pump weight classes so this is where im getting confussed why am i not toning?do you guys think i need to eat more calories then? x
  • OHJeepGirl
    OHJeepGirl Posts: 4 Member
    If healthy foods are on the diet, then I suggest that you schedule a consult with a trainer who has a nutritition degree to determine what is going on and give you some direction on workouts and nutrition. I'm not busting on you but really take a look at your food choices. I have several friends that eat granola thinking it's a healthy choice but if you really look at what granola is, it is not healthy a healthy choice.

    It's a tough thing to figure out. I've spent the last three years dropping my BF% from 33% to 17%: it's a clean eat diet of about 2000 calories plus 8 hours of workouts in a week (3 weight lifting sessions using real weights and not "girly" stuff, 1 core, 2 HIIT and then as much static cardio as I can push into my gym time). Outside of this I participate in a lot of activities which include 5k obstacle course runs, biking and kayaking. What I have found that makes or breaks my midsection and ability to build muscle is my diet. I follow a 40/40/20 macro split of protein/carb/healthy fats in a clean diet. I limit refined sugar, no artificial sweetners, limit alcohol intake, no high fructose corn syrup and no hydrogenated fats of any kind. All of this plus I have a trainer I consult with on occassion who tells me if I'm retaining water, looking "thick" or right on target with what I'm doing just by a look and then backs it up with a BF% analysis.
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