best weightloss tips...whats yours?



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    EAT!! EAT!!! EAT!!!!

    Most people's diaries I actually look at are set very, very low for their desired actual weight loss!

    I disagree about not eating after 7pm...just make sure if you do, it's not sugary and full of carbs. Fiber, or protien based food is perfectly acceptable =D.

    What does that leave then lol?

    For the after 7pm part?

    Lean meat, cottage cheese...I mean, there's lots of stuff you can eat that is fiber or protien based =D. My point was don't go have an ice cream sandwich, slice of pie, bowl of sugary cereal...etc lol.
  • fpssr
    fpssr Posts: 2
    Fruit instead of snack cakes.
  • srb1990
    srb1990 Posts: 37
    EAT!! EAT!!! EAT!!!!

    Most people's diaries I actually look at are set very, very low for their desired actual weight loss!

    I disagree about not eating after 7pm...just make sure if you do, it's not sugary and full of carbs. Fiber, or protien based food is perfectly acceptable =D.

    What does that leave then lol?

    For the after 7pm part?

    Lean meat, cottage cheese...I mean, there's lots of stuff you can eat that is fiber or protien based =D. My point was don't go have an ice cream sandwich, slice of pie, bowl of sugary cereal...etc lol.

    hahaha i get ya lool thats why id rather not eat personally coz i know id be reaching for the sweet foods lol
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    My best weightloss tip: Focus on today. Tomorrow isn't promised.

    Plan for today. Be consistent today. Work on your inner you today.

    If you are blessed with a new day then start all over again...focus, be consistent and work on you. Also evaluate the day before and make revision to make today be better than yesterday.
  • Nottm1984
    Nottm1984 Posts: 55 Member
    Only eat when you're hungry (unless of course your job forces a certain lunch time on you - that meal yer kinda stuck with). I don't mean you should wait until you're STARVED - that's always a bad idea because we make bad judgements when in that mode. But don't eat based on emotions or habits or any of that. Before you put food in your face stop to think "Am I hungry?" I find that 80% of the time the answer is NO.

    You have to be careful with this.

    I eat every 3hrs (give or take), period...and I'm NEVER hungry...ever. Hunger is based on a lot of inputs from your body...any of which can be misunderstood by your brain, misinterpreted by you, or just flawed to begin with. People who have made a habit of never eating...overweight or not, have small stomachs (they shrink), people who always eat a lot...have large stomachs. Those two people can weigh exactly the same with the same bodyfat. Who will be hungry first? Who will be full first?

    Hunger can be a trap for people, either to eat too much, or not to eat enough. Better to plan your meals and eat what you know your body needs, hungry or not. If you feel stuffed, work yourself up to eating the proper amount per meal over the course of a week or two...but most CERTAINLY eat, whether you're hungry or not.

    Additionally, I find I make healthier food choices, and consume smaller portions when I eat before I actually feel the need for food. The same with drinking...if I keep myself sated with water, I never feel the craving for a pepsi (also, when I'm not hydrated...I want SWEETS!!!).

    Hope that helps!


    That's really helpful advice, I see so many people on here not reaching their calorie goal for the day and staying under it on purpose. MFP works out your calorie deficit and then gives you your allowance-stick to it if you want to see long lasting results. I know it's going to take a good while to lose all that I want to lose, but I'm taking it 1lb per week at a time-it took ages for me to put on this weight, so I can't see how you can go from one extreme to the next and ultimately stay healthy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Exercise, avoid any non-vegetable food that's white, exercise, eat as many natural foods as possible, EXERCISE!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yikes. I'm not even home by 7pm. My drop dead time is 10pm (which is probably too late)

    There is no truth to the myth that eating late or just before bedtime will inhibit weight loss. I eat most of my calories at dinner and never eat before 8 p.m. and sometimes much later. I've dropped 2 sizes since January. However if you eat dinner early I think it is a good rule to prevent snacking after dinner.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Take your time...Trial and Error...Walk...Drink Water...Don't bite off more than you can chew (pun intended)....
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