Does anyone here have Fibromyalgia?



  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    mummoid wrote: »
    Thanks ladies I will be looking into it. Have to get a referral to a rheumatologist, but have to get past the local Dr's to get one. Going to a whole new Dr's practice so hoping things will be different this time. My blood test showed was that I had mono in the past but that has not been followed up on. Here in Australia we seem to be very much behind what you have in the States.

    Request to have your ANA levels checked. That is what my PCP did, and when it showed I had elevated levels, I got the referral to a rheumatologist for further testing.
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited April 2017
    I realize that this is a resurrected old thread...but wanted to add my two cents.

    I was diagnosed about 3 years ago with Fibro. They say it isn't hereditary, but my mom and my sister have both been diagnosed with it as well.

    I am not currently on any meds, however I was on Lyrica for a brief time, specifically for the Fibro symptoms. Hated it! I would get hot flashes, I wasn't sleeping well, and it made me gain weight (which would be fine except the extra weight wasn't good for my joints and fibro aches and pains).

    I used to hate it when people told me this, but I really do find that exercise helps me. Like many posters above, I started off small. Just walking in the neighbourhood. I gradually did a bit of running and found it hard on the body, but stuck with it to finish Couch to 5K. I try to stick to intermediate programs right now and find that a good combo of cardio and lifting helps balance it out so that I don't get too much strain on the joints.

    Since flare-ups happen for me no matter what, I find that I really needed to keep my food in check. Those are the times I turn to yoga or tai chi, focus more on the stretching and healing my body, rather than burning calories. Just really have to watch the food intake. I'm working hard to make sure that a flare-up does not automatically lead to weight gain.

    Friend requests from other Fibro Warriors welcome!
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    Gimsteinn1 wrote: »

    Did not know this!!! You're amazing!

    I have fibro as well and don't talk about it much or use it as an excuse but it definitely affects me. I'm in the midst of a flare up right now and it's hindering my workouts, but the best thing for me is to keep moving. I have struggled with listening to my body and not pushing too hard, because I'll pay for it later. It's frustrating when you know what you want to accomplish but your body fights you.

    Exercise has allowed me to not take any kind of meds like I used to. No anti depressants or anti anxiety meds, no pain meds unless it's a bad flare up and then I just take some ibuprofen.
  • SarahFromWalthamForest
    I have fibromyalgia, I don't take any medication for it, and can only manage walking as exercise, at the moment.

    Anyone can friend me if they want.
  • gypsybunny72
    gypsybunny72 Posts: 2 Member
    I got diagnosed with it about 2 years ago and notice I have bad flare ups during bad anxiety or stress, whenever I've been really active the day before, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all (the most common nowadays). It's hard for me to exercise which is NOT helping me to lose this darn weight. I'm on Lyrica 2x a day and it does help somewhat, but there are still days when it's so bad I stay in bed or in my recliner for the majority of the day. Add in I homeschool my 9 year old son and am a f/t SAHM and feel guilty when I have a bad flare up.