If you think you're in starvation mode...



  • flutterqueen04
    Haha! Yay! I love "self proclaimed" experts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:

    PS: I've read every Taste of Home magazine in the last few years....does this make me a certified chef?! Oh I'm excited cuz I honestly can't cook that well but hey I READ the magazines! Woot woot!! :drinker:
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Haha! Yay! I love "self proclaimed" experts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:

    PS: I've read every Taste of Home magazine in the last few years....does this make me a certified chef?! Oh I'm excited cuz I honestly can't cook that well but hey I READ the magazines! Woot woot!! :drinker:

    Yep, it does, if reading makes you an expert, I should be an expert in numerous fields then!! Congrats, when are you going to open your restaurant????

    ANYONe can write a book, doesn't make them an expert or knowledgeable in the field. . .there's an oft quoted book in my one hobby(dog breeding) which was written by someone who did not have any sort of degree in genetics, yet people think it's written in gold. . .
  • flutterqueen04
    I will open my restaurant after I find someone else that has read a book or two on architecture and has made a bird house in boy scouts, you know, need an expert in that field. Don't want the building to fall then I'll have to find me a lawyer that has watched every episode of Law and Order!
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I will open my restaurant after I find someone else that has read a book or two on architecture and has made a bird house in boy scouts, you know, need an expert in that field. Don't want the building to fall then I'll have to find me a lawyer that has watched every episode of Law and Order!

    ROFLMOAH!!! I'm thinking of going back to school to become a CSI, guess I don't have to, since i've watched every episode of CSI & NCIS????
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    Low calories plus lifting weights over the last 3 months has transformed my body. Some days, with workouts, I'm way under my 1200 net calories that seems to be the magic number. I have never really seen the effects of starvation mode. Everyone is different though.

    All I can say is weight lifting and low caloric intake would be my recommendation for anyone. I've lost weight consistently with little to no cardio. To prove the point that those with muscle burn more calories -- I went on vacation for 8 days. I drank and ate whatever I wanted every day. Before leaving I was 195 (my lowest weight in years). I went to the gym for about 80 minutes, weighed myself the next morning, and was 195.

    I'd rather be under than over on calories each day. Lifting weights will prevent muscle loss. Cardio just a couple times a week with keep you healthy. Thats the recipe for success.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Would suggest that people do their own research and consult a doctor if your that concerned

    yep, and not listen to someone who prides himself from self learning with nothing to back it up. . .

    Come on people, quit posting stuff that could cause people to hurt themselves.

    Nothing to back up? MOst of these theories come from body building, results are the back up. Despite what any dr or any scientific research says. Come on people, stop posting stuff that will leave people in a rut and prevent them from thinking for themselves. Don't let Dr's or Scientist think for you, think for yourself. COME ON PEOPLE. -rolls eyes-

    well, since you've not posted ANYTHING giving us real credentials, WTHshould anybody listen to you? If someone is in a rut, they should talk to a certified specialist, their doctor, not listen to quacks on this board.

    As I stayed, Most of my theories are based off ori hofmeklers methods. Go look at his pictures and look him up on youtube. There is your evidence, 6% bodyfat, speaks more than any scientific studies that counteract it. Look at RESULTS not studies. As I have said before many scientific studies have been dis-proven over time. This is about starvation mode. Does a person who goes under bypass surgery consume under 1000 calories a day yes? DO they gain fat ? NO. There is your study. It's called using your brain and thinking for yourself. Being a leader not a follower. Once again, "do people who go under gastric bypass surgery go under 1000 calories a day? YES do they gain fat? no. This is against the "RANDOM THEORY" of starvation mode. If some people can't see the evidence in this, and need a "scientific study" to tell them "starvation mode doesn't cause people to store body fat" then i am sorry, you have a small brain.

    Since you mention talking to a dr, I am glad you went to your dr.before trying anything, what did he tell you, i am curious??
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Low calories plus lifting weights over the last 3 months has transformed my body. Some days, with workouts, I'm way under my 1200 net calories that seems to be the magic number. I have never really seen the effects of starvation mode. Everyone is different though.

    All I can say is weight lifting and low caloric intake would be my recommendation for anyone. I've lost weight consistently with little to no cardio. To prove the point that those with muscle burn more calories -- I went on vacation for 8 days. I drank and ate whatever I wanted every day. Before leaving I was 195 (my lowest weight in years). I went to the gym for about 80 minutes, weighed myself the next morning, and was 195.

    I'd rather be under than over on calories each day. Lifting weights will prevent muscle loss. Cardio just a couple times a week with keep you healthy. Thats the recipe for success.

    THANK YOU KONG. He speaks form "EXPERIENCE" not from "SCIENTIFIC STUDIES" I guess this makes me right. and makes all those people with the "awards" wrong.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that starvation and the bodies defensive "starvation mode" were two different things...

    You are correct. His post is comparing two different topics and stating them as one.

    Starvation is the clinical definition he used above. Starvation mode is brought upon when starvation has gone into effect and been present or a predetermined time by the body. "Starvation Mode" is when the body wants to hold onto all the nutrients it has because the caloric intake is too low for the energy expenditure, so to overcome that expenditure it starts to ration off muscle over fat. The reasons for this is because it is easier for the body to break down muscle versus fat and also fat is stored energy and your body only wants to use that energy in worst case scenarios.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Since you mention talking to a dr, I am glad you went to your dr.before trying anything, what did he tell you, i am curious??

    to excercise, eat healthy, and don't overdo the bad knee. She was very happy with my success and hoped to see even more, doing it RIGHT.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Since you mention talking to a dr, I am glad you went to your dr.before trying anything, what did he tell you, i am curious??

    to excercise, eat healthy, and don't overdo the bad knee. She was very happy with my success and hoped to see even more, doing it RIGHT.

    "eat healthy" is what?
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Sorry accidently double-posted
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Would suggest that people do their own research and consult a doctor if your that concerned

    yep, and not listen to someone who prides himself from self learning with nothing to back it up. . .

    Come on people, quit posting stuff that could cause people to hurt themselves.

  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I am not starting anything, but wikipedia is not always a reliable resource. In my studies, our professors made it clear that we were not allowed to use any references from Wiki. Anyone can go on that site and add in things. You definition is correct in terms of starvation, but a little different in terms of starvation mode. There are difference and simularities as you and others have pointed out.

    However, I do agree that starvation and starvation mode gets thrown around on this site a lot! "Eat your work out calories or you will go in starvation mode"...."you must always eat 1200 or more or you will go into starvation mode"...etc. I think people take it to literally. Starvation mode takes awhile to form, it is not something that happens from one day below 1200 calories or from not eat 200 calories from working out (just examples). It is not going to happen instantly.
    If a persons weight does not change in a week, they automatically assume they are in starvation mode. There are other internal and external factors that could be the reason (i.e., stress, irregularity, time of the month, water retention...etc). Weight loss takes time and work. Finding what is best to help you lose weight healthy should be a persons goal. Yes it is a great day when the scale drops a pound; however, in the long run eating healthy and exercising will benefit your body more.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Would suggest that people do their own research and consult a doctor if your that concerned

    yep, and not listen to someone who prides himself from self learning with nothing to back it up. . .

    Come on people, quit posting stuff that could cause people to hurt themselves.

    Nothing to back up? MOst of these theories come from body building, results are the back up. Despite what any dr or any scientific research says. Come on people, stop posting stuff that will leave people in a rut and prevent them from thinking for themselves. Don't let Dr's or Scientist think for you, think for yourself. COME ON PEOPLE. -rolls eyes-

    **Rolls eyes** Every time I see you post it is to preach and then you get angry when people challenge you. You would think you would learn. Thats good that you have researched, ill pat you on the back for being super smart and able to research something. Stop having your usual temper tantrums all over the forums. Im going to stop opening your posts...
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    My opinions on starvation mode aside.....

    Starvation and Starvation Mode are two unrelated subjects. Such as Cat and Cat Burglar are two unrelated subjects. Pretty sure Cat Burgling has little to do with cats, despite the use of the word.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Haha! Yay! I love "self proclaimed" experts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:

    PS: I've read every Taste of Home magazine in the last few years....does this make me a certified chef?! Oh I'm excited cuz I honestly can't cook that well but hey I READ the magazines! Woot woot!! :drinker:

    I am a majoring in computer science and chemistry. I learned more about computer science on my own, compared to school. Just because you have a credential, doesn't mean your competent. I bet you there are some people who are self educated who can cook better than some professional chefs. Honestly, last semester i took the most advanced class in computer science provided at my university. That's a subject I didn't know. All the other subjects, I knew them, and I can promise you I am a better programmer than anyone who is in any of my classes. Because I am pretty much self taught. The dean of our university of the computer science and mathematics, him and i don't get a long to well. I point out the errors in the code of a PhD doctor who teaches at Berkeley during the summer. I am not trying to be braggy or anything, just stating a point, here's my point, WHAT THE HELL DOES A DEGREE HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?

    The original topic was about starvation mode. Does it exist. Since you want medical/scientific evidence. Here it is...
    that talks about fasting in morbidly obese people, 7% of people kept their weight off, that has nothing to do with the method of weight loss. It was due to dietary habits.
    Fasting is a lot more extreme then the supposed "12000 calories a day diet" The weight was lost, and can stay off, if you have good eating habits.

    This one states "what i am doing" is healthy and improves your health, and makes you resistant to disease. I didn't need a "medical journal" to tell me this. Because I have a brain and I can use it.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    This one states "what i am doing" is healthy and improves your health, and makes you resistant to disease. I didn't need a "medical journal" to tell me this. Because I have a brain and I can use it.

    Sorry, but everyone has a brain and can use it. .doesn't make you special. .

    These boards are dangerous, with people like the above spouting off stuff that someone who doesn't know better may take as gospel and endanger themselves.

    If you can't see that, well, enuff said
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    This one states "what i am doing" is healthy and improves your health, and makes you resistant to disease. I didn't need a "medical journal" to tell me this. Because I have a brain and I can use it.

    Sorry, but everyone has a brain and can use it. .doesn't make you special. .

    These boards are dangerous, with people like the above spouting off stuff that someone who doesn't know better may take as gospel and endanger themselves.

    If you can't see that, well, enuff said

    Not sure if you're talking about dieting in general, or the starvation mode thing. There's really nothing to say about the starvation mode. If you're talking about what i said about how i structure my diet. I have never advised anyone to do it. I wouldn't do that. Not once have i said the standard rule of thumb doesn't work. I can see the dangers in it, and people can jump to conclusions, and try their own thing.
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