

  • amyb74
    amyb74 Posts: 10
    I was up up .6 yesterday and was so upset. But today...down 1.4. Just be patient. I know it is really hard!!
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    Same thing happened to me increased my exercise and GAINED 5lbs in a week !! Thought WTF I'm gonna quit exercising weighed myself the next day lost 4 lbs. Has to be water weight. Go figure I had a handful of potato chips the day before I weighed could that have done it? Ya right!
  • hahahollylol
    hahahollylol Posts: 160 Member
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Well I spoke with my trainer and she said to not weigh myself so much. LOL!
    She said that I'll have my ups and downs and to just keep going the way that I am.
    I wished I could relax about it. Sigh...I'm just going to have to.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    Totally could be a pound of muscle mass, especially if you've been getting into more strength training during the week. Remember muscle weighs more than fat, so it's completely possible to gain during a week. Doesn't mean what you're doing isn't working. I say try out the same routine for another week, with the muscle you've gained you'll be able to burn more during your cardio workouts and produce more weight loss. I guarantee you'll see results next week with healthy foods and exercise! Don't fret, happens to all of us! (I had gained 2lbs before and freaked out! >.<)

    muscle does not weigh more than fat!!! a pound is a pound. Its more likely water weight, when you start a new workout routine its often, your body holds on to extra water to help repair your muscles. It should start going down in no time. :)
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    I'm so glad i saw this! I've gained 2lb in the past week (according to my scale) which left me severely disappointed after doing Jillian Michaels banish fat boost metabolism every day and eating about 1100 calories. It's funny though, last week i took 3 days off exercising and lost 2lb in those 3 days. I'm hoping it's just water weight. Going to weigh myself again Monday morning and hopefully I should either be back where I was or lighter. The key is to just not give up!
  • bigcoon103
    bigcoon103 Posts: 30
    It true, you just started give yourself a break. Your body will react soon and start to drop or you maybe lose inches. As long as you feel good and have energy keep it going. Need more time, don't give in, have you favorite food but in moderation and as part of your calorie intake. It is a life style change we are making here, not a one time deal, right?