Risky Diet in the News

Just thought I would share an article on the HCG DIET....



  • Ibe_Theninja
    Thanks for the info!!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I knew there was a reason I thought Dr Oz was a nut.
  • ♥♥YoungMrs♥♥
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I know there are many HCG fans on MFP so I may receive some retaliation here but 500 calories a day is just plain unhealthy. The hormone restricts hunger, whether through the placebo effect or actual, so you do not mind the minimal caloric intake but how can anyone think this is good for their bodies?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Just thought I would share an article on the HCG DIET....


    Stop with this.

    First of all, it is not a fad. This is a plan put together by a doctor back in the 1950's and there is logical science behind it.

    STOP with bashing what others are doing to help themselves lose weight and be healthier. JUST STOP ALREADY!!!

    No matter what plan a person is doing, we should be encouraging and supporting one another. This bashing has got to stop.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I know there are many HCG fans on MFP so I may receive some retaliation here but 500 calories a day is just plain unhealthy. The hormone restricts hunger, whether through the placebo effect or actual, so you do not mind the minimal caloric intake but how can anyone think this is good for their bodies?

    Your body is burning fat so your actually consuming anywhere from 2,000 - 4,000 extra calories per day. That is not unhealthy.
  • rngreen
    rngreen Posts: 16 Member
    I just hope that persons wanting to start this at least speak with their health care provider before starting it on their own.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member

    This article states that using HCG for weight loss is not approved by the FDA. Seems like a good enough reason to stay away from this fad.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I kinda have to laugh that people doing such crazy calorie restriction is attributing their weight loss to HCG rather then the fact they aren't eating. God, what a rip off.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Just thought I would share an article on the HCG DIET....


    Stop with this.

    First of all, it is not a fad. This is a plan put together by a doctor back in the 1950's and there is logical science behind it.

    STOP with bashing what others are doing to help themselves lose weight and be healthier. JUST STOP ALREADY!!!

    No matter what plan a person is doing, we should be encouraging and supporting one another. This bashing has got to stop.

    I wouldn't consider this "bashing" OR being unsupporting of others efforts. Just simply trying to inform ppl of BOTH sides. I've considered this diet many times but am just not real sure of the all the risks (SINCE THERE ARE RISKS WITH EVERY...THAT'S RIGHT EVERY...DIET!) The problem is when ppl just don't want to hear BOTH sides. If you are an HCG dieter and it's worked for you and you have had no health issues from it then GREAT! But not everyone responds the same way and depending on their own situations they may not be ready for something like this...health wise.

    Bottom line is, there is research supporting BOTH sides of this diet....both Pro and Con....so quit being so touchy. There wasn't even a comment....just simply a link. Where's the bashing?
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    i do what i want. I dont agree with it....you do. its OBVIOUS the only thing thats going to work for a HEALTHY LiFeStyLe is a healthy diet and exercise routine. what is normal about giving yourself a shot everyday to lose weight? do it the right way and I bet your overall health will be much better. thats what the body intended. and to the person that said it isnt appeoved by the FDA...EXACTLY.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I kinda have to laugh that people doing such crazy calorie restriction is attributing their weight loss to HCG rather then the fact they aren't eating. God, what a rip off.

    very true
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I knew even before I opened this it was going to be about HCG. I know this article won't deter the "diehard" HCG fans here, but I hope it will deter someone that is thinking about it. I really hope it will open the eyes of people that are taking the non-injected stuff as it's essentially a placebo.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    I did it and dropped 23 pounds in 4 weeks, still have about 20 to go but I'm doing that with help from this site. The FDA doesn't approve a lot of things and thats because it really doesnt have your best interest at heart, the FDA wants you to be fat, the government makes a lot more money if we are unhealthy. I wasn't hungry when using the HCG cuz it was burning calories that were already left over in my body so it was as if I was consuming 2000 calories a day. Don't trust the government, or most doctors for that matter, they don't really care about you they care about money.

    Without the HCG just doing 500 calories your body goes into starvation mode and you will only lose maybe a few pounds but you trash your body doing that.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Just thought I would share an article on the HCG DIET....


    Stop with this.

    First of all, it is not a fad. This is a plan put together by a doctor back in the 1950's and there is logical science behind it.

    STOP with bashing what others are doing to help themselves lose weight and be healthier. JUST STOP ALREADY!!!

    No matter what plan a person is doing, we should be encouraging and supporting one another. This bashing has got to stop.

    That was not 'bashing'. The OP posted an article that people can read and draw their own conclusions.

    And I for one do not believe that it is necessary to 'support' people 'no matter what plan'. If people are subscribing to a plan with potential risks to their health, we should be able to respectfully discuss those risks.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I did it and dropped 23 pounds in 4 weeks, still have about 20 to go but I'm doing that with help from this site. The FDA doesn't approve a lot of things and thats because it really doesnt have your best interest at heart, the FDA wants you to be fat, the government makes a lot more money if we are unhealthy. I wasn't hungry when using the HCG cuz it was burning calories that were already left over in my body so it was as if I was consuming 2000 calories a day. Don't trust the government, or most doctors for that matter, they don't really care about you they care about money.

    Without the HCG just doing 500 calories your body goes into starvation mode and you will only lose maybe a few pounds but you trash your body doing that.

    congrats on your success. my worry here is this, do you plan on doing this FOREVER? i mean, you cant...can you? what is going to happen when someone stops this and then has to eat real calories like we are supposed to? are you only going to be hungry for 500 calories a day and continually lose weight and hurt your body? is it a training thing and starting all over from step one and learning real healthy foods to consume?...if so, then why nort just start there to begin with? i dont know. this just sounds like a detour to me. i guess in my opinion i would just rather start with a 1200 calorie diet and lose weight slowly and the healthy way. to each their own i suppose.
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    My aunt was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer after being given multiple rounds of the HCG injections over the last year. I feel bad for her and her family, but, when you mess with hormones, the results can never be good... Sure she, lost a bunch of weight SUPER fast. But, was it worth cancer? I think not. I'll stick to good old calorie counting. After all, it took me years to gain the weight, I'd be stupid to think there was a miracle diet that would make me lose it all in a few months.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I did it and dropped 23 pounds in 4 weeks, still have about 20 to go but I'm doing that with help from this site. The FDA doesn't approve a lot of things and thats because it really doesnt have your best interest at heart, the FDA wants you to be fat, the government makes a lot more money if we are unhealthy. I wasn't hungry when using the HCG cuz it was burning calories that were already left over in my body so it was as if I was consuming 2000 calories a day. Don't trust the government, or most doctors for that matter, they don't really care about you they care about money.

    Without the HCG just doing 500 calories your body goes into starvation mode and you will only lose maybe a few pounds but you trash your body doing that.

    Can you walk me through the logical steps in which the government makes a lot more money from an unhealthy populace?
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    No it wasn't a forever thing, just for those 4 weeks to kick start everything, I was very hungry when I stopped it but I also have hypothyroidism and it threw that off so that's why it was hard, this website has made it easy though to just eat 1200 calories and be full. I don't plan on doing it again as long as I can continue to lose with this site. I took the oral hcg not the injections which apparently is better healthwise, as far as I understand. I was having too much trouble losing weight because of my thyroid and I needed to try something, diet wasn't working well. Now that i've lost a lot though I have a lot more motivation to make sure I reach my goals.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    The more we eat the more taxes they can collect AND we have to go to the doctor a LOT more for all these problems all linked to obesity, and then the doctors don't really do anything to help you just give you prescriptions that most of the time we don't need if we just changed our diets. The healthcare industry makes a lot of money on people not being informed. If we are all healthy, they can't make any money. Give us medicine that tears up our bodies and they can guarantee their salaries.