Any women have breast reduction surgery?



  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I had reduction surgery back in 2006. It was 100% the best decision that I have ever made.

    I thought about if for A LONG time and it was not just a quick conclusion based on how my clothing fit. I had major back problems and horrible posture all due to the girls. You have to prove that it is medically neccasary for the reduction. For me this meant I had to have medical history in my file pointing to the problem. My doctor also had to write a letter to the insuracne company recomending that I have the procedure done. I was lucky enough to have it covered and wend from a size DDD to a comfortable C. I will never ever look back.

    It was a extremely painful healing process that took much longer than I had anticaped. My stiches came appart and it was a huge and very painful mess. (This does happen quite often). I have major scars from the surgery as well. In the end, I still believe it was worth it.

    GOOD luck with your journey.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I also have basically no sensation in my nipples... And I will be unable to breastfead my children. If I decide to have any... haha... Thought that I would add that.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Awesome responses keep on coming in! Some of the recovery issues are definitely something to think about, as well as sensation, but I already don't have much anyway (weird).

    So to update, I think they have gotten a little smaller since I first posted this, as I'm now down about 35 pounds. I have another 25 or so to go. I think the "smaller" is just the band size though, although the actual girls themselves are looking a little deflated and sad, haha.

    I'm very glad to hear, though, that most of you are pleased with the decision, even with some problems encountered. I think I will finish losing what I can, and see where I am at then. =)
  • casceona2003
    Yes, I just had a breast reduction and beside the soreness, and so far so good!
  • casceona2003
    ? On last week I had a breast reduction and was a size 50FFF. I haven't been to my post op appointment yet to see how much I lost or my new size? My concern is that my nipples had to be removed and want be corrected for 6 weeks. So do you think that it's safe for me to return back to work/school etc before my nipples are replaced.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had a reduction in 2008...went from a DDD (was an F when I was pregnant!) to a C decision I ever made! No more back/neck aches saving me a ton of money at the Chiropractor! I have minimal scarring but still have the stretch marks but obviously they are going to be perfect! I was SUPER perky the 1st yr but have dropped some but am still not as big or saggy as I was! I used to have cleavage wearing a turtleneck!! lol! Find a good plastic surgeon who has been doing it at least 15-20 yrs and make sure you look at some examples of their doc had 2 whole binders full of before and afters which put me at ease since this was my 1st surgery ever! My insurance covered it all thanks to my chiropractor's letter and 20 pages of doctors notes! I would do it again if I had to!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had a reduction in 2008...went from a DDD (was an F when I was pregnant!) to a C decision I ever made! No more back/neck aches saving me a ton of money at the Chiropractor! I have minimal scarring but still have the stretch marks but obviously they are going to be perfect! I was SUPER perky the 1st yr but have dropped some but am still not as big or saggy as I was! I used to have cleavage wearing a turtleneck!! lol! Find a good plastic surgeon who has been doing it at least 15-20 yrs and make sure you look at some examples of their doc had 2 whole binders full of before and afters which put me at ease since this was my 1st surgery ever! My insurance covered it all thanks to my chiropractor's letter and 20 pages of doctors notes! I would do it again if I had to!

    Oh ya...and they took off 6lbs of boob that was a plus!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Here's another OBGYN told me to wait until I was done having kids as they would get big again and I would not be able to breastfeed....(my oldest was 2 yrs old at the time) I had my second baby 6 months ago and boobs went back to normal and I actually leaked more breastmilk afterwards 2nd time around then 1st so breastfeeding might have been possible! Also I have more feeling in my nipples then before which is weird cuz most say they have lost feeling. Sorry TMI but the dr made my nipples smaller and they look a gagillion times better!
  • misty1208
    misty1208 Posts: 90
    I had a reduction 3 months ago. I went from a G to a C cup and i love it. However I did have a bad reaction to the internal stitches and it caused some healing problems. I still dont regret the decision at all! Good luck with whatever you choose. If you have any questions feel free to message me. :)