What books are you reading that are not 'health' related.



  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I have a nook and LOVE it!
    On the nook I am reading:
    Decision Points By George W. Bush
    The Stand By Stephen King (have read the paper version 6 times; unabridged)
    Strangers By Dean Koontz (have read the paper version 5 times)

    Paper books:
    The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch (Just finished, have tissues near by!)
    The Sword Of Shannara By Terry Brooks

    Yes, I am reading 5 books at once, drives my husband batty...lol Note: Two of the books I have read several times and just love them! Have to say I am also re-reading the last Harry Potter before the last movie comes out.
    Hey...Did you know that you can rent book from the library through your nook? I just started! I love that you don't have to pay!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Ted Dekker-When heaven weeps....great book!
  • Sistasarita
    Sistasarita Posts: 39 Member
    What a great topic. I just started a summer book club with some of my girlfriends. We are scheduled to read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

    Currently reading - Men Are Like Fish: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Catching A Man. (super long title)

    Currently listening to - The Now Habit at Work by Dr. Neil Fiore

    I love audiobooks.

    Happy reading, Chika. =]
  • DerGraf
    DerGraf Posts: 40 Member
    Chemical Cowboys. It's about a friend of mine. lmao!
  • Otterheart
    Currently reading (off and on) Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest", meteorology (yeah almost done with it), "Manifesting Change" by Mike Dooley,
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I have a nook, and I love the Sookie Stackhouse series!

    Even though I can't get it on my nook, Harry Potter is and always will be my favorite series of books.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm about halfway through The Passage, by Justin Cronin.


    You might like it, as it's got some sci-fi, dystopian future.
  • newsarahd
    newsarahd Posts: 15
    The Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz, re-reading my favorites Tuesdays With Morrie by MItch Albom and The Giver by Lois Lowry. I also have cracked open The Count Of Monte Cristo and Tipping The Velvet. For a good belly laugh (though I hate to give him money) I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell.

    Huge fan of the Odd Thomas series! I also love anything by Christopher Moore.

    Just the name is interesting. Can you tell me what The Odd Thomas series is about?
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    Oh wow, i didn't think i would get that many responses, but wow....AWESOME. I have to load my kindle up. You guys/gals gave me some great idea and i will check them out. Right now i have to start with the "the girl with the dragon tattoo" by Steig Larsson, I saw the movies and loved them and now i want to read all the books, 3 of the.

    Thanks Eveyone ;0)

    I read those books before watching the first movie. They are an excellent read. I just finished reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein on my Kindle and bought "The Land of Painted Caves" by Jean M. Auel. It's the final book in her Earth's Children series (Clan of the Cave Bear, etc.) and I have been waiting for a very long time for her to finish it. I can't wait to have some free time to start in on it.

    Just got finished The Land of the Painted Caves, was a wonderful book as were the others in the series. Guess I'll have to go back and reread them all now.....lol
  • Robyn405
    Robyn405 Posts: 48
    I just read Charlaine Harris's New book in the "trueblood" "sookie stackhouse" series. LOVE. Also, on the ipad, there is a series that starts with " tha mating" thats really great, and FREE.
  • Robyn405
    Robyn405 Posts: 48
    EEEEK. reading it now, about 200 pages in. Nothin like waiting most of my teenage/adult life for a new Jean M Auel Book! I read them all when i was 12, nothin like a 10 year wait!
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series I think by JK Rowling. Vampires, Sex, Action, Heartwarming, Good vs. Evil. I don't normally like vampire books, but these were awesome I think I read all 8-9 in 2 weeks. Love them. Also anything by Nicolas Sparks. Jealous of your Kindle :)
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Oh I just finished an excellent psychological thrilled called "The Doctor's Wife". It was very enthralling and I finished it in two days. It is not a typcial, fun summer read but very captivating and a quick read for me. I just started "The Summer We Fell Apart" which is also pretty good. It is about a dysfunctional family from the perspective of the four siblings. I am about a quarter into but I have enjoyed it so far. I love a good book so I am looking foward to browsing the rest of the posts to get ideas as well! :smile:
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I am currently reading I, Elizabeth: A Novel by Rosalind Miles. It is about Queen Elizabeth I. As historical fiction goes it is pretty good. I would love a Kindle, but I get most of my books from the Library or from Paper Back Swap. I read too much to buy actual books, and I am not sure that a Kindle would work for me cost wise either.
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Hey Chika- I have a kindle as well and the first thing I did was look up the classics, i.e. Moby ****, Pride and Prejudice, anything by Emily ****enson. They are free! Also there is a blogger who posts free books everyday, look up free kindle books, he lists contemporary authors if you don't care for the classics.
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    just finished Breathless, by Dean Koontz. i love anything of his. this book in particular was as addictive as the others, and i did enjoy it, but the plot was a bit weird! not a bad weird, just a bit confusing weird, that the ending didnt fully make clear. ive also read The Good Guy, The Husband, Velocity and The Taking. all very good =)
  • kmmille385
    kmmille385 Posts: 11 Member
    Shannon by Frank Delaney... and tons of school related articles, haha :)
  • jlzrdking
    jlzrdking Posts: 501 Member
    I am about to finish "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest"

    I really have enjoyed the whole Girl with a Dragon Tattoo series
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Reading Deal Breaker by Harlan Coben right now.

    Went to the Used Book store and bouht about 6 Harlan Coben books.