Quick Poll - How much did u lose last week?



  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    1. How much did you lose? ---- 4 pounds

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance?
    yes. I ate 1200-1500 per day

    3. Did u exercise?
    yes. I walked about 5-8 miles per day

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories?
    Only if I was hungry
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    This week I got very serious. I was traveling a lot for work and this week was buckle down week for me.

    1. How much did you lose?
    I lost 2.8 lbs -- I've only recorded 2 lbs.

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance?
    If you include exercise calories, yes I was under the net allowance by a lot.

    3. Did u exercise?
    Yes a lot (for me) I did at least an hour of exercise every day and 2 hours on some days. Some exercise was walking quickly.

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? I ate some of them some of the time.

    I do need to eat more -- I think I am saving calories for dinner and then don't eat as much as I plan to eat at dinner.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    1. How much did you lose? plus 3 pounds

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? yep

    3. Did u exercise? yep

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? not all

    5. : (
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    1. How much did you lose? approx 3lbs

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? under

    3. Did u exercise? yes..

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? very rarely. i am unsure how many exercise calories i should eat.
  • bluemax87
    bluemax87 Posts: 71
    1. How much did you lose? I Gained 3.2 lbs.

    2. Were you under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? Yes, by a couple thousand.

    3. Did you exercise? Yes. I do 45-60 minutes of weight training followed by 60 minutes of cardio 5-6 days weekly

    4. Did you eat your exercise calories back? No. I was almost always 100-200 under my calorie intake, and my exercise calories normally added up to 500+ and my recovery meal is only around 450 calories...

    Typically, my weight fluctuates a pound or two a day. This week was pretty steady every day, till Friday and Saturday. Friday I went up a pound and then Saturday, when I actually RECORD my weight, I was up another 1.2 lbs... I have a feeling I know what I'm doing wrong, though, and plan on fixing it because I want to hit 185 well before new years...
  • kiwi_tobi
    kiwi_tobi Posts: 23 Member
    Here are my answers:

    1. How much did you lose? -1.8kg

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? - Yes by 378 cals for the week! I had Dennys and Thai Food this weekend! (shame on me) and average day is 1672 cals!

    3. Did u exercise? - Yes 7, 1 hour sessions in 6 days! Burning on average +600 cals a session

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? - No and I never have.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks Guys - I'm bumping this to see if there is anyone this morning that wants to contribute and then I'll post an analysis of the answers to see if there is any trends!
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    1. How much did you lose? -1.5lbs

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? - I don't know. Probably not. I stay very close to my recommended calorie intake every day except for saturday (my cheat day). On Saturday I eat the same as every other day for breakfast and lunch, but I eat pretty much whatever I want for dinner and dessert.. and drink alcohol.

    3. Did u exercise? -Yes, I ran 5 days. did 30ds 2 days

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? -yes, always.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    1. How much did you lose? 1 kg

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? by 75 :laugh:

    3. Did u exercise? Like a woman posessed...

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories NO! Never, Im always under.....
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Last time of bumping!!!
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    1. How much did you lose? 6lbs

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? dead on

    3. Did u exercise? yes

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? some days
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    1. How much did you lose? 1.3kg (2.86lb) Usually not this much..

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? Yes by 121cal

    3. Did u exercise? Yes - Weekly Total / Goal 278 / 200 1835 / 1130

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? Oh yes!
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    Where can you find the exact number for your weekly calorie allowance? I'm just assuming I'm under lol I don't know the exact number though.
  • Mommyof3texans
    1. How much did you lose? 2.2 lbs (Kind of a fluke this week...typically I'm around .6 lb loss a week)

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? A mix of of over and under, I try to be as close to net as possible

    3. Did u exercise? Yes, I run every other day doing C25K

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? Yes, most of them if not all.
  • tsmith6569
    tsmith6569 Posts: 63
    1. How much did you lose? - 2 lbs

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? - Yes

    3. Did u exercise? - Yes

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? - Yes
  • lovebeinGIGI
    lovebeinGIGI Posts: 72 Member
    1. How much did you lose? 3.5lbs

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? Yes

    3. Did u exercise? No

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? N/A
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    1. How much did you lose? .4 pounds ( this has been how much I lose per wk no matter what I do.

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? Yes

    3. Did u exercise? Yes

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? Mostly
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Here are my answers:

    1. How much did you lose? - 3.4 lbs

    2. Where u under your net WEEKLY calorie allowance? - Yes

    3. Did u exercise? - Yes

    4. Did u eat your exercise calories? - No
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Where can you find the exact number for your weekly calorie allowance? I'm just assuming I'm under lol I don't know the exact number though.

    Check your goals.....I think its there:))