Ladies: Workout, Cravings, & Weight Gain on your PERIOD?



  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm on my period now and I've been sooooo lazy all week - making lots of excuses not to work out and more time spend lazing around the house (like what I'm doing at this exact moment instead of going to yoga:blushing:). I've had food cravings but surprisingly have not given in to them (yay me!). The biggest bummer was gaining back the 2 pounds I had lost last week. Boo!
    I'd like to add a question to this topic: My period was a week late this cycle when normally you could set your watch to it (bad analogy?), and I assume this was because of my recent weight loss. Has anyone else been late because of exercising?

    I am also on TOM right now. Its the second one since starting my new lifestyle.. my cycles used to be 32 to 38 days apart and this one was 3 freakin weeks apart... WTH.. I am also having longer symptoms. Been bloated for over a week.. lovely
  • jannapurna
    jannapurna Posts: 49 Member
    I am also on TOM right now. Its the second one since starting my new lifestyle.. my cycles used to be 32 to 38 days apart and this one was 3 freakin weeks apart... WTH.. I am also having longer symptoms. Been bloated for over a week.. lovely

    So yours are getting shorter?!? It's so strange that our bodies would react in completely opposite ways. My symptoms and cramps have actually decreased...but I'm still bi**hy as hell. :grumble:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I used to be the same way during my TOM and honestly, the one thing that has helped is going on Birth Control. The one that my doc gave me, took away the cramps, heavy bleeding and the general sluggish feelings.. I'd look into it if I was you.
  • goldenraisin214
    goldenraisin214 Posts: 7 Member
    ok, so this is pms week for me, and i am sitting here plotting on getting some ice cream and/or chocolate after i leave work! :devil: anyway, i wonder if any of you ladies have asked your doctors about fibroids? some of the severe symptoms (cramping, heavy bleeding) can be due to these lovely little growths in/on/around the uterus. i had surgery back in december to remove 2 of those suckers (the size of an orange and a grapefruit--doctor left in 2 that were the size of grapes--hoping they don't get any bigger), and although i didn't really think i was having heavy periods before, they lightened up considerably after the surgery...just wanted to share...
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi there-

    A couple of days before my period starts I always notice huge water weight gain, like 8 pounds! I usually start cramping, get food cravings for salty or chocolaty things. I get lazy and my lower back just hurts and let's not forget the migraines!!! However, since I have been working out consistently for a week now, I have noticed less bloating, no cramping or back pain and no migraines. I get frustrated since all the hard work I've been doing is not showing up on the scale, but decided to put that evil thing away until after my period is done. Hopefully at that time I will have a pleasant suprise!!! SO all in all, I think exercise does help with monthly symptoms.
  • I was wondering about this also, every month at that time I gain 2-3 lbs then have to work for a week to take it off to get back to my pre period weight. Very frustrating to me!!!!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I say suck it up and exercise. I used to have very heavy, not able to leave the house periods. In October of 08 I got a uterine ablation. Best move I ever made. If you aren't done having kids it's not for you, but if you are, it is a godsend. I had hoped that it would alos alleviate the mood swings and overeating and bloating but it hasn't. they are all less than they were but still there. What isn't there is the flow. I haven't bought any tampons or pads since I had the outpatient procedure. But before I had the ablation I worked out even though I felt like crap. It does help you feel somewhat better and if you are like I was you are eating over calories during those days and keeping up the workout will help combat some of the damage.
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    I just started my TOM last night and it's been hell. I've always had heavy periods that are completed with horrible cramps. Most months the cramping is so bad I feel nauseous the entire time and sometimes I've actually gotten sick because of it. Exercising has never helped me much with the pain or anything. I don't normally crave anything (Except sometimes I'll crave a greasy cheeseburger) and I can barely eat while I'm on my period. Which isn't any better than over indulging.
    I'm going to try, again, to exercise during my period but it's going to be very light exercise. (Aerobics stepping or walking) I hope this will help this time and help me stay on track with losing weight. If it doesn't help this month though, I will be taking a few days off from my exercise regimen to relax during these heavy days.
    I say you should try to exercise through it at least once. But if it doesn't work, then don't continue. You know your body more than anyone else.
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Mine has been really heavy, and Ive had it wake me up in the middle of the night because of cramps. I get really cranky though, it's bad, it's so not fun to be around me. I'm still on my TOM how long does water weight gain last for everyone? I didn't gain or lose anything so far while on it.
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    I have my period every three months due to birth control but halfway through my second pack of pills I started having a full-blown period. It definitely tested my resolve to exercise and stay on track but I managed to do it. I felt very unmotivated but once I started exercising I felt better both physically and mentally =)
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