Summer Challenge Memorial Day to Labor Day



  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm so thankful you have helped me get back on track. I hit my 10% loss goal Saturday and I'm so excited!!!!

    I need to do my measurements still but here is this weeks weigh in.

    Weight: 212.5!!!

    I'm down almost 10lbs since memorial day!

    Hope you have a great Monday!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Weight: 257.8 lbs

    Still holding steady! My Mom's funeral was today. It was lovely. Now I'm on my way back to OK from Chicago.
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Weight: 257.8 lbs

    Still holding steady! My Mom's funeral was today. It was lovely. Now I'm on my way back to OK from Chicago.

    I'm happy to see you are holding strong! And I would like to offer my sincere condolances. I'm glad her funeral was lovely.
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Its Monday......and the scale puts me at 211.2. I'm so HAPPY. I can't wait to get to onederland! I hope you had success.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Lost some...I'm 257.2
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Its Tuesday, cardio challenge time. If you have access to a gym this will be easier, if not it can still be done.
    10 min fast walk
    10 min bike
    10 min elliptical.
  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    Down 2 more pounds....209!!!