Do you get prettier with weight loss?



  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    haha i actually think i look prettier now that im 60+lbs lighter. Was looking through some of my old pics and was like wtf? my eyes are brighter, hair is healthier, teeth are whiter (now that im not eating all that processed colored stuff), my figure is better, my skin is clearer., and you can actually see my dimples on my cheeks without being distracted by my double chin. So ya, i believe it :)
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I think I did LOL....

    My face structure is more defined... :blushing:
  • I look in the mirror and see bright eyes, clear skin, glossy hair and a big smile. So yes i think that is more attractive then my previous look. You may not notice it but to me I feel completley different. so yes to me it is a confidence thing.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i think it is helping me...>.< my face is becoming less square and more "oval" (I basically have no prominent cheek bones so the fat kinda goes down to the sides or something)...

    although I see what you are saying...i always felt sad that there are those girls who look gorgeous even when they are overweight...>.<

    but its helping for me...i think. >.<

    Good luck :D
  • To many people confidence is attractive. So to me that is why there are "more beautiful" heavy women and "more humble" thin women out there. If a heavy woman believes she is beautiful and carries herself as if she is beautiful, most people will see her as beautiful. The more humble woman may not feel attractive so she doesn't carry herself with confidence. If losing weight makes you more confident then you likely will be seen as more attractive.

    I agree! I was overweight, then I was underweight, and I can honestly say I didn't feel pretty at either size because I was so self-conscious. Now, while I am not completely happy about my size, I am much more confident, and I think it shows. It's all about attitude.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I look a bit older I think. But I'm 100% more confident which I wouldn't trade for the world!
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Not that there aren't beautiful people in all sizes, but I always think fitness is attractive. I feel prettier in a certain weight range because when I am, I am in proportion, my clothes fit well and I have only one chin. :)
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Yes, I do get prettier with weight loss :smokin: I think the reasons why are many. I feel better about myself so I tend to groom myself a bit more, take more time with my hair, dress a bit better, etc. I look younger without such a fat face. Diet and exercise helps my skin look better and healthier so therefore it's more pretty. Seriously, my skin is fabulous; I've been told on more than a few occassions that I glow now.
  • jimmacdonald
    jimmacdonald Posts: 93 Member
    I feel more youthful. My wife is looking wonderful she has lost 70 lbs.

    She looked great big smiles when she bought a size 10 jeans.

    I feel great in size 32 jeans not 42's and small/medium pullovers not 2xx (because of my shoulders grin)

    Now to take here shopping for a pretty dress that makes her feel girlly.

    So wonderful for us to feel healthy, fit, not fat.

    I dont shy away from booths when going out to eat.

    It is a lifestyle change not a diet.

  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Not necessarily, some people look nicer with plumper faces I think! It depends on the person :) I definitely agree that it makes the majority of people look younger though!

    I mean, confidence is what's attractive, and yadda yadda yadda, but if you're talking just in one picture, facial beauty alone? I'm prettier with 10-20 extra lbs than I am without them. Not worth having, though! I'm not pretty enough one way or the other, that it would impact my life, so it's worth being slightly less pretty and enjoying my health, not to mention having a nicer body. LOL That sounds bad, but it's true!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I thought I looked "ok" when I was overweight but when I look back...eeeks, not so much! I think, for most people, you have more self confidence which does wonders for the appearance. Also, most people lose it with diet and exercise and when you are eating right and working out, you tend to look younger and have a healthy glow. I'm still not at my ultimate goal but I've definitely changed in appearance, and I like to think for the better! (I just posted before and after pictures today in the "success" forum which shows how much my appearance has changed!

    This!! I thought I was pretty hot before I lost weight. I just FEEL so much better. I felt sexy for the first time in my life this week. My behavior changed accordingly. I think I'm much more attractive now.
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