Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • run_momma_run
    run_momma_run Posts: 319
    Thanks for the help! You're right - 16 lbs in 11 weeks would be wonderful!!
  • soonskinny01
    WOW!!! I have been reading some of the post, here. And I mest say.... YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! I get such motivation when I read everyone's success story. I want to thank you guys for helping me in my journey and i will do the same for you!
  • vanessadcampanelli
    anytime thats what we are all here for to receive and provide motivation and tips to a healthy succesfull journey
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    Thanks for the help! You're right - 16 lbs in 11 weeks would be wonderful!!

    its possible i have lost 20lbs in 11 weeks
  • vanessadcampanelli
    yes it is! takes a lot of work and motivation plus will power but u can do it!
  • mrswifey2008
    I definitely need to be a part of this group. I weigh 264 right now. I"m told that I should weigh between 120-145. (The last time I saw a number even close to that was in elementary school!) My first mini goal is to get back to my wedding weight of 230. Not sure how long I should give myself to get there. I think doing the 100lb journey in 30lb increments will be best. It's a daunting thing to see that you've only lost X of 100.

    And right now I'm stuck with only being able to walk until my doctor releases me for activity. I had a hysterectomy on the 18th so I was told no lifting or exercise. Bah. Other than an occasional pain at one of my incision sites I'm rearing to go and do something! This sitting on the couch is driving me bananas!!
  • ronniesgirl1982
    I'm in! I need to lose 40lb so that I can be put on the list for fertility treatment. :)
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    ah see you girls have made me think i need to make some goals! hmm going to have to think about that!
    so interesting to see peoples reasons for losing weight..so so glad i am not alone in this battle!
  • ronniesgirl1982
    ah see you girls have made me think i need to make some goals! hmm going to have to think about that!
    so interesting to see peoples reasons for losing weight..so so glad i am not alone in this battle!

    I'm so glad I found this place there are so many people in the same position and I no longer feel I have to hide away :)
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 276 Member
    Count me in, I still have 80 pounds to lose :)
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Ok so I weighed today and I only lost 1lb. A loss is a loss. I also realized that I am not turning to food like I used to. I am a recovering emotional eater. I have had some major issues happening in my life the last 2 weeks and instead of turning to food for comfort, I turned to the gym. I got frustrated and stressed and instead of sleeping or eating I went and did 2 zumba classes, pushed out a mile and a half on the treadmill and to top it off did some ab work. I feel like me overcoming my emotional eating is an even bigger accomplishment than the scale number. I am figuring this out from the inside out and wow it feels good. I have been remembering to park further away, to take stairs instead of elevators, playing with my doggie more, and laughing more. all of those burn extra calories that I cant really track. I am proud of me. I hope you all have a great memorial day.

    Happy Losing,
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Lelliebugh, sorry to hear you've been having a hard time, but well done in throwing yourself into exercising. I understand emotional eating too. I eat to celebrate, commiserate, boredom . Any reason really. I also have a husband who loves food as much as me! my addiction Now is coming on here and logging my diary. Love those progress graphs!
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Mrswifey it's obviously important to follow your doctors orders, last thing you'll want are wounds not healing. Walking is great for you anyway and maybe the doctor could allow you a gentle swim in a week or so, that burns loads of calories. Some walking and healthy eating is a good start, don't feel deflated.
  • vanessadcampanelli
    dont worry lellie i too didnt loose much been at it for 2 weeks only lost 1.4lbs:( but its a loss and not a gain:) thats how i look at it:)
  • marylouise86
    marylouise86 Posts: 43 Member
    emotional eater over here too!! well done on overcoming that! like the others have said a loss is a loss! :)

    i have been lurking about on this site for most of the day reading up tips and hints etc seeing people photos and the changes! cant wait to be that person who is posting photos of the changes!
  • debdonc105
    debdonc105 Posts: 4
    I am so with you all!!! I thought I could do this alone, but I need all the encouragement I can get! I need to lose about 50 pounds!! Not an easy feat! I have been walking the treadmill 5 days a week for about 30minutes. I'm just starting out, so I'm only going 3 mph at some inclines. Having a lot of anxiety but I know this will help!
  • mobaypop
    mobaypop Posts: 15
    I'm in. I want to say farewell to at least 65lbs
  • Scheherazadea
    I'm also in. This is my first time trying to lose weight since I gained it all so quickly. I hope to lose at least 50 lbs! Good luck to everyone. I know it will be hard, but it will be well worth it in the end!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I am slap BANG in the middle of this category! With 50 pounds to lose! Hoopla!
  • Skinny625
    Skinny625 Posts: 79 Member
    I am also in. I have been struggling with my weight all my life. I have about a 100 pounds to lose. I think finally got that
    wake up call about two weeks ago. That it is no longer a diet , it is a way of life. Then my husband just found out that
    he is type 1 Diabetes about a week ago. And he is determined to be off the insulin in a couple of months. So basically
    we both got a wake up call.
    I figured I would sign up on my fitness pal for a little motivation and ideas for losing weight. I am also an emotional eater. In the
    last couple weeks my train of thought has totally changed.
    "Believe it and you can Achieve it"