Zumba Does it work????



  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I second the it works when you do it !

    however you wont think you are working out doing it !
  • mynewself
    mynewself Posts: 22
    i do zumba 3-4 days a wk and it is awesome! i actually tried a different 30 min. ab class today and felt like i wanted more after it was over because of how much i workout with zumba. if u love to dance, this is for sure u!
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I love Zumba. I have taken classes and I do the wii Zumba. It's fun and you burn a lot of calories. I would recommend it if you like to dance.
  • SkinnyDevi
    SkinnyDevi Posts: 92 Member

    I can't say whether it works or not but I can tell you that it's fun and it gets you moving...and sweating! I've been to several live classes and I tend to like the classes that include a mix of different kinds of music rather than just latin. I'm a big girl so some of the moves are difficult for me to do but overall, I find that I can keep up and time flies! I try to do it at least once a week but I may bump it up to twice a week. Give it a try...I hope you like it!:smile: