Summer challenge for mommies!



  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    Count me in too! I could so use the extra motivation. I've lost my focus lately and the scale has been slowly creeping back up. I was just thinking the weekend that if I focused myself for the next 3 months I could drop 15-20lbs and be so much happier with myself.
    My current weight is 173.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    bump. I'll add in my weight and measurements later after I've been to the gym.

    Assuming I find my tape measure.....
  • Poniesarepretty
    Poniesarepretty Posts: 77 Member
    Is it ok if I join? I am a mom of two, a 4yr old and 9 mo. old little one. I started with WW but their new system didn't work for me, I am SO happy I found MFP.

    SW: 198
    Goal: 165
    Current Weight: 196
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    My Infant Support Group isn't very supportive. DD woke up early from a nap so I got her, changed her and was set on finishing my workout routine. I was doing Sumo Burpies from Chalean Extreme and she was laughing her butt off at me. At least I made her laugh.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Too late to join? I am a mom of 4. I need to find full time employment in the fall so I am hoping to lost at least 20 before I get a job. If it's okay to join I'll post my measurements today. I'm in bed ill and can't reach them! :sick:
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm in as well. I just started on this site, and have lost 1.5 Ibs so far! My Husband works out of state so iam basically a siingle mother of 2 kids. My daughter is 7, and my son is 1. I have struggled with my weight all of my life, including my 8 years in the Air Force. I lost 45 Ibs on a deployment, and once I came back I slowly gained it all back. I just started running again a few months ago, and I love it all over again. I ran my first 5k in 3 years in April, and my second last weekend. I also love to hike, so between running, and hiking I think I should be able lose atleast 15 Ibs by the end of the summer!

    SW: 187
    CW: 185.5
    Goal: 146
  • nelsonab
    nelsonab Posts: 34 Member
    I would love to join as well. I am a working mom of 4 kids. My oldest is starting college in the fall and the youngest just turned 2. I too have shut off the baby factory and it's time to shed this weight that dates back to my first pregnancy 18 years ago. I started at 267 over 2 years ago, lost 40 pounds and then got pregnant again. I had to lose most of that 40 again. I am currently at 215, but I have really fallen off my program the last month or so and need some motivation to get back. Feel free to add me as a friend as I don't have many on MFP.


    SW - 215
    Measurements - I'll post later.
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    My Infant Support Group isn't very supportive. DD woke up early from a nap so I got her, changed her and was set on finishing my workout routine. I was doing Sumo Burpies from Chalean Extreme and she was laughing her butt off at me. At least I made her laugh.
    Awesome! My kids always exercise with me when I do my Wii fit they think it is fun and also funny to watch especially the hulla hooping! But it is fun!
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    Is it ok if I join? I am a mom of two, a 4yr old and 9 mo. old little one. I started with WW but their new system didn't work for me, I am SO happy I found MFP.

    SW: 198
    Goal: 165
    Current Weight: 196
    Yes just post your starts. I didnt like the new WW either. So welcome and good luck!
  • cdubois319
    Starting weight 175, unsure of measurements.

    Does anyone have any good Wii game suggestions? I work out during my lunch at the gym, but would like to work out during the weekends doing more than just the regular Wii fit game.
  • breezyroo
    breezyroo Posts: 3
    I would love to join as well!! I am a mom of 3 (6,4, & 2) I have atleast 50lbs to loose and would love some support and motivation!!

    My current weight is 198.5
    waist is 35.5
    hips are 45.5
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    :happy: OK here are the starting weights I have so far. I will put a smiley beside of you if you added the measurement info! I will post everyones measurements later. :happy:

    adalton6- 228.6
    mykismitty- 155.8 :smile:
    fatKisses- 268.6 :smile:
    casey12105- 235
    kel_be- 218.8 :smile:
    Fayegill- 168 :smile:
    melnem- 195.8
    jwhwmwcw- 165 :smile:
    smalltowngirl504- 148
    cdubois319- 175
    andrea2011ka- 173
    poniesarepretty- 196
    cklbrown- 152
    nelsonab- 215
    breezyroo- 195.5
    If your weight is not listed and you still want to do this with us please post your starting weights and measurements if you'd like. I will post measurements later. And if you have no done so add me as a friend if I have not added you! :happy:
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    OK this is now closed. Thanks everyone! :happy:
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I weigh 152 lbs as of yesterday (was sick this morning, but not enough to lose any weight!)
    My hips measure 40 inches.
    My waist is 33 inches
  • FlatCreekChic
    FlatCreekChic Posts: 5 Member
    SW- 185
    GW- 120
    CW- 151.5
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    How was everyone's weekend?
    DH decided he wants to do 2 half marathons next year so we need to start training now. We are going to start C25K this coming weekend.
  • Jreneewright
    too late to join in on this?? twenty pounds by sept. sounds great!! could use all the support i can get!
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    too late to join in on this?? twenty pounds by sept. sounds great!! could use all the support i can get!
    yes. Just put your starting weight!
  • Jreneewright
    ok.. let me weigh myself first thing in the morning!! ill post it in the morning when i get to work..
  • Jreneewright
    starting weight 252 :-) thanks! lets make that number smaller now!! lol