OT: Advice for a migraine sufferer..if you please!



  • I must admit, I did something not so completely honest with the topamax. I metabolize drugs rather quickly. Because of this, I could take an entire day's dose in the evening with no adverse effects. This way a "month's supply" could actually last two months. I believe I had reached 200 mg doses before I got pregnant.

    I've taken it twice...once back when I was 18 and then again last year. Last year I was really really over medicated...at one point I was taking max doses of Effexor, Wellbutrin, Geodon, Seroquel, Topamax and Vistaril...and I kept complaining to my psych that I was crying constantly and just so depressed and instead of taking me off some of them...she kept adding more or increasing the doses. :grumble:
  • Do you have health insurance? Maybe you could get a script for Topamax...it's a good medicine (as in effective.) but it has some side effects...the good side effect is that it completely kills your appetite...bad side effect is that it makes it difficult to concentrate. I have taken it in the past for weight loss and as a mood stabilizer.

    I tried to take Topamax for a month because I have headaches on a daily basis. I will have a migraine at least 1 time a month. While taking the Topamax, I had periods of time that I have no clue what I was doing or where I was. Including driving to or from work. I would start to drive home and know what I was doing and then the next thing I knew I was in parking my car in the driveway. I could not concentrate and was exhausted all the time. So if you decide to have the doctor prescribe this for you, make sure that you have time off from work and have someone to watch your children. I understand that the side effects will eventually go away after you have been on it for a couple of months, but this was not a medication for me.

    Good luck!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Another migraine sufferer here. :grumble: Mine have gotten a LOT better in the last 2 years, mainly through diet & exercise. I found my triggers which are aspartame (gave up Diet Coke, and watch the other foods that might have *hidden* aspartame), MSG, high fructose corn syrup, PMS, and stress. I've been fortunate and have only been getting 1 migraine a month now, typically the day before my period starts. (darn hormones!)

    Also... when I do feel it coming on, I take an Imitrex immediately and try to take a nap if at all possible. Also, laying down in the bathtub w/ a washcloth on my head helps (my Mom's trick). My Mom is also a migraine sufferer and she has been on Topomax for the last couple years. Bananas are also a migraine trigger for her.

    Keep a food diary (MFP is great!) and try to see if there's anything you can pinpoint. Exercise helps too. Drink plenty of water and try to eat in regular intervals. I'm more prone to headaches if I go too long between meals.

    Good luck, migraines are NO fun!!

  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    BTW the drug i recomended is mersindol....i know you wouldnt want to get any over the counter drug just by name if you dont know whats in it.... so i figured maybe i should give you that info too :ohwell:

    Actetominophen which we all know as tylenol....
    Codine (thats that part that knocks me flat on my hiney lol)
    doxylamine succonate... which is an antihistamine

    I also know that if you go to the hospital they will give you bennadryl to help with a migraine.... that helps too.....

    as far as pressure points that were recomended by another poster I SOOOO WISH those worked for me lol i have tried them before with no avail:grumble:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My oldest son suffers from migraines - to the point he vommits just when sitting up. When I was in the chiropractic office for an adjustment one day I was telling my chiropractor that I was so tired because I had been in the ER the night before with my son who had been on DAY 3 of a super-intense migraine . He looked at me and said "BRING HIM IN". He said that's the very reason he went into practice as a chiropractor - because he used to have HORRIBLE migraines and it was the only thing that helped him. My son has been migraine-free for the last 14 months. An occasional "regular" headache is the que I need to make him another appointment for an adjustment. It also has worked for another friend of mine who has seen the results in my son. I'm not saying it's a cure-all for everybody but it's DEFINITELy worth trying!
    Hmmm, that is interesting! I never even thought about that. I might try it out! Couldn't hurt! I have lower back issues sometimes so I could get that checked out as well! Thanks!!

    I too go to a chiro for the same reason and have been mostly migraine free since starting treatment
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    BTW the drug i recomended is mersindol....i know you wouldnt want to get any over the counter drug just by name if you dont know whats in it.... so i figured maybe i should give you that info too :ohwell:

    Actetominophen which we all know as tylenol....
    Codine (thats that part that knocks me flat on my hiney lol)
    doxylamine succonate... which is an antihistamine

    I also know that if you go to the hospital they will give you bennadryl to help with a migraine.... that helps too.....

    as far as pressure points that were recomended by another poster I SOOOO WISH those worked for me lol i have tried them before with no avail:grumble:

    are you in canada? Nothing with Codiene is sold OTC in the states. My friend used to bring me back 222's from canada.
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    yeah im in canada.... geeze sucks to be you guys LOL ....

    why dont they sell codine over the counter?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    yeah im in canada.... geeze sucks to be you guys LOL ....

    why dont they sell codine over the counter?

    haha you! I think it is in the same realm as percocet and other pain killers.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    My oldest son suffers from migraines - to the point he vommits just when sitting up. When I was in the chiropractic office for an adjustment one day I was telling my chiropractor that I was so tired because I had been in the ER the night before with my son who had been on DAY 3 of a super-intense migraine . He looked at me and said "BRING HIM IN". He said that's the very reason he went into practice as a chiropractor - because he used to have HORRIBLE migraines and it was the only thing that helped him. My son has been migraine-free for the last 14 months. An occasional "regular" headache is the que I need to make him another appointment for an adjustment. It also has worked for another friend of mine who has seen the results in my son. I'm not saying it's a cure-all for everybody but it's DEFINITELy worth trying!
    Hmmm, that is interesting! I never even thought about that. I might try it out! Couldn't hurt! I have lower back issues sometimes so I could get that checked out as well! Thanks!!

    I too go to a chiro for the same reason and have been mostly migraine free since starting treatment
    Ok..you guys have convinced me! I am checking the yellow pages for a chiropracto:smile: r now!!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I just made a DR. appointment for tomorrow. I will make a chiropractor as well. I am just a little worried. I get migraines but they usually go away. Since Saturday, I have felt a constant pressure on the forward crown part of my head. Maybe it's a different kind of headache..but I am not used to this pressure staying like this.

    Has anyone else experienced this??
  • My oldest son suffers from migraines - to the point he vommits just when sitting up. When I was in the chiropractic office for an adjustment one day I was telling my chiropractor that I was so tired because I had been in the ER the night before with my son who had been on DAY 3 of a super-intense migraine . He looked at me and said "BRING HIM IN". He said that's the very reason he went into practice as a chiropractor - because he used to have HORRIBLE migraines and it was the only thing that helped him. My son has been migraine-free for the last 14 months. An occasional "regular" headache is the que I need to make him another appointment for an adjustment. It also has worked for another friend of mine who has seen the results in my son. I'm not saying it's a cure-all for everybody but it's DEFINITELy worth trying!
    Hmmm, that is interesting! I never even thought about that. I might try it out! Couldn't hurt! I have lower back issues sometimes so I could get that checked out as well! Thanks!!

    yeah def do it tam!!
    i used to get migraines and after a few bad car accidents i stated seeing a chiro and after i was getting adjusted i didnt get them anymore

    and like she said...when you start getting headaces again its usually time for an adjustment!
  • oh and you know how they give you motrin800
    after having a baby....ive taken that for migraines a few times
    it worked too
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Do you have health insurance? Maybe you could get a script for Topamax...it's a good medicine (as in effective.) but it has some side effects...the good side effect is that it completely kills your appetite...bad side effect is that it makes it difficult to concentrate. I have taken it in the past for weight loss and as a mood stabilizer.

    Topomax pushed me over the edge. I mean I went certifiably loopy. I had mood swings of epic proportions, even losing it with my boss!:noway: I couldn't stop crying, and at the most inappropriate times! I was afraid I was going to curse out my boss and lose my job, so I quit taking it. I currently take Imitrex when I feel a migraine coming on. My migraines are triggered by too much sodium and changes in barometric pressure -- one trigger I can control, and the other is beyond my means.

    My advice though -- if you feel a migraine coming on, take something for it. Don't let it blow up on you.

    PS- I can't take Motrin either. After being on it a short period after a surgery last year, it caused a perforated ulcer (hole in my stomach). I take Tylenol for my milder migraines.
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I used to have weekly migraines. No more.
    Now they are rare.

    I read a book by Dr. John Sarno called Healing Back Pain. He also mentioned migraines and other ailments, and how he believes that these ailments are triggered by stress.
    When you stress, according to this doc-your brain communicates with your body and basically says "Let's cut the oxygen flow to this area. Then it'll hurt, but the pain's going to distract him/her from stress."

    People used to get ulcers frequently. Then someone found out that it was stress-related. Ulcers dropped, and according to this doctor it's because once it's revealed that stress causes something physical in the body, in most cases the ailment will change.

    I had crippling back pain until I read the book. The next day I could run around the block, and my back hasn't bothered me the same way since, only a light soreness.

    Mind over matter?
  • I just made a DR. appointment for tomorrow. I will make a chiropractor as well. I am just a little worried. I get migraines but they usually go away. Since Saturday, I have felt a constant pressure on the forward crown part of my head. Maybe it's a different kind of headache..but I am not used to this pressure staying like this.

    Has anyone else experienced this??

    I used to get migraines at least once a month, and I would get "regular" headaches about 2-3 times a week. I started going to the chiropractor because of lower back/hip issues and have not had a migraine since. I get headaches from time to time, but it's usually when I haven't been to get adjusted in a really long time. Hopefully this will work for you!

    If you don't have an aversion to taking meds to get rid of a migraine I'd suggest Midrin. The only downside I see for you with this medication is that it usually knocks me out immediately, and with your little one you may not be able to take something with that kind of side-effect.

    Good luck, and keep me posted! I'd love to hear if you find any other remedies, as trips to the chiropractor can get kind of expensive depending on insurance coverage!
  • Do you have health insurance? Maybe you could get a script for Topamax...it's a good medicine (as in effective.) but it has some side effects...the good side effect is that it completely kills your appetite...bad side effect is that it makes it difficult to concentrate. I have taken it in the past for weight loss and as a mood stabilizer.

    I think that I am the ONLY person on earth that didn't lose weight while taking Topamax. I'd heard so much about it before my doctor prescribed it, that I couldn't wait to take it and lose my appetite...let me tell you, that did NOT happen. I'm thinking that maybe it's because I didn't make it up to 100mg/day. My doctor started me at 25mg and I was supposed to increase by 25mg each week, but by the time I got to 75mg/day, I couldn't remember where I'd parked my car by the end of the day:laugh:
  • Topomax pushed me over the edge. I mean I went certifiably loopy. I had mood swings of epic proportions, even losing it with my boss!:noway: I couldn't stop crying, and at the most inappropriate times! I was afraid I was going to curse out my boss and lose my job, so I quit taking it.

    I had that same problem and I thought I was losing my mind. I was constantly picking fights with my boyfriend for absolutely no reason.

    I'm taking a pharmacology class now, and I've learned that it's probably because Topamax is also used for treatment of bipolar disorder. If you don't have bipolar disorder, it kind of "over corrects" and causes the bipolar like mood swings.
  • I get them so bad that I get sick. I've been getting them for about 20 years. They were horrible through my school days. About a year ago I started going to the Chiropractor and wow it is amazing how much it has helped. I've been really busy the past 4 months because I haven't been able to go, and I have had more migraines. It makes your whole body feel better, and I sleep better too.
  • alyfin
    alyfin Posts: 103
    Hi Tam -
    I have been having migraines for 14 years, and when I don't take care of myself I can have 2 a week. I also usually start with the feeling of tightness around the base of my head. I have found a lot of things that work.

    Exercise does usually help, but be careful not to push to hard. Generally walking or slow jogging and stretching help. Tai Chi really helps.

    As others have said a Chiropractor can help. However, they can also cause more pain. Find a reputable one, ask around and find out what their specialty is. I always find one who has training in treating neck pain and migraines. A bad chiropractor, or even one who is not experienced with migraines can actually make you worse and turn your week to hell.

    I don't really like prescription meds because they either make me sleep, or make my head foggy - while not taking away the pain. But, tylenol and ibuprofen will work sometimes. See what over the counters are safe to be taken together and mix and match until you find something that works.

    MASSAGE! If I get regular massages it helps relieve pre-migraine pain, and can help prevent it. There is also myofascial release. If you don't know what this is I highly recommend looking into it. Warning: It can make you worse for a month or two before you begin getting better.

    If you are getting them regularly think about preventative measures. Get plenty of regular sleep. Stay hydrated. Watch out for trigger foods. One of my triggers is sudden light changes. I can't watch movies in a completely dark room or it triggers a migraine - so look for weird things like that. Also watch your posture. If you are at a desk for a long time, hunching over the sink washing dishes, watching tv or reading with your neck tilted at a funny angle - any prolonged time in one position can really cause or increase that tightness at the base of the head.

    I am not a doctor - so double check. These are things that work for me - I'm sure so things are different for you. Just listen to what your body tells you. I have done a lot of reading on migraines, so if you have any more questions let me know.

    Good Luck and hope you feel better soon.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Topomax pushed me over the edge. I mean I went certifiably loopy. I had mood swings of epic proportions, even losing it with my boss!:noway: I couldn't stop crying, and at the most inappropriate times! I was afraid I was going to curse out my boss and lose my job, so I quit taking it.

    I had that same problem and I thought I was losing my mind. I was constantly picking fights with my boyfriend for absolutely no reason.

    I'm taking a pharmacology class now, and I've learned that it's probably because Topamax is also used for treatment of bipolar disorder. If you don't have bipolar disorder, it kind of "over corrects" and causes the bipolar like mood swings.

    THANKS FOR THAT INFO!! I'm so glad to know my reaction was "normal" and not way out of left field.
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