I'm so fustrated!



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary and here are my impressions:

    You should start tracking carbs. At a glance, it looks like you may be eating a lot of carbs.

    Those flavored coffee creamers will kill ya.

    Try to go easier on breakfast, and have more calories at lunch, it's good to have a steady stream of calories (energy) throughout the day.

    I know it's hard, but try to avoid eating frozen dinners. It looks like you're eating a lot of prepared, prepackaged food, and it's difficult to really know what's in them - calorie, chemical and nutrient-wise. You could substitute your 300 calorie Lean Cuisine with a homemade salad (2 cups lettuce, some fresh veggies, grilled or roasted chicken breast - or whatever you like) and have the same amount of calories, but be eating better food. Make it the night before so you can just grab it in the morning (advice I need to take myself!).

    Also, I know you have your trip coming up, but try not to beat yourself up if you haven't lost 50 lbs. by then. For having started only a month ago, to try to lose another 40 lbs. in the next two months - that's not likely to happen and you shouldn't set yourself up for failure. You'll get where you want to be! You're doing good things! :o)

    eta: it's also difficult to know the calorie/nutrient content of restaurant-prepared foods - the omelet you're eating at the mom & pop diner could be cooked in butter (BAM - ADD 50 CALORIES!), and like said earlier, you may be underestimating the amount you're eating. Seriously, I'd try to avoid all prepared, processed foods as much as humanly possible. It's the only way to truly know what you're eating.

    Well before it was because I was going from work straight to night school, but I have no excuse now...I jsut need to prep better. And I see what your saying about what's in the food vs what we know is in the food. Well, June just started so here's to a good month! **Deep Sigh** Man, it's so easy to put weight on and to darn difficult to take it off!!

    thanks about the vacation bit too, I knew I may have been biting off more than I could chew but wanted to give myself a challenge. As of right now- I'll be happy if i can loose a pant size by end of August!! :wink:
  • gray2405
    gray2405 Posts: 33 Member
    It is soooo easy to get frustrated! I am too right now!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I agree with everyone (yea thats a cop out)....mix it up, track EVERYTHING, drink water, smile (this has to burn calories...), more protien will help, but make sure you are eating a small snack before you lift (the body will eat the muscle if theres no carbs to burn first!)

    Personal testimony - (First off I am not a Beachbody coach....nor do I work for the company...and I don't buy their supplements)

    I had been an avid lifter for several years, but always quickly plateaued and never saw gains, so I totally get the frustration factor. I finally (and yes I'll saw finally), kicked in and bought P90X, this is a great program for mixing up the routine, and keeping your body challenged. I saw pretty good progress with this program, but wasn't seeing the gains I wanted.

    I am now a huge fan of Insanity....and let me tell you...I AM seeing the gains I want from doing this program. The interval training concepts as well as body weight resistance really fire up the metabolism. If you haven't looked into it, check out the website (or look up some of the videos on YouTube).

    Month one conditions your system...and no matter how 'in shape' you think you are....you learn in the first five mintues that you have much room for improvement. You will see some pretty good gains and feel your core tighten up pretty quickly.

    Month two...this is where it really kicks in.... (for eample today I did the Max Cardio conditioning...burned off 950 calories ...BEFORE Breakfast! :smile: ). The entire program is focused on cardio/interval, body resistance, and core strength

    I'm now almost finished with my second full round of Insantiy (looking to put back in a few days of resistance on the next circuit).

    I pack my own lunch to take to work every day so I know what im getting, I eat five times a day (every three hours), I cut out most sugar (I have a sweet tooth, so never gonna give it all up!), I measure my portions in the evening (the best I can).

    Bottom line...I've been able to reduce my body fat to athletic levels - currently at 9%, and I've lost the last annoying 8lbs that I couldnt seen to shake for months.

    Mind you ...Insanity is hard work....VERY hard work....but I have found it to be the best program I have done so far. I have quit my gym membership, and stopped using personal trainers. Couldnt be happier with my decision..

    Okay..that was a mouthful...Best of luck on reaching your goals!

    I've been seriously considering getting one of those workouts (beach body) but I have to sell my hubby on it first. Since we're on a family plan at the gym (and we got it at a discounted rate) and the trainer who we share (also at a discounted rate). So trying to find a happy medium between my wants and his is a bit of a challenge. like all males, he is losing it quite faster than I am and half the energy. But in all honesty IS twice as active as I am. So...

    Thanks for hte encouragement. I'm going to keep at the gym w/ the trainer until the contract expires. Maybe at that point we can sit down an re-evaluate.

    Thank you!!
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Losing a pants size by the end of August is DEFINITELY attainable! And a really good goal to have. I'm in between sizes now and have been for about a month, which is frustrating because I'm working really hard. BUT - I measured my chest a couple of days ago and I've lost two inches since the last time I measured! I guess I've been burning upper body fat and when I cycle back to lower body fat, I'll drop that pants size! Like other people have said, sometimes the scale doesn't move no matter how hard you're working and eating well, and then overnight you'll drop three pounds. It's weird!

    I know it's hard to plan everything out and sometimes you just can't do it. I think if you eat clean 80% of the time, you're going to get where you want to be!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    It is soooo easy to get frustrated! I am too right now!

    Hang in there!! I feel you pain, but we can do this together! We're not going to give up, we're going to review what we're doing, try to learn, get mad and work harder!!

    WE can do this! :explode:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Losing a pants size by the end of August is DEFINITELY attainable! And a really good goal to have. I'm in between sizes now and have been for about a month, which is frustrating because I'm working really hard. BUT - I measured my chest a couple of days ago and I've lost two inches since the last time I measured! I guess I've been burning upper body fat and when I cycle back to lower body fat, I'll drop that pants size!

    Eww...hate being in between sizes too!! I'm wtih ya on that one! Can't fit into one or another but can't buy anthing new either. BLAH! Stay strong- We'll help each other out!
  • djamador
    djamador Posts: 20 Member
    Also frustrated! The scale doesn't move and my clothes are still tight. My husband is my biggest cheerleader for support. He keeps saying to hang in there. I am trying! Maybe we can do it together. Add me as a friend for support.
  • gray2405
    gray2405 Posts: 33 Member