Postnatal - June 2011



  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I actually walked a mile yesterday! Yay "exercise". We went to the park but it had just rained so all we could do is walk the path vs letting the boy climb on the playground.

    yay for exercise, maybe you can work out at home some or get hubby to watch Gabriel so you can work out? I can't stand anything standing in my way of exercise now, funny how that works
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Ok ladies, this group is moving a bit slow, but what are your July goals? I started 30 ds on 7/1 and since I'll be doing more toning than cardio I don't think the scale will move the same. I have set my goal to about 6 lbs this month rather than my usual 8.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Don't have a # in mind, though I'd like to be back to my pre preg weight (10 lbs to go) by about early Sept at the latest. That's about a lb a week so I think I can do that.

    My goal though after I am cleared next week at my 6 week, is to get some sort of exercise routine back in. It's going to be super hard given my work schedule, the boy starting daily school, and not being able to use the childcare at the gym. I'm hoping that hubby will step up and watch the little one at least one evening a week (ie so I can go to spin class) but my hopes are not high for anything more than that, and no way he would wake up in the morning if I wanted to go to an early class or to swim or something. I am thinking if anything I should just add back in P90x abs a couple times a week. It's easy, 20 minutes, and doesn't take a lot of space. Maybe I'll try P90x again, but I dont have anywhere I can do the pull ups... I think if I do anything I need to find something short. or have hubby finally hook the Wii back up for me. I could probably swing 20 minutes a day. But it would have to be in the morning because hubby parks himself in front of the TV all afternoon / evening.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    what about 30 ds? it's only 25 minutes and ofcourse your least favorite thing, walking. just hold Gabriel in a carrier for extra burn.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    what about 30 ds? it's only 25 minutes and ofcourse your least favorite thing, walking. just hold Gabriel in a carrier for extra burn.

    Yeah, i thought I might have to take up walking (once it gets cooler!!). It is rather boring for me though. I have an iPhone now though so i suppose I can download some books on tape to keep me entertained. The dogs could use a good walk now and then too. they've become outside dogs since we've moved to a fenced yard and I am sure would love the attention.

    Walking is so weather dependent though, on top of not liking it to begin with - it's so hot and humid all summer (It's not too bad if i do it really early or really late, though buggy late), and rainy all fall and spring, and cold and wet all winter - remind me why I live in TN! :laugh:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    ??? weather is usually alright here in California, though the cost of living is ridiculous
  • Danielle_CSCL
    Danielle_CSCL Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies i had my second baby girl on the 15th of June and i am ready to get beck into shape i was wondering if i could join you?
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Hi ladies i had my second baby girl on the 15th of June and i am ready to get beck into shape i was wondering if i could join you?
