Protein for Breakfast



  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I try to get around 30g of protein in the morning. I eat a combination of:

    Breakfast sausage
    Whole Wheat english muffins with peanut butter
    Protein shakes
    Greek yogurt
    Zone Perfect bars
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Switch to Greek yogurt. I like the FAGE total 0% yogurt. Then add your own fruit ad toppings. Greek yogurt has more protein than regular and is really filling. I also love almond butter, dip fruit such a as apples into it. I add it to a protein shake.
  • lunatletica
    other options could be toast with lean cold meats ( turkey or chicken breast); toast with a almond butter (measure it because while a healthy option it has more calories that lean meats); high fiber cereal with a cup of milk and berries; fruit with cottage cheese; smoothie with almond milk, half banana, frozen berries, protein powder and some version of high fiber powder.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I eat a tuna melt. I use the starkist lite/low sodium tuna, half of a natures own sandwich thin and mozzerralla no skim/low moisture cheese and Mrs. Dash lime seasoning.

    170 calories, 25 grams of protein, 13 carbs
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Substitute Kashi Go Lean Crunch for your granola - many Kashi cereals are quite high in protien & fiber. Add a tablespoon of nuts - the good fat will help keep you full too.

    Oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in is great.

    I've never been a smoothie person - I guess I need to chew my breakfast
  • lauraleerotch
    I know you said you want to get away from yogurt but ... you can make a fruit smoothie with fresh spinach(can't taste the spinach). Google the fruits you like and choose the ones with the most protein. I would suggest to always put a banana in your smoothie, for some reason it always tastes better!
    I've had to learn to choose the healther way of EVERYTHING in order to stay the weight I'm happy at. If I can do it, so can you!!
    Have fun finding new healthy things that you like!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Bump! - Love to see more answers.

    I love eggs, but always interested in mixing it up. I'm feeling the need to invest in a blender...
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    I need to get some more protein in my diet...particularly at breakfast. I don't like eggs - can't stand the smell or texture. Any suggestions? Generally I eat low fat vanilla yogurt with low fat almond granola mixed in but I need to change things up a bit.

    All ideas (except eggs!) are appreciated. Thanks!

    Try this...

    Instead of vanilla yogurt get the plain, nonfat yogurt. Mix with your granola and some vanilla whey protein powder. It is really good.... Plus you'll up your protein and lower your fat intake.

    I usually put two scoops of whey in my yogurt no matter how much yogurt I have.
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    Oatmeal has some protein. Add some nuts to it....whole wheat toast with Peanut Butter...Kashi Go Lean cereal has a high amount of protein!
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    try greek yogurt. I eat Fage and it has 23g a serving. Chobani is good too and that has about 17g of protein per serving ( I but the large tubes and measure serving sizes out vs individual sizes). I add in blueberries for flavor or if I do not have fresh fruit I put in sugar free jams.
    Also original Kashi has a ton of protein in it. I eat Kashi go lean crunch and that has 9g of protein.
  • cspi587
    cspi587 Posts: 2
    I make protein pancakes. They are great for on the go and I make a batch at the beginning of the week and it is so easy.

    1 cup egg whites(500 g carton) -I usually double this recipe to make 16 pancakes.
    1 cup cottage cheese
    1 cup old fashioned oats
    2 mashed bananas
    cinnamon(I like LOTS of cinnamon!)

    This recipe makes 8 pancakes and they can be frozen but do lose some of their moisture.
    Mix and let stand for a day or so and then pour on well greased 9x13 jelly roll pan(this size pan if you are doubling-square pan if not). Bake for about 20-25 mins on 325 c. I usually put a tbsp. natural peanut butter on it and it keeps me full until my am snack. These are about 88 calories, 7 gr. protein(11 g. with the peanut butter) and only a couple grams of fat. I know the person who started the post doesn't like eggs but you can't even tell they are in there. I never get sick of this one!!!
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    You could incorporate cottage cheese (low fat or nonfat if you prefer). I will occasionaly eat cottage cheese with sliced fruit (pineapple, grapes, strawberries, etc...anything you like) for breakfast or a snack.
  • bob_t
    bob_t Posts: 12
    I eat Kashi as well. It's listed as: "Kashi - Go Lean (Naturally Sweetened Fiber Twigs, Soy Protein Grahams and Honey Puff), 1 Cup (52g/1.8 oz.) " in the food database. With a cup of skim milk...that's 21 grams of protein.

    This is a great discussion thread. Lots of great ideas for protien @ breakfast time.
  • cjnolt
    cjnolt Posts: 82 Member
    I also sometimes have 1/2 cup old fasioned oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder and some fruit.

    I also like 1 cup Kashi GoLean - it has 13 g protein - I use unsweetened almond milk or 1/2 cup stonyfield 0% plain yogurt with it.

    Almond Butter on multi grain cracker, toast etc...

    And smoothies are awesome - with a scoop of protein powder
  • MsTamzyK
    MsTamzyK Posts: 45
    Slim Fast - Slim Fast Creamy Milk Chocolate, 11 fl. oz. 10g of protein and 190 cals..I'm not a big milk person and never have time to cook breakfast...I just grab it and go!!! Hope this helps
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    Every day for breakfast I have a scoop of vanilla protein powder, a cup of OJ and a half of banana all blended together in my magic bullet with a handful of ice! It is soooo yummy! It's about 21 g protein and 27 or so of carbs.

    I have this too but I also add in a 1/2 c of frozen raspberries - very good