Daily Check In - June



  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Oops! Just realized I hadn't filled this in!
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? I actually did for the most part
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Got back to the weights
    What would I have done differently? A little less time wasted at the computer
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, take an hour walk and get lots done!
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) -1/6
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Over slightly
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? went for a 3 mile walk
    What would I have done differently? watch my calories, sodium and try not to have such a down day.... feeling better today... maybe it's the sun :bigsmile:
    What is today's personal goals? track calories and the elliptical

    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 3/7 days of exercise
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no - over on cals
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of?
    What would I have done differently? didn't even like the potato salad for lunch, and didn't need the hotdog bun
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, and within nutritional guidelines, already did an hour of step at the Y
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 3/7 days of exercise (last week 6/7)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? It was a good day!
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Walked even tho it was getting late. It felt good!
    What would I have done differently? Earlier to bed, but I was getting things done! :tongue:
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, weights and some cardio, town errands!
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) -2/6

    :flowerforyou: Hey goldk nice to SEE you! I like you picture!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes on cals - over on carbs
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? mostly
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? did ok at a challenging dinner with friends
    What would I have done differently? shouldn't have eaten desserts because I felt like I had to
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, and within nutritional guidelines, will do an hour of step at the Y
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 3/7 days of exercise (last week 6/7)
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? 65 minutes on the elliptical
    What would I have done differently? check in
    What is today's personal goals? track calories and go for a walk tonight

    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 4/7 days of exercise
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? It was a good day!
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Walked even tho it was getting late. It felt good!
    What would I have done differently? Earlier to bed, but I was getting things done! :tongue:
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, weights and some cardio, town errands!
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) -2/6

    :flowerforyou: Hey goldk nice to SEE you! I like you picture!

  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No :drinker:
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Didn't set any
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? enjoyed the sunny day :drinker:
    What would I have done differently? check in and track calories
    What is today's personal goals? track calories and go for a walk (just finished a 4 mile walk)

    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 1/7 days of exercise
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No - over a bit
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? checked in on a Sunday and walked 4 miles
    What would I have done differently? track my calories yesterday and not this morning
    What is today's personal goals? track calories, yoga and the elliptical

    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 1/7 days of exercise

    My work has a contest "Spring into Fitness" if you log more than 4 activities in a week you get entered for prizes.... I just won a $100 AMEX card.... Woohoo!!! Think I need a bike :bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? did better than I could have at picnic
    What would I have done differently? shouldn't have eaten 2 peanut butter balls
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, and within nutritional guidelines, already did an hour of step at the Y
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 2/7 days of exercise (last week 6/7)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member

    My work has a contest "Spring into Fitness" if you log more than 4 activities in a week you get entered for prizes.... I just won a $100 AMEX card.... Woohoo!!! Think I need a bike :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Wow, goldk, that's exciting! way to go!

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Had yogurt and granola for dinner to keep my calories in range
    What would I have done differently? Gone for a walk
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, weights and some cardio, tackle the list.
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) -0/6

    Monday weigh-in 139.4 down just a bit. Goal this week to exercise Mon through Sat! 6/6 for me!
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? No - over a bit
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? went for a walk instead of the elliptical
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? yoga and a walk
    What would I have done differently? track my calories yesterday and not this morning
    What is today's personal goals? track calories and go for a swim tonight

    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 2/7 days of exercise
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Nope
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Nope
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? hum?
    What would I have done differently? go for a walk and track all my calories
    What is today's personal goals? track calories and go for a swim at the Y

    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 2/7 days of exercise
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no - but not too bad
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? not quite
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? last day of my nutrition class - proud that I did that and lost almost 30 pounds!
    What would I have done differently? crackers ....
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, and within nutritional guidelines, already did an hour of step at the Y
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 3/7 days of exercise (last week 6/7)
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no - but not too bad
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? not quite
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? last day of my nutrition class - proud that I did that and lost almost 30 pounds!
    What would I have done differently? crackers ....
    What is today's personal goals? stay under cals, and within nutritional guidelines, already did an hour of step at the Y
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 3/7 days of exercise (last week 6/7)

    You should be VERY proud of yourself! Congrat :flowerforyou:
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? barely
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? swam a mile... and it felt good
    What would I have done differently? not eat so much
    What is today's personal goals? track calories and go to the Y

    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) - 3/7 days of exercise
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Not even close.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Lets make that a no for the week. I was trying for 6/6 days of exercise. Really having a hard time getting into the routine, just not that kind of life right now! :noway: I will be 3/6 days.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Yesterday was a really yucky day. :grumble: Totally blew it off. Today was MUCH better. I sure would like to know what makes one day SO different from another. I could probably write a best seller if I figured that out! :laugh:
    What would I have done differently? LOTS!
    What is today's personal goals? A little late to do the right thing now!
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) -2/6
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? last day of my nutrition class - proud that I did that and lost almost 30 pounds!
    What would I have done differently? crackers ....

    Congratulations, ltspaul, you graduated!!:drinker: Your diploma is one you can wear proudly every day!! Knowledge and a thinner body. Not a bad combo! :drinker:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Pretty close for a bunco day!
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? I did except a little over on calories
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Got it back together after a really bad day on Wed.
    What would I have done differently? Just one small glass of wine instead of 2. I would have been right on my calorie count!
    What is today's personal goals? Weight training and light eating - especially at the birthday dinner for friends tonight.
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) -2/6
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? I might have? Those pear martini's probably put me over. Did not over eat I think..
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? close?
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Did weight training
    What would I have done differently? A little more water at the birthday party
    What is today's personal goals? A good walk and light eating and drinking tonight at a wine and food pairing. Can you eat lightly from a selection of 17 Tapas and 3 desserts? :noway:
    exercise weekly progress (Sun-Sat) -4/6