what are your june goals? :)



  • Marsha_S
    Marsha_S Posts: 74 Member
    Lose minimum 5 pounds
    Become more active (exercise)
    Use less sugar
  • beanie1119
    beanie1119 Posts: 150 Member
    To get back on track and lose 2lbs a week.
    Start lifting weights and toning up
    Do another cleanse
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    Hmmm...I also have lots of them! I was hoping to have been close to my goal by now, but have not lost anything since mid May...So for the month of June..

    I want to:

    wake up early for AM workouts at least 3x a week
    Start running at least 1x a week (this is a low number but I am NOT a runner at all!)
    Cut back on my carbs big time (whole grain only and limit to 1-2 servings before 2pm)
    Decrease sugar from my diet
    Lose 1-2 lbs a week, ideally 8-10 by the end of June

    Stop working so many jobs! ( I have 3) so that I can actually invest some time in looking and feeling better.
  • hello so I saw you have never ran before
    There Is this app called couch To 5 k
    it starts you off slowing and you work your
    Way up each week ya can get it on your
    computer or your phone also you can look
    It up in the podcasts on your phone if you
    Have that I hope this helps you and good luck
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    June Goals

    1. Complete a full month of zig zagging calories....using calorie calculations provided by AggieCasso9.....

    2. Strength train w/cardio 3 days a week with 2 days of cardio only and 2 days of rest based on bodybuilding.com program recommended by clintswifeymomof4....

    3. Drink 96 oz of water daily....

    4. Get to bed by 11pm S-Th....

    5. 40 Miles for the June Move Your *kitten* Challenge...

    6. Work out 22 days....

    7. Burn 10,100 cals....
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    Make it through 30 day Shred.
    Build a good mini routine of Run/Jog/Walk in the AM and PM at LEAST this month...It is summer. ;)
    Swim on a weekly-biweekly basis, and get my tan on IN A BIKINI to keep me motivated.
    Drink more Water
    Get more Sleep
    Cut back on Sugar
    BUY SHORTS! I never wear those things...icky legs...but I'mma do it! :) lololol
  • 1. No fast food or drive throughs!
    2. No binges :(
    3. Alcohol no more than once a week
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I want to reach the 130's and for the first time in 20 yrs i think
    im gonna do it!!
  • Sprinkie09
    Sprinkie09 Posts: 40 Member
    June Goals:

    1)Get in 5x a wk workout even if its just walking for 1/2 hr. [It is HARD for me to work out w/work & school. SO this i am TRYING!] :)

    2)drink more water! [i drink like 2 glasses a day ;/]

    3)Lose @ least 1lb a wk. :)

    giving myself [do-able goals]
  • Mighty125
    Mighty125 Posts: 27
    My goals for June are:

    Wake up early to exercise
    Walk/run 100 miles by July 1st.
    Drink 72 oz of water per day
    Give up soda/drinks
    Eat more fruits and vegetables than carbs

  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    June Goals

    1. No take outs at all.

    2. Get going on couch to 5k(running 3x a week)

    3. Eat better

    4. Switch from dairy to soya products

    5. Zumba zumba zumba :smile:

    We can do this. Lets go :wink:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    June goals

    1. min. 10,000 steps a day
    2. c25k week 1-5
    3. only natural sugars
    4. smile more
    5.125 miles of movement
  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
    I posted a June Plan that outlines it a little better, but my goals are to become a better meal planner and become a more balanced eater, add some exercise, and drop 10 by July 4th.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    My goals for June are simple. We're going on vacation with my parents and my brother, so we'll be at the mercy of when and where they want to eat.

    My goals are:
    1. Don't gain any weight back
    2. Continue to record honestly what I eat while I'm gone on vacation - even if I blow it
    3. Continue to exercise while I'm on vacation
    4. Get some hardcore fishing done next week
    5. Jump in front of every camera and pose as evidence of the 31lbs I've lost so far :)

    I'd like to be down 50lbs by the end of July.
  • sm1986
    sm1986 Posts: 10
    I'm going to royal ascot in the 17th June and I will reward myself with a new suit the day before if I reach my mini goal set for ascot! (even though I intend to keep going so I can throw it out - wasteful, but a target is a target) :)
  • farron47
    farron47 Posts: 1
    M goal is to lose at least 10lbs in a month do more walking drink more water and stay away from choclate..
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    1. Work out 6 days a week every week
    2. Do the 200 sit ups
    3. Lose 10 lbs
    4. Do one relaxing thing for me each day (which can include running!)
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    Jeeze. Everyone is so organized and focused. I have no goals. Is it June? Just checked the calendar, I see it is indeed June. Hmm, I better go pay the rent so I'll still have a place to use the computer. Guess I will make a goal. My goal is to encourage my MFP buddies. I enjoy watching and reading about how good they are doing.
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Work out every day (2 times a day if possible) which includes walking
    Eat low sugar and watch carbs and stay within my calorie count
    Reduce alcohol (weekends only)
    Signed up for the lose 10 lbs in June (not sure I will hit that but let's see)
    Signed up for the burn 5k calories this week
    Signed up for the 21 consecutive days of exercise
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    My June goals are (starting right NOW!):

    1. Do the entire 30 Day Shred (I'm currently on Day 2).
    2. Lose 5+ pounds.
    3. Keep my sugar under my goal at least 5 days a week.
    4. Keep my sodium and carbs under my goal at least 6 days a week (allowing 1 day for any potential slip-ups).
    5. Eat more veggies.
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