Running Shoes



  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    When you find the shoes you like remember to replace them often. Every three months I demote my current exercise shoes to work shoes and buy new exercise shoes. After three months they just don't have the support needed and are worn out even if they look fine. I sometimes buy two pair of a shoe I like because that model probably won't be available in three months.
    This is kind of a very broad generalization. Running shoes, if only used for walking/running exercise are usually good for 400-500 miles depending on your weight. Anything less and you're wasting money. So if you walking/running 400-500 miles in 3 months, then congrats. Personally, I get from 5-8 months for that kind of mileage, and was training for a half-marathon and now triathlons, including a half Ironman in Sept.

    I repeat again, if you don't get fitted, you'll regret it.
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Go to a store that specializes in running gear and have them fit you for shoes - they will look at the way you run and how your feet strike the ground and find the best shoe for you. Having the right shoes is critical to running and remaining injury free, and not something someone can recommend over the web, because everyone's feet and running form is different, and what works for one person might be completely wrong for you.

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