Can diet soda count as water???



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    This whole thread makes me so sad.

    Yes, count it as water. Soda is hydrating. Shock, horror!

    You know how many people subsist on soda and never drink water? Do you think they're dying of dehydration?

    Soda is hydrating. It is very slightly less hydrating than pure water, but that's irrelevant.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Uhm NO. And it causes cancer. Just saying.......


    Where's the proof of this? Real proof not an opinion. I doubt you can give me any because there isn't any... unless you are a rat.

    Count it as water. Your body will take hydration from it. I count my diet pop as water.

    Sure there is sodium in it.. but there is a very small amount. Sure there is caffiene in it but the dehydrating effects of the caffiene are not enough to cancel out the hydrating effects.

    Your body will take hydration from everything you eat and drink.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Diet soda mimics sugar... drink it and you crave more. It may also increase cravings for other things bad for you. Water doesn't do this.

    Don't forget too that to remove the sugar, they are sticking more salt and other chemicals in there. I've understood these chemicals especially bad for women's bone health. These drinks are not good for us we all know.

    I struggle too - especially on 90 degree days after I just finished mowing the lawn - there is nothing I want more than an ice cold diet Pepsi. But still my goal is to keep the ban going and enjoy pure ice water instead.

    In addition to causing bone loss, the artificial sweeteners in it causes the retention of belly fat. All soda is horribly unhealthy. Period. From personal experience, it is very difficult to cut it out altogether. However, it is possible. Start small by cutting one a day. Anytime you crave one drink an entire glass of water instead. Keep this up until you have cut back to maybe one a week. This is far better than a 3/day habit.

    Diet pop does not make you retain belly fat. I really don't get where people get all this "information" from. Excess calories cause you to keep belly fat and nothing else outside of a medical issue.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    my opinion... if it's not water, it doesn't count as water.
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    This whole thread makes me so sad.

    Yes, count it as water. Soda is hydrating. Shock, horror!

    You know how many people subsist on soda and never drink water? Do you think they're dying of dehydration?

    Soda is hydrating. It is very slightly less hydrating than pure water, but that's irrelevant.

    Beer is hydrating. If you find yourself getting dehydrated drinking beer, then you just need to drink more beer.

    Log that as water with barley and hopps in it.
  • ghostdivatonya
    ghostdivatonya Posts: 58 Member
    My doctor told me it was a big fat NO on diet soda. If I need "caffine" she told me to drink a small cup of coffee or unsweet iced tea. The carbonation is bad.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Soda count as water? :laugh:
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Water is water.
    Soda is soda.
    Diet Soda is Diet Soda.
    Koolaid is Koolaid.
    Crystal Light is Crystal Light.
    Milk is Milk.
    Orange Juice is Orange Juice.

    And so on and so on.

    I don't count anything as "water" unless it's straight water.

    ^^^There it is there!!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    if you log it under your meal diary, why are you even worried about getting it on there as water?! doctors aren't scanning MFP to make sure everyone gets 8 glasses a day. use common sense, smh
  • mzdocb
    mzdocb Posts: 9
    Yes. And Weight watchers IS a forever nutritional program. They teach you how to eat healthy in healthy portions. For life. Please don't let the water nazi's get you down!
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    It's your diary, log as you wish!
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Sorry friend, the diet soda has to go for real weight loss and general health---I know, I know, heart-breaking---but how about plain sparkly water with a little lemon? That's my go-to-drink.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    The amount of scaremongering going on this thread is apalling.

    No one has ever died of drinking diet soda people.

    I'm afraid it's just not the Doomsday scenario some of youmake it out to be.

    And yes . . . since a large portion of diet soda is in fact water . . . . it does rehydrate you.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Water is water.
    Soda is soda.
    Diet Soda is Diet Soda.
    Koolaid is Koolaid.
    Crystal Light is Crystal Light.
    Milk is Milk.
    Orange Juice is Orange Juice.

    And so on and so on.

    I don't count anything as "water" unless it's straight water.

    are you saying "it is what it is"?

    because I hate that phrase...

  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    If you add sugar free drink mixes like crystal lite to water, the body still counts it as water. However, most sugar free stuff has chemicals in it that are not so great for you. I suggest to drink water as much as you can. If you need something, put a tiny bit of crystal light in it or lemon. Once in awhile will not hurt you. But the body still takes in the water.
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    Soda/diet soda is such a hard habit to break! After many years, I finally have given it up all together. I never thought I'd say it, but I don't miss it at all. On the rare occasion that I think I want some, I can't stand more than a sip. At first when I wanted something soda-like I mixed a little lemonade with seltzer water or club soda. Now even that tastes too sweet and I just drink seltzer water or club soda with a splash of pure lime juice. Very refreshing when you feel like you need bubbles...
  • GADavies
    GADavies Posts: 62 Member
    Ignore the stupidity, of course it counts, it's virtually 100% water. Saying it doesn't count is like saying the alcohol in beer doesn't count as because it's got water in it. Water is water, the body is smart enough to work out the rest from there.
  • tatianna68
    tatianna68 Posts: 90 Member
    With all that is in the news these days about junk food including soda (diet or otherwise) I am amazed that people still think it could be healthy.