30 day shred starting 3rd June



  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just checking in really quickly! I did the shred today on L2, my last day on this level! Moving on to Level 3 tomorrow. So today, I didn't have time to go to the gym so after shredding on L2 I decided I was going to do L1 as well. Man, I really miss that level! Lol. It's been two weeks since I've done that level but everything was a lot easier to do, I'm definitely getting stronger! I think level 1 is a workout I will go back to regularly but no so much level 2 haha. I really don't like level 2...glad to be moving on. I'll let you all know how level 3 goes!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Day 2, Level 3. I think Level 3 is my favourite. What was I afraid of? Ok, so I'm modifying some of the moves, but i really like it.
  • sassenachtiff
    Day 2, Level 3. I think Level 3 is my favourite. What was I afraid of? Ok, so I'm modifying some of the moves, but i really like it.
    I feel the same way. Level 3 is no joke, but I'd rather do it than Level 2...I think I HATED Level 2 in comparison, haha.
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    HELP!! I have not shredded since last Thursday and honestly probably won't have the opportunity until next Tuesday. We are going out of town Friday to Monday. Should I pick back up with where I left off on Level 2? I just don't know that I could start the whole 30 days over again.

    Soooo dissapointed with myself :sad:
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    ak248902 - I ended up missing virtually a whole week and picked back up with Level 2 where I left off. Amazingly, I didn't struggle. I would say at least attempt to pick back up where you left off - if you can squeeze some moves in over the next few days until then, it's at least SOMETHING to help keep you limber. :) I too felt disappointed in myself & guilty for not sticking with it, but I got back into it and that's what matters. You will too, don't worry!! Good luck!

    BTW - I ended up doing No More Trouble Zones last night, the complete workout - I love it! I didn't think Jillian could possibly make me hurt in any additional places, but she hit up some muscles that I don't think got worked enough during 30DS. She KILLED my abs, which felt so good b/c it's one of my trouble areas. All said and done it was close to 55 minutes until the whole workout was done, so that's a bit different than the 20 minute 30DS, but I think I'm going to do it 2 or 3 times a week (or at least do SOME of the circuits).
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Day 3, Level 3. Crazy work schedule and lots of airport time. The next 7 workouts are going to be VERY hard to get in.
    Will do whatever is physically possible. But i won't shred in the aisle of a plane. Thats where i draw the line :)
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 2, Level 3. I think Level 3 is my favourite. What was I afraid of? Ok, so I'm modifying some of the moves, but i really like it.
    I feel the same way. Level 3 is no joke, but I'd rather do it than Level 2...I think I HATED Level 2 in comparison, haha.

    I just did my first day on Level 3 and I completely agree with both of you! Level 3 is definitely REALLY tough but I found that I actually enjoyed it a lot more than level 2, that's the level I hate the most too haha! I thought that I would have to do the walking planks on my knees but surprisingly I didn't have to. I was able to hold myself up the whole time. However, I still had to do the traveling push ups on my knees. I don't think I will EVER be able to do regular push ups lol. But I'm glad that L3 is so much better than L2! I was really dragging my feet getting through that level but hopefully I can finish up the last 9 days on L3 without skipping any days.

    I have JM's Ripped in 30 dvd and will probably start that after I'm done with the shred. No More Trouble Zones I hear is a great one too, thanks for sharing sunnikim! I think that's probably going to be a dvd that I will get after I'm done with Ripped in 30 and do it once or twice a week to maintain all the muscles that I will have hopefully built by then!

    LOL sculptandtone!!!! I swear you always make me laugh with your posts. "But i won't shred in the aisle of a plane. Thats where i draw the line :)" Hahahahaha
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Completed D2 on L3! I have to say that I am really liking this level. As tough as it is (I'm seriously dripping in sweat by the time I am done), I find that it's much more enjoyable than L2. I'm really feeling it in my quads!

    8 more days of shredding left for me!

    Keep it up everyone :)
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Day 4 Level 3 Six more to go.

    And yes, I will be doing a second round. I'm down inches and I really want to be able to do it with Natalie the whole time. I hope one more round will do it, but I'm prepared for 2 more if I have to! But i'll be taking a 3 day break to get a Brazilian blowdry! No point in havin' a smokin' bod and bad hair is there?
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Day 4 Level 3 Six more to go.

    ... But i'll be taking a 3 day break to get a Brazilian blowdry! No point in havin' a smokin' bod and bad hair is there?

    LOL! You rock sculpandtone and your perspective/prioritizing is right on too! :)
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    Day 13 (day 3 of level 2). Don't like 2 very much. Might try level 3 just to see if I can hang! After 3 straight weeks of boot camp, am feeling stronger and want to continue!!!!
    Scale is not moving but I'm noticing my clothes fitting looser and friends are commenting that I look thinner/more fit. :drinker:
    I'm wearing sleeveless workout shirts for the first time in a long time too. Yeah!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Day 5 Level 3. Got up early today to make sure it's done BEFORE work takes over my life. I've only got five more left in this round. I'm not stopping now!!!!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Finished the Shred yesterday! 30 days straight. I was surprised to find myself having a bit of a meltdown when I was done. It wasn't always easy to get it in because work and family "stuff" got in the way a lot, but I was determined. I never finish anything so it was really important for me to finish this - particularly since when I first did this last year I did some serious damage to my knee and had to stop.

    I'll take my measurements on the 10th of this month, but I'm sure I've toned and lost inches for sure. I can tell by the way my clothes fit. Beyond that, it was a confidence booster for me to have worked my way through this.

    Can't say I'm sorry to end this, although I do think this is by far one of the best workouts for me personally. I finished each workout drenched and exuberant. Having this group to share the struggles and successes with was definitely an added bonus. Thanks to everyone for documenting their progress since that was a big motivator for me too.

    Good luck to those continuing. I plan to do another round of this again at some point and have turned many on to this workout already.

    Way to go fellow Shredders!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Congrats on finishing nowornever3!!

    Completed Day 4 on L3, 6 more days to go!
  • SwippleCita
    what is this? from reading everyones post about it, it sounds like it works, i would love to try it. how much is it? i wanted to purchase Insanity but I cannot afford a payment of 129 and cant make a commitment to 40 a month for 3 months :(
    anyone now of any useful free sites where i can try a video or something. thanks.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    what is this? from reading everyones post about it, it sounds like it works, i would love to try it. how much is it? i wanted to purchase Insanity but I cannot afford a payment of 129 and cant make a commitment to 40 a month for 3 months :(
    anyone now of any useful free sites where i can try a video or something. thanks.

    Here's a link to Level 1 for free for you to try:


    Good luck! This is a great workout!
  • SwippleCita
    what is this? from reading everyones post about it, it sounds like it works, i would love to try it. how much is it? i wanted to purchase Insanity but I cannot afford a payment of 129 and cant make a commitment to 40 a month for 3 months :(
    anyone now of any useful free sites where i can try a video or something. thanks.

    Here's a link to Level 1 for free for you to try:


    Good luck! This is a great workout!

    OHHHHHH thank you so much. i'll start level one tomorrow morning. hopefully i can find the disc itself locally and inexpensively! thank you again!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    what is this? from reading everyones post about it, it sounds like it works, i would love to try it. how much is it? i wanted to purchase Insanity but I cannot afford a payment of 129 and cant make a commitment to 40 a month for 3 months :(
    anyone now of any useful free sites where i can try a video or something. thanks.
    do you have exercise on demand on your tv? shes is there as well.
    personally, i find jillian very annoying. her workouts are great....but i need to put the ipod in while doing her 30 day shred stuff. otherwise i'd kill her.
  • SwippleCita
    i believe i do, thanks