'Fat friend' no more!



  • optimumchill
    Sometimes a hater is just gon' hate...lol...friends, family...most times the person you least expect it from, etc...however it doesn't matter..just keep remembering 'who' "you" are doing this for...because no one else matters.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    A "friend" asked me how my diet was going and when I told her how much I had lost she replied 'I had better go on a diet,can't have you being a supermodel and me being the fat friend' at the time I made a joke back saying it would be a long time before I ever looked like a supermodel but it still annoys me and I have barely spoken to her since,I wish I hadn't made a joke and had told her how I felt but I was put on the spot and just wanted the conversation to be over,
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I don't think you're paranoid at all.
    I'm pretty sure if you thought about it hard enough you'd see many aspects of your life that this friend seems envious of. To me, you seem like a very intuitive person and you appear to be wanting to see this person in a brighter light - but sometimes it is as blunt as you think, she's jealous and either consciously or subconsciously is not supporting you. Whether it is because of an ulterior motive to 'hold you back' remains to be seen. What can be said is that you're TWO STONE ACHIEVEMENT (congrats, girl!) is something that is a warning sign to me. Personally, I needed to lose 10 kilos before ANYONE noticed a change but once I got to that point I was hearing it from my family, friends - people close to me. Then I lost 20 kilos and the compliments just poured in.
    What I'm saying is, she's obviously jealous. And maybe holding you back 'validates' her, if that's what she's doing. All you can really do is smile at that point though - you're an amazing person and someone is looking at your life with awe. If you want to voice it you can, but could choose to be humble about your progress. At the end of the day people need to wake up and realise what they have is a blessing. Your friend needs to wake up.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    1st of all, CONGRATS!!! what an accomplishment.:flowerforyou:

    secondly, I completely get where you are coming from.

    Many of my friends have "ditched" me now that I'm on a path to a healthier lifestyle. I have this sneaking suspicion that they either hate the fact that I'm getting skinnier or hate that it makes them look at their own lack of discipline.

    I have one friend who every time I go over she pulls out a huge plate of chicken wings out of the oven and says EAT EAT! LOL

    I have another friend who actually will text me pictures of her giant plates of various meat and potato, ribs, bacon avocado cheeseburgers etc, with a title of that says MY dinner then text me a pic of some lame looking salad that say YOUR dinner. with a big LOL at the end. :grumble:

    One of these days I'm going to get annoyed enough to text her a pic of my old pants that says YOUR pants, and a pic of my new pants that says MY pants.

    You keep doing what's right for you , You'll find new friends, and you'll feel AMAZING when you do seem them again!
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member

    One of these days I'm going to get annoyed enough to text her a pic of my old pants that says YOUR pants, and a pic of my new pants that says MY pants.