"Skinny B!tch"



  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I love Bethanny Frankel....I looked at the book (skimmed through it) at barnes and nobles and it seems pretty delicious....going meat free is an option everyone is allowed to have, sure your body benifits from it, but you can get those benifits from eating veggies too.....I took most meat out for a little bit a while back just because i noticed i would fill up on meat and barely eat any of my veggies

    Skinny ***** isn't by Bethanny Frankel. I started to read it but I like my animal products so I knew that it was pointless for me to continue it. Returned it back to the bookstore.
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    Americans - According to the USDA, and the WHO consume the MOST Dairy of any other country on the planet. Yet, we have the HIGHEST instances of calcium deficiency, higher then countries that consume less then HALF of the dairy we do.

    Interesting. I wonder why "Milk does the body good", yet we all need Calcium supplements, hip replacements, Boniva, etc...

    The truth of the matter is that in order for the human body to process animal products, meat and dairy in particular - the body must pull phosphate from the bones. Since the accessible phosphate is only found in our bones, thats where it comes from. When a calcium molecule loses its phosphate "buddy" - the body can't do anything with the calcium leftover, so we urinate it out.

    This is basic anatomy, and basic math. The more dairy you consume, the more calcium you pull from your bones.

    Calorie for calorie, plants provide more calcium then any animal source - these are facts. Not arguable.

    Who serves on the USDA/FDA? Thats right, Big Meat and Dairy CEOs. Who pumps billions of dollars into lobbying, advertising, political campaigns? Big Meat and Dairy, Fast Foods, Conglomerate Animal Farmers. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying, when the people selling you the stuff are policing themselves, it has to give you cause to wonder.
  • AtomicDarling
    I've read bits of it. It did have some cool information in it. It made me a believer in organic produce for certain. I will never buy non-organic peaches again. :(

    Anyway... it's a fun read and she has some great recipes. I enjoy the occasional veggie or vegan meal but I'm not opposed to eating meat. I look at veggie meals as just another option.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I love Bethanny Frankel....I looked at the book (skimmed through it) at barnes and nobles and it seems pretty delicious....going meat free is an option everyone is allowed to have, sure your body benifits from it, but you can get those benifits from eating veggies too.....I took most meat out for a little bit a while back just because i noticed i would fill up on meat and barely eat any of my veggies

    Skinny ***** isn't by Bethanny Frankel. I started to read it but I like my animal products so I knew that it was pointless for me to continue it. Returned it back to the bookstore.

    my bad...i got it mixed up with skinny girl....but still....i love her. and i still stand by the latter part of my statement lol
  • sharonlee77
    Going meat free wouild not work for me because now that it's warm outside, I've just got to have a good steak or burger off the grill once in awhile! I have cut my portion size down to the recommended amount of 3 or 4 oz., which is hard when you've got a big juicy steak on the grill!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Americans - According to the USDA, and the WHO consume the MOST Dairy of any other country on the planet. Yet, we have the HIGHEST instances of calcium deficiency, higher then countries that consume less then HALF of the dairy we do.

    Interesting. I wonder why "Milk does the body good", yet we all need Calcium supplements, hip replacements, Boniva, etc...

    The truth of the matter is that in order for the human body to process animal products, meat and dairy in particular - the body must pull phosphate from the bones. Since the accessible phosphate is only found in our bones, thats where it comes from. When a calcium molecule loses its phosphate "buddy" - the body can't do anything with the calcium leftover, so we urinate it out.

    This is basic anatomy, and basic math. The more dairy you consume, the more calcium you pull from your bones.

    Calorie for calorie, plants provide more calcium then any animal source - these are facts. Not arguable.

    Who serves on the USDA/FDA? Thats right, Big Meat and Dairy CEOs. Who pumps billions of dollars into lobbying, advertising, political campaigns? Big Meat and Dairy, Fast Foods, Conglomerate Animal Farmers. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying, when the people selling you the stuff are policing themselves, it has to give you cause to wonder.

    What??? next you are going to be talking some nonsense about how cigarettes are bad for us and the only reason they are still legal is because the tobacco company puts money into the government officials pockets....you are one crazy theorist...;)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    what this book is all about? wht reasons r given to avoid meat?

    i have not eat any kind of meat this week but not just to lose weight more coz im facing problems in conceiving and i have read tht the poultry and their eggs and hormones given to cows to increase milk production is increasing obesity and infertilty issues.
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    Americans - According to the USDA, and the WHO consume the MOST Dairy of any other country on the planet. Yet, we have the HIGHEST instances of calcium deficiency, higher then countries that consume less then HALF of the dairy we do.

    Interesting. I wonder why "Milk does the body good", yet we all need Calcium supplements, hip replacements, Boniva, etc...

    The truth of the matter is that in order for the human body to process animal products, meat and dairy in particular - the body must pull phosphate from the bones. Since the accessible phosphate is only found in our bones, thats where it comes from. When a calcium molecule loses its phosphate "buddy" - the body can't do anything with the calcium leftover, so we urinate it out.

    This is basic anatomy, and basic math. The more dairy you consume, the more calcium you pull from your bones.

    Calorie for calorie, plants provide more calcium then any animal source - these are facts. Not arguable.

    Who serves on the USDA/FDA? Thats right, Big Meat and Dairy CEOs. Who pumps billions of dollars into lobbying, advertising, political campaigns? Big Meat and Dairy, Fast Foods, Conglomerate Animal Farmers. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying, when the people selling you the stuff are policing themselves, it has to give you cause to wonder.

    What??? next you are going to be talking some nonsense about how cigarettes are bad for us and the only reason they are still legal is because the tobacco company puts money into the government officials pockets....you are one crazy theorist...;)
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    Americans - According to the USDA, and the WHO consume the MOST Dairy of any other country on the planet. Yet, we have the HIGHEST instances of calcium deficiency, higher then countries that consume less then HALF of the dairy we do.

    Interesting. I wonder why "Milk does the body good", yet we all need Calcium supplements, hip replacements, Boniva, etc...

    The truth of the matter is that in order for the human body to process animal products, meat and dairy in particular - the body must pull phosphate from the bones. Since the accessible phosphate is only found in our bones, thats where it comes from. When a calcium molecule loses its phosphate "buddy" - the body can't do anything with the calcium leftover, so we urinate it out.

    This is basic anatomy, and basic math. The more dairy you consume, the more calcium you pull from your bones.

    Calorie for calorie, plants provide more calcium then any animal source - these are facts. Not arguable.

    Who serves on the USDA/FDA? Thats right, Big Meat and Dairy CEOs. Who pumps billions of dollars into lobbying, advertising, political campaigns? Big Meat and Dairy, Fast Foods, Conglomerate Animal Farmers. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying, when the people selling you the stuff are policing themselves, it has to give you cause to wonder.
    Or it's because of all the processed and crap foods that we eat instead of eating natural products that were intended for us
  • inafit16177
    :smile: I read this after I had been a vegetarian for a while...I will say that for a while I could not drink milk because of the reference to "puss udders." It took months for my husband to convince me that cows at organic farms where not hooked up to machines all day. I do eat dairy again, only organic though...It had some information that makes you think. I realize that their view is extreme, a vegan lifestyle is almost a full time job, but they are entitled to their choice of lifestyle...For me and my family I choose a vegetarian lifesyle and it works for us! :smile:
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I thought it was a really great book. I picked it up a few years ago in a book store but immediately put it down when I realized it was about Veganism. I thought I could NEVER let go of cheese. Last year I bought it because I had heard so much about the health benefits of being Vegan that I had to research it for myself. I read that one and Alicia Silverstones "The Kind Diet" and have been Vegan ever since. I love it. I feel amazing and my doctors have watched my blod work like a hawk. It's perfectly simple to get all you need without animal products.

    The benefits are amazing. It's not true that Vegans are undernourished unless they simply aren't eating right. Well, frankly, that could be half of this country, Vegan or not. If you want to give up meat for a while, give it a try. However, I would recommend "The Kind Diet" over Skinny ***** because it offers and easier transition and isn't so in your face. Plus, half the book is recipes that are seriously fantastic. I guess it depends on you. If you are easily turned off, The Kind Diet is better. If you can take being yelled at like you are in bootcamp, then jump straight into Skinny *****. Either way, plant based diets are extremely simple and delish!

    You can also sign up for email and facebook updates at www.healthy*****daily.com They have great recipes, beauty tips, personal stuff, activism info, news, nutrition info.... tons of great stuff.

    Hope you decide to give it a try!
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    Americans - According to the USDA, and the WHO consume the MOST Dairy of any other country on the planet. Yet, we have the HIGHEST instances of calcium deficiency, higher then countries that consume less then HALF of the dairy we do.

    Interesting. I wonder why "Milk does the body good", yet we all need Calcium supplements, hip replacements, Boniva, etc...

    The truth of the matter is that in order for the human body to process animal products, meat and dairy in particular - the body must pull phosphate from the bones. Since the accessible phosphate is only found in our bones, thats where it comes from. When a calcium molecule loses its phosphate "buddy" - the body can't do anything with the calcium leftover, so we urinate it out.

    This is basic anatomy, and basic math. The more dairy you consume, the more calcium you pull from your bones.

    Calorie for calorie, plants provide more calcium then any animal source - these are facts. Not arguable.

    Who serves on the USDA/FDA? Thats right, Big Meat and Dairy CEOs. Who pumps billions of dollars into lobbying, advertising, political campaigns? Big Meat and Dairy, Fast Foods, Conglomerate Animal Farmers. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying, when the people selling you the stuff are policing themselves, it has to give you cause to wonder.
    Or it's because of all the processed and crap foods that we eat instead of eating natural products that were intended for us

    Read the China Study.

    Processed food is obviously not good for you, or healthy. But, Diary is a killer.

    Read up on Caseo-Morphines.

    This is all stuff thats out there for anyone to educate themselves with. Most of us, (myself included) just didn't know. We were told OVER and OVER and OVER again, that you have to have milk. You have to eat meat. Now were all dying of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc... Every since the USDA/FDA put out the recommendations to eat more dairy and more meat (late 1960's) the collective American health has consistently declined.

    Did you know the USDA allows one dropper of Somatic Cells per 8 ozs of milk? Want to know what a Somatic Cell is- its the "technical name" for pus. For mastitis, for udder infections. I grew up on a diary farm - it was normal for cows to get udder infections. I thought that when you Pasteurized milk, it killed the bacteria. It does, but- it doesn't make the pus disappear.

    And, I'm weird for drinking Almond milk? :laugh:
  • amyers35
    amyers35 Posts: 51
    For those of you asking why i want to try going meat-free- partly for a challenge, to see if i can do it and partly because my friend who is from out of town mentioned that book (havent talked to her about it in depth she just really recommends the book and says it will change my life) and ive had a couple other friends recently go meat-free for atleast a month and they said they had a lot more energy and felt so much better. It really has nothing to do with a weight loss- it has to do with health. Thats why i wanted to know if the book had good information. I want to be educated on what animal products cause our body to do or feel. Im mostly interested in the negative side effects of meat/ animal products- if there are any because obviously i would not know first hand because i have never been meat free.And obviously i'd like to read the benefits of cutting out meat before i try it- hence why i asked. Wasn't asking for your negative opinions or that you dont see the point in cutting out meat because frankly i dont really care- i didnt ask :)
    Here recently,on my own, i have been able to have meals without meat in it - just didnt want it in my meal (which if you were ever a crazy meat lover like me you would understand how big of a step that is lol) that is a big part of why i think i might be READY soon to try to cut out meat. So whether this means i challenge myself to the vegan lifestyle for a while or just vegetarian lifestyle- im interested in atleast trying whatever i want to after i know enough about it.
  • amyers35
    amyers35 Posts: 51
    I thought it was a really great book. I picked it up a few years ago in a book store but immediately put it down when I realized it was about Veganism. I thought I could NEVER let go of cheese. Last year I bought it because I had heard so much about the health benefits of being Vegan that I had to research it for myself. I read that one and Alicia Silverstones "The Kind Diet" and have been Vegan ever since. I love it. I feel amazing and my doctors have watched my blod work like a hawk. It's perfectly simple to get all you need without animal products.

    The benefits are amazing. It's not true that Vegans are undernourished unless they simply aren't eating right. Well, frankly, that could be half of this country, Vegan or not. If you want to give up meat for a while, give it a try. However, I would recommend "The Kind Diet" over Skinny ***** because it offers and easier transition and isn't so in your face. Plus, half the book is recipes that are seriously fantastic. I guess it depends on you. If you are easily turned off, The Kind Diet is better. If you can take being yelled at like you are in bootcamp, then jump straight into Skinny *****. Either way, plant based diets are extremely simple and delish!

    You can also sign up for email and facebook updates at www.healthy*****daily.com They have great recipes, beauty tips, personal stuff, activism info, news, nutrition info.... tons of great stuff.

    Hope you decide to give it a try!

    thank you! that was the kind of advice i was looking for!! ill look into "the kind diet" ! hopefully they have that in my library because they didnt have skinny b&tch. i appreciate your answer :)
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    Americans - According to the USDA, and the WHO consume the MOST Dairy of any other country on the planet. Yet, we have the HIGHEST instances of calcium deficiency, higher then countries that consume less then HALF of the dairy we do.

    Interesting. I wonder why "Milk does the body good", yet we all need Calcium supplements, hip replacements, Boniva, etc...

    The truth of the matter is that in order for the human body to process animal products, meat and dairy in particular - the body must pull phosphate from the bones. Since the accessible phosphate is only found in our bones, thats where it comes from. When a calcium molecule loses its phosphate "buddy" - the body can't do anything with the calcium leftover, so we urinate it out.

    This is basic anatomy, and basic math. The more dairy you consume, the more calcium you pull from your bones.

    Calorie for calorie, plants provide more calcium then any animal source - these are facts. Not arguable.

    Who serves on the USDA/FDA? Thats right, Big Meat and Dairy CEOs. Who pumps billions of dollars into lobbying, advertising, political campaigns? Big Meat and Dairy, Fast Foods, Conglomerate Animal Farmers. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying, when the people selling you the stuff are policing themselves, it has to give you cause to wonder.

    What??? next you are going to be talking some nonsense about how cigarettes are bad for us and the only reason they are still legal is because the tobacco company puts money into the government officials pockets....you are one crazy theorist...;)

    Actually, she is right. Milk is very bad for you, and we were never designed to drink another animal's milk. Cow's milk is designed to make a baby calf grow into a 2,000 pound cow. And people drink that? Plus all the hormones they pump in cows to produce more milk, these hormones are passed through each glass. And you wonder why little girls are getting their periods at age 8. And yes CEO's of the meat industry do in fact serve on the board...it's all about making money...
  • juliej65
    juliej65 Posts: 17 Member
    I have read skinny b**** and the Kind Diet and I liked them both... as with anything you take what you need from any book and leave the rest....

    Another option would be to read the Engine #2 Diet which is a very easy read and vegan based or my favorite - Eat Right America...

    This book doesn't label you vegan or vegetarian ... but a nutritarian - someone that strives to eat the bulk of their calories from a nutrient dense diet... based on four pillars -
    plant strong,
    healthy fats
    nutrient dense
    whole foods
    He doesn't particularly like dairy or meat items and will tell you why but if you choose to eat them he suggests you think of them as the condiment part of your meal and not the bulk...

    Interesting recipes like salad dressing using avodaco and orange juice instead of oil based dressings.....
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I have read skinny b**** and the Kind Diet and I liked them both... as with anything you take what you need from any book and leave the rest....

    Another option would be to read the Engine #2 Diet which is a very easy read and vegan based or my favorite - Eat Right America...

    This book doesn't label you vegan or vegetarian ... but a nutritarian - someone that strives to eat the bulk of their calories from a nutrient dense diet... based on four pillars -
    plant strong,
    healthy fats
    nutrient dense
    whole foods
    He doesn't particularly like dairy or meat items and will tell you why but if you choose to eat them he suggests you think of them as the condiment part of your meal and not the bulk...

    Interesting recipes like salad dressing using avodaco and orange juice instead of oil based dressings.....

    I'm going to have to read that one. I like those four pillars:bigsmile: I could get down with being a nutritarian instead, lol. Maybe if I say nutritarian instead of Vegan people wouldn't get so darn defensive around me.
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I thought it was a really great book. I picked it up a few years ago in a book store but immediately put it down when I realized it was about Veganism. I thought I could NEVER let go of cheese. Last year I bought it because I had heard so much about the health benefits of being Vegan that I had to research it for myself. I read that one and Alicia Silverstones "The Kind Diet" and have been Vegan ever since. I love it. I feel amazing and my doctors have watched my blod work like a hawk. It's perfectly simple to get all you need without animal products.

    The benefits are amazing. It's not true that Vegans are undernourished unless they simply aren't eating right. Well, frankly, that could be half of this country, Vegan or not. If you want to give up meat for a while, give it a try. However, I would recommend "The Kind Diet" over Skinny ***** because it offers and easier transition and isn't so in your face. Plus, half the book is recipes that are seriously fantastic. I guess it depends on you. If you are easily turned off, The Kind Diet is better. If you can take being yelled at like you are in bootcamp, then jump straight into Skinny *****. Either way, plant based diets are extremely simple and delish!

    You can also sign up for email and facebook updates at www.healthy*****daily.com They have great recipes, beauty tips, personal stuff, activism info, news, nutrition info.... tons of great stuff.

    Hope you decide to give it a try!

    thank you! that was the kind of advice i was looking for!! ill look into "the kind diet" ! hopefully they have that in my library because they didnt have skinny b&tch. i appreciate your answer :)

    You are welcome.

    Another good resource that you can read online is www.pcrm.org If you go through the site, there are numerous other sites connected that are different parts of PCRM. They also run a Kickstart 4 times a year where they provide you with simple menus and recipes for 21 days to give you a taste of a balance plant based diet. I follow it each time because they plan all 3 meals for me and send me a grocery list. And it's free. It's my vacation. LOL But more importanly, the infomation provided is decent and well researched.