the real deal on diet soda?



  • mapexdrummer69
    i agree soda is bad full stop. if your drinking 8 glasses of water a day you shouldnt really have time to drink coke. ive given it up basically due to not being able to fit it in with my water intake. there is far to much sugar in these drinks so if your serious about getting healthy then do with out.

    Diet soda contains no sugar...
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    Diet soda is artificial and not healthy for your body regardless of trying to lose weight or not. Try plain sparkling water and to add flavor you can add slices of fresh fruit, say oranges/lemons or you can add a few drops juice.
  • mapexdrummer69
    Diet soda is artificial and not healthy for your body regardless of trying to lose weight or not. Try plain sparkling water and to add flavor you can add slices of fresh fruit, say oranges/lemons or you can add a few drops juice.

    What in it is unhealthy?
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    While as many of you have pointed out that Diet Coke has no sugar, it has an artificial sweetener called Aspartame, which is the ingredient that is unhealthy for you. Below I have posted a link to a really great article explaining exactly what Aspartame is and what it can do to the body. I think if I tried to summarize it up I would do it an injustice, so I highly suggest reading about it.
  • beaches20004
    I love diet soda. I've tried to do without it a few times, since it's my only source of caffeine. I hear some people say it's bad when you're trying to lose weight and other people say there's nothing wrong with it. I've heard that it makes you crave sweet foods, that it makes you hungrier, & that all of that is BS. Anyone know the real deal?

    I heard that the carbination in it makes you look fat. I have heard too that it is better to just drink reg soda.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I like it and drink it with no issues. I drink lots of water and tea as well. Aspartame has been proven safe to my satisfaction and I eat that also. To each his own.
  • mrstyler
    mrstyler Posts: 43
    I want to jump in and point out that studies do show a correlation between diet soda intake and higher weight & diabetes. There is not causation given.

    That said, I know from personal experience that I have issues when I drink diet soda on an empty stomach. I would think this has to do with the fact that the body begins to produce insulin once it tastes something sweet, but since I'm just drinking Diet Coke, there is no sugar to be compensating for. I cannot say this is true, however, this seems to be a logical hypothesis based on my experiences [and my doctor also feels its possible.]

    I still drink my Diet Coke happily though, but with food and not frequently. I am in that anecdotal bandwagon that feels like a lot of artificial sweeteners make me crave more sweet things--but consuming large amounts of any type of sweet product, real or not, makes me crave more!
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    I don't see the problem with enjoying it once in a while. In the grand scheme of things a can of fizzy juice wont kill you, it's not like injecting heroin into your eyeballs.

    Everything in moderation and all that
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    There have been studies that say that there is a correlation between diet soda and diabetes, but if you really read those studies you find that they are merely hypothoses. There hasn't been a study that actually conclusively links diet soda to anything. If you're trying to lose weight, diet soda can be a really good tool to get that non-dieting feeling without the calories and sugar.

    I've been a diabetic (Type 1) since 1990. I have drank diet since that time. So far, no adverse effects. I had an aunt (non-diabetic) who lived to be 95, she drank about a case of diet soda a day.

    I'm not going to stop drinking it.

    Some people truly believe it is harmful to them and they simply should not drink it.

    Everyone needs to make their own decision. If you believe it's bad, you should avoid it. If you don't, then go ahead and drink it.

    Until there is a conclusive study, I'm ignoring the "findings".
  • mapexdrummer69
    I love diet soda. I've tried to do without it a few times, since it's my only source of caffeine. I hear some people say it's bad when you're trying to lose weight and other people say there's nothing wrong with it. I've heard that it makes you crave sweet foods, that it makes you hungrier, & that all of that is BS. Anyone know the real deal?

    I heard that the carbination in it makes you look fat. I have heard too that it is better to just drink reg soda.

    This is simply not true.
  • mapexdrummer69
    While as many of you have pointed out that Diet Coke has no sugar, it has an artificial sweetener called Aspartame, which is the ingredient that is unhealthy for you. Below I have posted a link to a really great article explaining exactly what Aspartame is and what it can do to the body. I think if I tried to summarize it up I would do it an injustice, so I highly suggest reading about it.

    Aspartame in diet soda is harmless.
  • sonicdescent
    While as many of you have pointed out that Diet Coke has no sugar, it has an artificial sweetener called Aspartame, which is the ingredient that is unhealthy for you. Below I have posted a link to a really great article explaining exactly what Aspartame is and what it can do to the body. I think if I tried to summarize it up I would do it an injustice, so I highly suggest reading about it.

    Aspartame in diet soda is harmless.

    To be fair, I don't think we can say that with certainty, but I haven't seen any long term studies that show either way what effect this chemical has on the body.
  • mapexdrummer69

    To be fair, I don't think we can say that with certainty, but I haven't seen any long term studies that show either way what effect this chemical has on the body.

    Just a couple interesting studies:
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I've heard "herpaderpaderp".

    I've cut back on drinking soda in general because hydration from water is more important to me, but some days I'll have some. Stop your doomsday preaching about how everything artificially derived is going to kill everyone.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Diet soda is loaded with the dangerous chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide. This chemical has been implicated in the deaths of more people throughout history than pretty much any other food additive, but the government still classifies it as safe. It is actually one of the major components of acid rain and inhalation in even relatively small quantities can lead to death. I even use it to remove smog residue from my airplane after flying in L.A.. Do you want that in your body?
  • mapexdrummer69
    I've heard "herpaderpaderp".

    I've cut back on drinking soda in general because hydration from water is more important to me, but some days I'll have some. Stop your doomsday preaching about how everything artificially derived is going to kill everyone.

    Lol, you crack me up. And people say I'm blunt?

    Keep on keeping on with the weight loss and maintenance, broski :-)

    Be careful with that diet soda! You know it spikes your insulin and that of course leads to instant fat gain. Please....
  • mapexdrummer69
    Diet soda is loaded with the dangerous chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide. This chemical has been implicated in the deaths of more people throughout history than pretty much any other food additive, but the government still classifies it as safe. It is actually one of the major components of acid rain and inhalation in even relatively small quantities can lead to death. I even use it to remove smog residue from my airplane after flying in L.A.. Do you want that in your body?

    Studies, please.
  • ccupps83
    ccupps83 Posts: 9 Member
    Options is the REAL lowdown....from a previous diet coke drinker. I USED to drink 6-8 diet cokes a day! I loved it and it was my go to drink. Zero calories and sweet who could blame me? My adult children kept on me, a girl at work told me it was causing holes in my brain. 2 months ago, I stopped cold turkey at the request of my children. Did I feel different? Did I stop craving sweets? Did my energy sky rocket? Did I sleep better? NO. Nothing! I felt NO different. HOWEVER.....there is NO DOUBT in my mind that I am a healthier person. And truthfully, THAT is what is important! So for me, I am staying Diet Coke and Aspartame free. I don't miss either. Good Luck w your decision :)
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    While as many of you have pointed out that Diet Coke has no sugar, it has an artificial sweetener called Aspartame, which is the ingredient that is unhealthy for you. Below I have posted a link to a really great article explaining exactly what Aspartame is and what it can do to the body. I think if I tried to summarize it up I would do it an injustice, so I highly suggest reading about it.

    Aspartame in diet soda is harmless.

    I wouldn't say it is Harmless, at least not to everyone. I for one cannot drink anything or eat anything with Aspartame in it. The result if I do is a migraine. Not a debilitating migraine but definitely an uncomfortable one. It took me a long time to figure out just what was causing my migraines... the only common denominator was the aspartame. I avoid it now like the plague and feel much better (I can't even chew gum anymore... aspartame is in MOST gums)

    My 2 cents :)
  • celric
    celric Posts: 6

    You got someone going with that one.

    I got a great laugh out of that one.