the real deal on diet soda?



  • mapexdrummer69

    You got someone going with that one.

    I got a great laugh out of that one.

    Apparently you don't know the dangers of it! Lol
  • Rhodium1976
    Rhodium1976 Posts: 81 Member
    Aspartame is fine. Diet is all about calories in versus calories out. There is no insulin fairy, meal timing fairy, magic diet pill, or carbohydrate boogie man. Regular soda has calories. Diet soda does not.

    Peer-reviewed science does not espouse the purported nefarious affects of aspartame.

  • Rhodium1976
    Rhodium1976 Posts: 81 Member
    Diet soda is loaded with the dangerous chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide. This chemical has been implicated in the deaths of more people throughout history than pretty much any other food additive, but the government still classifies it as safe. It is actually one of the major components of acid rain and inhalation in even relatively small quantities can lead to death. I even use it to remove smog residue from my airplane after flying in L.A.. Do you want that in your body?

    LMAO. I remember a bunch of save the earth freaks signing a petition to ban it and they all signed it. lol
  • mapexdrummer69
    Aspartame is fine. Diet is all about calories in versus calories out. There is no insulin fairy, meal timing fairy, magic diet pill, or carbohydrate boogie man. Regular soda has calories. Diet soda does not.

    Peer-reviewed science does not espouse the purported nefarious affects of aspartame.


    You are correct, correct, correct, and correct.

    I posted the exact studies above.

    There are two more that I know of that I didn't post, but those should be clear enough.
  • glampixxie
    glampixxie Posts: 85 Member
    Sounds to me like this a heated debate! One that can't be won, similar to abortion or religion.
    I would say that it's obviously better to drink water, plus healthy foods taste better with water. However, I'm sure it's fine to have a Diet Coke every once in a while, once a week maybe (and no, I don't have any proof of that), but as bad as aspertame is, I seriously doubt it will kill you if you drink one can of diet a week.

    BUT, then again so no one can seem to really agree on this subject, maybe it's better to just stay away from it all together. Not sure if it's to your taste, but if I get sick of water it's nice to have a nice glass of unsweetened ice tea with a slice of lemon. It's very refreshing!
  • mapexdrummer69

    To clarify on the "dihydrogen monoxide" posts, for some people who aren't exactly as keen to science, it's simply water under a different name. All comments in regards to the dangers of said chemical have been jokes.

    Didn't wanna ruin it, but I'm afraid that someone will go to work on Monday preaching about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide in diet soda. Lol.
  • mapexdrummer69
    Sounds to me like this a heated debate! One that can't be won, similar to abortion or religion.
    I would say that it's obviously better to drink water, plus healthy foods taste better with water. However, I'm sure it's fine to have a Diet Coke every once in a while, once a week maybe (and no, I don't have any proof of that), but as bad as aspertame is, I seriously doubt it will kill you if you drink one can of diet a week.

    BUT, then again so no one can seem to really agree on this subject, maybe it's better to just stay away from it all together. Not sure if it's to your taste, but if I get sick of water it's nice to have a nice glass of unsweetened ice tea with a slice of lemon. It's very refreshing!

    Lol, but yet you state "but as bad as aspartame is" after numerous studies have been posting stating otherwise.

    Not trying to be rude...
  • glampixxie
    glampixxie Posts: 85 Member
    Sounds to me like this a heated debate! One that can't be won, similar to abortion or religion.
    I would say that it's obviously better to drink water, plus healthy foods taste better with water. However, I'm sure it's fine to have a Diet Coke every once in a while, once a week maybe (and no, I don't have any proof of that), but as bad as aspertame is, I seriously doubt it will kill you if you drink one can of diet a week.

    BUT, then again so no one can seem to really agree on this subject, maybe it's better to just stay away from it all together. Not sure if it's to your taste, but if I get sick of water it's nice to have a nice glass of unsweetened ice tea with a slice of lemon. It's very refreshing!

    Lol, but yet you state "but as bad as aspartame is" after numerous studies have been posting stating otherwise.

    Not trying to be rude...

    I understand that those studies may have said that, and even through credible sources they may still be lies paid for by companies, and all that. I guess I should've omitted that part of that sentence since I really don't know who to believe. Bottom line, I don't know if anyone knows the truth. I am not trusting of one side more than the other, I just like to be cautious of both and try to keep all things in moderation just to be safer.
  • mapexdrummer69

    I understand that those studies may have said that, and even through credible sources they may still be lies paid for by companies, and all that.


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Actually diet soda is not good for ya, whether you are trying to lose weight or just plain live. (I say this but diet coke is something I have to give up as I love it and know the bad bad badness of it or any soda, regular or diet).

    The artificial sweetners tend to make you crave unhealthy carbs and the tend to stick around in the mid section of women.
    There is so many unhealthy reasons to not drink soda in general. Like the fact that you can dissolve a nail in coke, you can clean battery acid off your batteries and cables with coke....I mean really, these things are true, I have done them. Just think of what it is doing to our bodies!

    If you truly want to drink healthy, go with water, it is what our bodies need!

    I know! And if you think diet soda is bad, look what water does to steel!
  • Rhodium1976
    Rhodium1976 Posts: 81 Member
    Aspartame is fine. Diet is all about calories in versus calories out. There is no insulin fairy, meal timing fairy, magic diet pill, or carbohydrate boogie man. Regular soda has calories. Diet soda does not.

    Peer-reviewed science does not espouse the purported nefarious affects of aspartame.


    You are correct, correct, correct, and correct.

    I posted the exact studies above.

    There are two more that I know of that I didn't post, but those should be clear enough.

    But hey, what do I know. I only have a Biochem degree and lost 100 lbs and kept it off since 1995 ;)
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I'm such a Diet Soda *kitten*! Ive lost close to 50 lbs... I don't drink as many..but, you have to keep atleast 1 guilty pleasure while on this journey..
    Good Luck!
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I usually drink 1 glass of diet soda a day. It's my caffeine fix. Usually with lunch, but the rest of the day I drink water.
    I don't think it's bad for you in moderation, much like anything else.

    I don't have any studies or tests to prove my opinion, because it's just that. An opinon.

    I think if you go with what's right for you, then that's really what's important.
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    Diet coke is my choice of drug! I'm losing weight with no problems. My Dr. says it is fine so I'm gonna go ahead and listen to him :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've heard many different things about it.

    Honestly, aspartame gives me horrendous headaches, so I avoid it at all costs. As for hindering weight loss, I don't know that it really hinders it. Would we be better off without it? Of course. It's a chemical. But, I think in the scheme of life - there are worse things than diet pop or even regular pop. If you drink it in moderation, I think you'll be fine.

    I drink coffee as my source of caffeine (and I occasionally have a sugar free energy drink too!) because I tried to give up caffeine and I can't do it. I turn into a ogre. LOL
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Aspartame is fine. Diet is all about calories in versus calories out. There is no insulin fairy, meal timing fairy, magic diet pill, or carbohydrate boogie man. Regular soda has calories. Diet soda does not.

    Peer-reviewed science does not espouse the purported nefarious affects of aspartame.


    WHAT! I went to your link and the first study I clicked on (not cuz I went down the list looking for one to prove you wrong, I clicked the most relevent one I saw: "Effect of long term intake of aspartame on antioxidant defense status in liver.") concludes in their abstract that long term intake of aspartame can reduce the antioxidant potential of liver cells! Rather an important function in a liver...

    I can't believe I'm even joining this argument. I don't frankly care. I was just curious to see some actual peer reviewed studies for a change.
  • mapexdrummer69
    Aspartame is fine. Diet is all about calories in versus calories out. There is no insulin fairy, meal timing fairy, magic diet pill, or carbohydrate boogie man. Regular soda has calories. Diet soda does not.

    Peer-reviewed science does not espouse the purported nefarious affects of aspartame.


    You are correct, correct, correct, and correct.

    I posted the exact studies above.

    There are two more that I know of that I didn't post, but those should be clear enough.

    But hey, what do I know. I only have a Biochem degree and lost 100 lbs and kept it off since 1995 ;)

    Biochem...does that have anything to do with science?

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I used to be a soda junkie too, but I quit cold turkey weeks ago. I feel so much better and so much less bloaty. I also sleep a lot better.

    Aspertame and other sugar substitutes make my tummy cramp horribly, so I don't do them anymore either.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Aspartame is fine. Diet is all about calories in versus calories out. There is no insulin fairy, meal timing fairy, magic diet pill, or carbohydrate boogie man. Regular soda has calories. Diet soda does not.

    Peer-reviewed science does not espouse the purported nefarious affects of aspartame.


    WHAT! I went to your link and the first study I clicked on (not cuz I went down the list looking for one to prove you wrong, I clicked the most relevent one I saw: "Effect of long term intake of aspartame on antioxidant defense status in liver.") concludes in their abstract that long term intake of aspartame can reduce the antioxidant potential of liver cells! Rather an important function in a liver...

    I can't believe I'm even joining this argument. I don't frankly care. I was just curious to see some actual peer reviewed studies for a change.

    Alright, 2nd link I click, "Effects of artificial sweeteners on body weight, food and drink intake" concludes that mice consuming aspartame (or other artificial no cal sweeteners) gained more weight eating the same amount of food compared to controls. And I am forced to conclude that you are making one argument and posting evidence that supports the other side.
  • Gothika777
    Diet soda is loaded with the dangerous chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide. This chemical has been implicated in the deaths of more people throughout history than pretty much any other food additive, but the government still classifies it as safe. It is actually one of the major components of acid rain and inhalation in even relatively small quantities can lead to death. I even use it to remove smog residue from my airplane after flying in L.A.. Do you want that in your body?

    That stuff is nasty. I know lots of people who nearly died when they filled they bath tub full of dihydogen monoxide and plus it killed alot of people in Japan fairly recently.