BWL Smurfettes and Papa Smurf 9/17



  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    good job punka, !! your the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    when you startin gyour new job ! ??
    you'll do great i'm sure !!!
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Great Idea!! I can't always post at work and I'm sad when I'm the last one who posts and I think no one reads it... :cry:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I burned a total of 1344 calories today. I did a Biggest Loser workout this morning and then 20 minutes on the treadmill at the rec center before my Zumba class. I am tired. There is no way I am going to eat my exercise calories tonight so I guess I will not workout tomorrow morning. At least I will try not to.

    Everyone have a great evening and talk to you tomorrow.

  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I had my first physical therapy appointment and I've got a lot of work to do to fix my stupid body. The doc was super glad that I was there to exercise better rather than finding out I'm out of whack because it caused an injury (thats how he gets most patients.) So I've got a lot of work to do there but they said I can still do plenty of cardio like biking, swimming, and elliptical, so I went to the gym and biked tonight for a bit despite being so tired. The rock wall in the gym is open tomorrow evening and I'm super pumped! :love:
  • Sunibc22
    A rock wall at a gym sounds awesome!!! I wish we had something like that up here!!! Sounds like fun!!

  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    ahh!!! sorry its been a while gals and guys i moved on the weekend and haven't really had time to come on the net becuase of unpacking and having two exams this week:grumble:
    i didnt track all week (From Friday) until today and i managed to lose!
    i'm back and ready for action
  • punka274

    The scale is really playing mind games with me lately:angry: Im trying to not let it get to me:ohwell: . Its back up 2.2 today:grumble: If i don't lose this saturday then that will be two weeks in a row with no loss...mmm something is wrong?Todays workout is a 60min cardio and weights workout...a circuit! I burn around 600 cals when i do it.

    May_Marie-I start the job this saturday:smile: im nervous....but excited to be finally gettting out of the house and starting my career! I graduated back in march and this job was only my second interview since then:noway: How is your day going?

    Connie-wow..awesome job on your workout yesterday!

    Jules-a rock wall does sound nice....have fun!

    Obliged-high fives on the weighloss...welcome back

    Hey to everybody...gotta scoot! Coffee is calling me!:love:
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    morning blues !

    so,,, i wanted to try a new class at my gym last night called body attack but the instructor wasnt there so
    they gave us the instructor for the body COMBAT class.. well was that ever a work out, its a bootcamp/tae bo class and it was very hard, you got screamed at if you took a little break type of thing, it was scary !!!!!!!!! it was a really good work out but im not sure if i would do it again.... well see

    i finaly got to watch the biggest losser show last night (i had to download it ) it was very cool, i think all team deserve it ... i was sad to see the greens go so quick !!,, but they still did very well in the end !!!

    so, today is a new day :smile: i've already eated a good breakfast and i think i will go out for a walk with the bf even though its not really nice outside ...thats what you get for living in scotland, i sure dont see the sun all that often :sad:
    and tonight i'll go to the gym as usual...

    ho and i wish i had a climbing wall i my gym !!!!!!! i used to do it all the time, i even got all the equipment at home (shoes, harness, chalk bag ) i wish i could start again but the trouble is to find someone to go with,,,, i used to do it with my ex... so thats out the question .lol also since i had a dislocated elbow, not sure if the elbow would like it so much

    hope you guys have a great day !!!
  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Good Morning!

    I went kickboxing last night, and we had a crazy sub. It was the one from a few weeks ago that had us headbutting. She was brutal, but it was amazing. Although I was exhausted, I was pumped about the awesome workout and still managed to jump while doing front kicks.

    I wish she weren't just a sub :(

    On a different note, I have a recruiting dinner tonight at an Italian restaurant in the area, so I need to be especially good today and make sure that I don't go nuts tonight.

    I need to avoid the bread, stay away from the fried foods, and no dessert!

    I'll try to find a menu to post this afternoon.
  • punka274
    workout is im i pooped! I was really pushing myself towards the end of that sucker now its time to eat like a horse, LOL ! so I burned over 700 cals that means I get to inhale over 2300 cals for today....boy thats alot of food! :happy:

    Everybody great job on your workouts...high fives!

    Come on...lets kick some but!

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Sorry I am on here so late today. My kids had an assembly this morning at school and one of my sons was doing the flag ceremony for the school with the cub scouts. So of course he wanted me there. Have to support my pack. I didnt do any workout this morning but I burned over 1300 calories yesterday and only ate like 1300 calories so I didnt eat any of my workout calories yesterday so I decided not to work out today. I better go and put the clothes in the dryer and wash some dishes while my little one is napping.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Sunibc22
    Morning Everyone,

    May Marie...glad you got to see the Biggest Loser show. Especially when you're part of this contest!!:bigsmile:

    ThisisJeffHere....Awesome job on the kickboxing!!! I'm sure you'll do fine tonight at dinner. I think as long as we are conscious of what we're eating we usually do fine. It's when we're not even thinking about it that re realize we've stuffed our face with bread before our meal even came!!:blushing:

    Obliged....glad to have you back and great job on the weight loss even though you weren't logging!!!:happy:

    Connieq.....You have been working out so amazingly since this all started!!! I really need some of your motivation to do as much as you do! I think taking a day off is well deserved!:drinker:

    Ok, now I think the scale is playing games with me too Punka! :angry:

    I forgot to weigh myself first thing Tuesday morning for the contest but got on the scale after breakfast and a cup of tea and some water and I was down almost 2 lbs from the week before. 'Great' I thought!! I decided to wait until Wednesday to weigh in for the contest cause I thought it would be even better before breakfast. Well, I weighed in and I was the same as the week before!!!! :grumble: After some grumbling I submitted that weight. Now this morning I'm back down the 2 lbs!!! So I'm sorry for no loss on the contest this week but hopefully that means next week I'll have a big number!!!

    I hope everyone has a fantastical day!!

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thank you Suni.... I easily burn more calories because I am so overweight. I wish I could do that everyday. I figure I can do that much twice a week at least and do my cardio in the morning for 30 minutes the other days. Everyone seems to be doing so well. I hope we get our numbers up soon. I always like to see what everyone is doing. I turned my weight in on Tuesday like I always do and of course on Wed. its usually down another pound. Oh well, I will save it for the next week. LOl

  • punka274
    Morning Everyone,

    May Marie...glad you got to see the Biggest Loser show. Especially when you're part of this contest!!:bigsmile:

    ThisisJeffHere....Awesome job on the kickboxing!!! I'm sure you'll do fine tonight at dinner. I think as long as we are conscious of what we're eating we usually do fine. It's when we're not even thinking about it that re realize we've stuffed our face with bread before our meal even came!!:blushing:

    Obliged....glad to have you back and great job on the weight loss even though you weren't logging!!!:happy:

    Connieq.....You have been working out so amazingly since this all started!!! I really need some of your motivation to do as much as you do! I think taking a day off is well deserved!:drinker:

    Ok, now I think the scale is playing games with me too Punka! :angry:

    I forgot to weigh myself first thing Tuesday morning for the contest but got on the scale after breakfast and a cup of tea and some water and I was down almost 2 lbs from the week before. 'Great' I thought!! I decided to wait until Wednesday to weigh in for the contest cause I thought it would be even better before breakfast. Well, I weighed in and I was the same as the week before!!!! :grumble: After some grumbling I submitted that weight. Now this morning I'm back down the 2 lbs!!! So I'm sorry for no loss on the contest this week but hopefully that means next week I'll have a big number!!!

    I hope everyone has a fantastical day!!


    Shauna...thats exactly what the scale has been doing to me:sad: Im trying not to let it get to me! I didn't lose anything last week,maybe next WI we will both lose a big number....fingers crossed!
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Mabye I missed it? Were the Blue Teams weights for this week posted?

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Mabye I missed it? Were the Blue Teams weights for this week posted?


    Not yet they havent been.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    So the rock wall was closed yesterday but open today so I went and did that, biked super hard, and did my PT. I think my fingers are going to fall off from holding onto the wall. LOL!

    May - I love when the kicked off teams continue to do well, makes me feel less sad that they're gone.

    Jeff - You rock my world with the kick boxing stories... someday I'll be there!

    Connie - I'm not sure how you do it, kids and burning that many calories! You're a rock star!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Morning Smurfettes and Papa Smurf. How is everyone this great Friday. I got my workout done this morning. Biggest Loser DVD. I might go to the rec center though and try to do the treadmill or the stair thingie ( dont know how to spell that thing and not gonna try). Wed. when I burned over 1300 calories it said I could be 26 lbs lighter in 5 weeks. That is some strong motivation of course I know I wouldnt lose that much but it sure would be nice.

    My knee is still hurting though. It is a little swollen today but I have to continue working out. If not I might lose my motivation all together and just stop doing it. I guess I should try to get in to see the doctor to make sure it is ok. What type of doctor should I see. My regular doctor is an internal medicine doctor.

    I hope everyone has a great day and Come ON BLUE PEOPLE...... GET YOUR WEIGHT IN

    PLEASE :flowerforyou: PLEASE:flowerforyou: PLEASE:flowerforyou: PLEASE:flowerforyou: PLEASE:flowerforyou:

  • Rebecca1234
    I've been a little off track this week. I haven't done much exercising or eating for that matter. I was sick and stressed so I didn't have much of an appetite. I'm still not hungry this morning (I'm still sick), but I'm gonna make myself eat some food and go for a short walk! Hope you guys have a good Friday.
  • ThisIsJeffHere
    Sorry to post late. I've been sending follow-up e-mails from dinner last night.

    I went a overboard last night (crepe stuffed with ricotta and spinach covered in sauce; salad with goat cheese and balsamic; huge steak with potatoes; cappuccino; tiramisu; three glasses of red wine), but I think it actually kicked my metabolism into over drive or kickboxing on Wednesday helped me out.

    Either way, I won't ask any questions.

    Connie--be careful with that knee. I don't want you to injure yourself so you physically can't work out.

    I'm still feeling full from last night, so I think I'll do well today. A friend is coming in tonight, so I think we'll go out and have a drink at an outside bar near my apartment. Tomorrow morning I am kickboxing at 9:30 am. Then, after the Penn State game, we'll go into the city (New York) for dinner and a stand-up comedy show.

    Have a great weekend, Smurfettes!!