BWL Smurfettes and Papa Smurf 9/17



  • Sorry to post late. I've been sending follow-up e-mails from dinner last night.

    I went a overboard last night (crepe stuffed with ricotta and spinach covered in sauce; salad with goat cheese and balsamic; huge steak with potatoes; cappuccino; tiramisu; three glasses of red wine), but I think it actually kicked my metabolism into over drive or kickboxing on Wednesday helped me out.

    Either way, I won't ask any questions.

    Connie--be careful with that knee. I don't want you to injure yourself so you physically can't work out.

    I'm still feeling full from last night, so I think I'll do well today. A friend is coming in tonight, so I think we'll go out and have a drink at an outside bar near my apartment. Tomorrow morning I am kickboxing at 9:30 am. Then, after the Penn State game, we'll go into the city (New York) for dinner and a stand-up comedy show.

    Have a great weekend, Smurfettes!! sound like you have such a fun life!!! I would love to live closer to a major center like New York. So much to do!!! Oh well, I better get out of my igloo and go feed my dog sled team..:ohwell:
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hey blues..

    its already pass dinner time here,, i've eaten well so far... but geez do i even have a hard time with the salt :sad: i'm trying to stay under 2 g a day and its harddddddddddddd

    so im going to the gym later,,, day on witch i have no class to go to doesnt motivate me,,, but i've got to get on with it ... (i take it as if it was a job, the scale going down is my pay :laugh: )

    tomorow we are going sightseeing in glasgow (its open day, that means we can visit building that we normaly can't get into, and since my bf is fascinated by architecture... ) and we will be walking quite a bit.. we might also eat out, witch never is good ... i never do good when we eat out.

    jeff.... you seem to have a fun weekend going !!,,, sounds nice !!
    rebecca,, hope you get better soon !!! sucks to be sick :(

    hope you have a good weekend (healthy one :) everyone !
  • :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Hello everybody! Im just so blah today! Im not understanding the scale lately...its just being such a pain! Im up then im down...its been going on all week! gonna go and read! Ive been fighting off the urge to binge all week! If the scale doesn't move soon,i just may go ahead and get it over with:ohwell: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Hello Team,

    I got up early this morning and did Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred. I'll be doing a 30 minute jog when I get home from work. It's going to be a tough weekend. I have a Bridal Shower and plans for our monthly "girls night out". Needless to say, this weekend is going to be full of food and booze temptations....especially girls night. I have a hard time on weekends as it is so I will need extra, extra, extra excercise and lots and lots and lots of self control. I can't afford to gain weight like last week :sad:

    I hope you all have super wonderful weekends.

  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Tammi - do you like bloody mary's? As long as you forgive yourself for the salt, the vodka and tomato juice make it about 100 calories.

    So everyone - wish me luck tomorrow. Tomorrow is the wedding of my ex's sister. I'm still talking to my ex, and I remain good friends with his sister. I haven't seen him or his family for like 3 months though. They love me and will be very nice - but I fear awkwardness. At least I've lost like 10 or 11 lbs!! Ha! Julie is doing great on her own! :laugh: :tongue: :happy:
  • AArrgg!!!! Well I've been doing great exercising way more for the last 3 weeks. But I've noticed that is is getting harder to keep my HR in the fat burning zone without working harder. This is a good thing of course but I've been jogging on the treadmill during my workout and I now seem to have hurt my knees!!!! I've never really had a problem with my knees before but after the first few times I felt some pain in them the next day but thought it was just my knees getting use to it. But today one is swollen and they are really, really sore! So needless to say I stayed away from the gym today :angry: ...hopefully 1 day will be enough. It is soooo hard to stick to my 1200 cals!! Especially on a Friday night! Oh well, hope it gets better and if not I'll head to the doctor next week. :grumble:
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    aww blue team has the blues:frown:

    cheer up smurfs :flowerforyou:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Morning Blues,
    Suni, I hurt my knee also and it was swollen yesterday but not really bad. I bought a brace for it so taht I could still work out and actually as I was walking yesterday I saw a woman who I know and her hubby is a PA for a orthopedic so I asked him his advice and he told me mine was just water on the knee from working out and it should be fine. OF course if it gets worse which he said it shouldnt to come and see him.

    Well I have training today till about 2:30 for cubscouts so I wont exercise until afterwards. I am getting ready to leave for it. So all you blues you guys have been doing great and I know that you will continue to do great. Just keep up the spirit that you guys have had and you will do just fine.

    Got to go for now,
  • Good Morning girls

    sorry for everybody with knee problems...:flowerforyou:

    Today I plan on doing lowerbody and a powerwalk I may do a run interval instead...not sure yet?

    Everybody have a smurfy saturday!:happy: Bananeyessss.gif

    I forgot to mention that my new official WI day is on tuesday(use to be sats) but I did WI today and its back to what it was two weeks ago so maybe I will lose this time excited! greenstars.gif
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Tammi - do you like bloody mary's? As long as you forgive yourself for the salt, the vodka and tomato juice make it about 100 calories.

    I honestly never tried a bloody mary. I will keep in mind for tonight. Thanks for the advice!
  • Happy Saturday everyone.
    I'm going to try going to the gym again today....hope my knee can take it. I'm going to avoid running and try not to do anything that might make it worse. I'm going out for dinner tonight with a bunch of girls so I have to burn some calories unless I want a salad for dinner!! I find it so hard to stay at my 1200!!! I've been exercising 6 days a week just so I can eat more! It seems to be working so far but those days I ddon't it's quite a shock to have to eat less. But oh well....this is good for me right?!?! :bigsmile: lol. You all have a fantastic day and have fun whatever your weekend plans may be!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hey everyone !

    yay its saturday !! :)

    i today we went in town and we walked for about 5 hours, at a strolling pace but still. so because of that i have notworked out today, we also eated out but ive been good this time, i had 3 bean chilli. i did eat over my calories but today is a break day.

    we will be doing the same tomorow......ive come to a realization that if i am resonable with my break days. i still loose the same amount at the end of the week... so its all good :)

    well .. hope yous all have a good day !! and weekend

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Evening everyone,
    Well after my training for the day I went and did an hour at the rec center. They have this fitness challenge going on for 9 weeks starting Oct 1st. I joined up to do it. I figure something else to motivate me more.

    When I got dressed this morning the pants I put on were actually loose. YAY ME..... That was the first time I have noticed it of course most of the time now I am wearing work out clothes. I was actually really happy.

    I hope everyone is having a great saturday.

  • After being totally lazy this week I pretty much got my butt kicked today when I went for a walk. If I still have this cough I'll be going to the doctor on Monday. I only got about 20 mins in before I felt like I was doing too much. Thanks lungs and throat; I appreciate the support. I spent the rest of my day playing video games (and I did study for a few hours)!

    Grats on the loose pants, Connie!
    I hope your knee held out, Shauna

    It's study time.

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Afternoon my Blue Peeps,
    It is Sunday now, I went to the park and walked for almost an hour today. Its harder to do it when I bring my kids because Im trying to keep my eye on them while I walk. But they enjoy coming. I feel really bloated today though. My fingers are retaining water right now. Not sure why. Im also stuck on my same weight. And I have been exercising more this week. I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hey all

    sunday night,,, gee does the weekends ever go by fast,, sooo unfair

    right .. lots of walking again today... david (my bf) took me to my favorite vegetarian restaurant.. there was loads of good healthy choices but then we had a beer !!!!!!!!!! beer !!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: was it ever tasty too...
    arghhh .. so good thing i was moderatly good yesterday but today i didnt calculate de cals,,,

    i didnt work out again today .. but walked an other 5 hours or so,, so what do you think,,, is 5 h walking as good as 1h on the stationary bike ???? well even if it wasnt i just wouldnt have had the energy to do it .lol

    right so tomorow is monday ,, thank goodness because i need back into that gym and normal eating

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Walking for 5 hours probably burns more calories than 1 hour on the stationary bike because you are carrying your whole body instead of sitting on a bike that isnt moving. Plus you walked for quite a long time. That is great.

    Where is everyone today. Just wondering.

  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I attended a wedding yesterday. Between loading up most of my plate with salad and green beans and just an itty bitty bit of mashed potatoes and chicken and dancing my butt off on the dance floor I actually made up for the beer I drank! :drinker:

    OT - the wedding was my ex's sister with whom I'm still pretty good friends, still talking to him as well. The interactions with their friends and immediate family was fine - they all know everyone's fine (I'm the dumpee not the dumper so that helps) but his outer family was very awkward and weird! Oh well, life goes on. On the other hand, his oldest sister who had gastric bypass, (successfully and followed everything to a T and looks amazing) SHE noticed that I lost weight and told me I looked great. I told everyone how great I was doing. :happy:

    I don't feel like working out today - was considering skipping a day but my friend just texted me to go swimming later and I think that's a sign to stay on track. :laugh: Swimming it is!
  • Hope everyone had a great weekend! It's Sunday night and I'm on my way to bed. It's been a fairly successful weekend. Did ok on cals and exercise. Hopefully the scale this week will show my efforts! A new toy I got that will help burn some calories is Dance Dance Revolution for my Nintendo Wii. It's alot of fun and I work up a sweat in no time!! Doesn't even feel like I'm exercising! Any ways, enjoy your Monday morning!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Morning everyone,
    Today is Monday :grumble: I didnt do my dvd this morning. I was planning on going to the rec center today but now I am going to take my little one to the doctor instead. I dont think there is anything really wrong but my hubby has been really sick this past week , his dr said it was just an upper respitory virus but it has been really bad for him. He never goes to the dr for being sick. Anyways she is now congested but she has a rash on her upper back now. That is the main reason she is going. If she gets what my hubby had she will be really sick and I dont want her to get really sick. She has been so healthy so far except for getting tubes already in her ears because of ear infections. My middle son who is now 8 had RSV when he was a baby and spent 4 days in the hospital and I dont want a repeat. I know, I am so overprotective.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am not sure if I am going to get my exercise in today now. I have Cub Scouts tonight so cant do it tonight after hubby gets home. :mad: :explode:

    Tomorrow is another day so I will do it tomorrow.

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