"Cheat Day"



  • LButterfly201
    I don't have a "cheat day" but if I've been really good and I want to splurge one day out of the blue I don't beat myself up for it.

    However, I am also one of those people who like to have something sweet EVERYDAY. I often find myself saving calories or working out more just so I can have ice cream later. It may not be the most nutritious but I almost never go over my daily calories so I say, "why not?"

    If you want to eat something, EAT it! Just don't go crazy. If you're truly doing this as a lifestyle change you'll have to learn how to compromise with your wants and your needs.

    And every once in a while I want a frickin' cupcake!

    BUMP :D Love this, i'm the same :)
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    I don't call it a 'cheat day' but saturdays are our 'treat' days breakfast and lunch r normal then dinner is usually something not as healthy followed by a treat of my choice - i have found this has helped me not crave it all week i still have a loss every week.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I posted this on another topic:

    Usually I don't plan a treat day. I'm not going to force myself to eat bad things just because its my treat day. Usually I will just work the extra calories into my day if I feel I'm needing a treat. If my boyfriend and I plan a date sometime in the week then I will go to the gym before we go and save up calories by eating healthy all day. Even when I do go out and treat myself, I'll still try to stay healthy with something I enjoy. I find myself not wanting junk like pizza or burgers, its just desserts that I want so I will give myself those otherwise I'll end up indulging later. I'm never going to deny myself anything if I want it, because that doesn't work for me.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I might have cheat meals. I try not to have a whole day off. For instance, I had Dominos for lunch today but I will still be under my calories because I will eat a salad or something light for dinner.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    For me, never. In the past, my "cheat days" invariably became "cheat weekends," and eventually just a blown diet. That's me, I can't speak for anyone else. Now, as a newly-diagnosed diabetic, there can be no "cheats" for me--what, am I going to toss a towel over top of my glucose monitor and pretend I'm not diabetic for a day? Yes, there are some folks who do actually toss the monitor in a drawer and pretend, but I'm not going to do that to my body. So, while "cheat days" most likely do work for some (and I'm glad!), it's not something that ever has or, with my diabetes, ever will work for me.

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Oh, yes, I'm a "sweet every day" person, too--usually, my Builder's Bar in the morning handles that, but if not, I opt for no sugar added Fudgesicles, and I plan for the calories and sugar/carbs accordingly. Like I said before, I'm sure the "cheat day" think works for some, and I'm glad--we've all got to find what works for us. But for me, it's not possible--if I want to splurge, I have to make plans for it, and switch things around so my blood sugar doesn't go nuts.

  • jamiefire7
    jamiefire7 Posts: 50
    IMPORTANT: I am not judgmental. Eat what you want and be happy with what you look like, have good esteem and self image and screw everyone else, really. I know people who are like this. But people, please don't make behavioral choices and then abuse yourself, castigate yourself, feel like crap, go through guilt trips, avoid the mirror or swimsuits, etc. That is insanity. Don't do it to yourself.

    Pretty Good Stuff!!!!!