Too fat to get pregnant...anyone else out there?



  • 2day2morrow4ever
    2day2morrow4ever Posts: 19 Member
    Awesome motivational reasoning!!! Trying to keep up with them after they arrive will help you keep the wieght off!!!

    Seriously though, you do want to be healthier to promote a healthier pregnancy. Everyone has something they need to do to promote a healthier pregnancy for themselves. Yours happens to be the need to lose weight. Keep the goal in mind, and remember being able to eat healthy and exercise before pregnancy just gets you in practice for pregnancy and helps you prepare for the healthiest pregnancy and delivery possible. Dont miss the forest for the trees (or in your case...don't miss the children for the pounds). You can do this. I have faith in you.
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    I LOVE that you love this baby you have not even created yet to be taking this journey and getting healthy first.... already you are a great momma!! :)

    Agreed!! Good luck! You will reach your goals!!