Not Loosing Weight After being on HCG Diet


I wanted to start this thread to see if anyone else is having this problem. I completed my Phase 2 of the HCG Diet 1 month ago. I am currently on Phase 4. My weight upon completing Phase 2 was 149 lbs. I've been fluctuating between 149 and 150 for 4 weeks. I got down to 148.2 at one point, but now I am back up to 149. I am following a great diet. I follow The Diet Solution where I eat all organic and eat my recommended amount of protein and Carb. I also workout 4 days a week. I am not loosing any weight and am wondering if this has something to do with the HCG.


  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    I'm no expert on any diet.. but I believe the HCG diet is only 500 cals a day, if you're following that PLUS working out and burning tons of calories then your body may be in starvation mode..
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I have read that you can not use lotions and that they will lead to a gain.. My SIL was on HCG diet and I was curious I looked up the information about it, this is some of the things I found.

    Taken from

    When no dietary error is elicited we turn to cosmetics. Most women find it hard to believe that fats, oils, creams and ointments applied to the skin are absorbed and interfere with weight reduction by HCG just as if they had been eaten. This almost incredible sensitivity to even such very minor increases in nutritional intake is a peculiar feature of the HCG method. For instance, we find that persons who habitually handle organic fats, such as workers in beauty parlors, masseurs, butchers, etc. never show what we consider a satisfactory loss of weight unless they can avoid fat coming into contact with their skin.

    The point is so important that I will illustrate it with two cases. A lady who was cooperating perfectly suddenly increased half a pound. Careful questioning brought nothing to light. She had certainly made no dietary error nor had she used any kind of face cream, and she was already in the menopause. As we felt that we could trust her implicitly, we left the question suspended. Yetjust as she was about to leave the consulting room she suddenly stopped, turned and snapped her fingers. “I've got it,” she said. This is what had happened : She had bought herself a new set of make-up pots and bottles and, using her fingers, had transferred her large assortment of cosmetics to the new containers in anticipation of the day she would be able to use them again after her treatment.

    The other case concerns a man who impressed us as being very conscientious. He was about 20 lbs. overweight but did not lose satisfactorily from the onset of treatment. Again and again we tried to find the reason but with no success, until one day he said:“I never told you this, but I have a glass eye. In fact, I have a whole set of them. I frequently change them, and every time I do that I put a special ointment in my eyesocket.. Do you think that could have anything to do with it?” As we thought just that, we asked him to stop using this ointment, and from that day on his weight-loss was regular.

    We are particularly averse to those modern cosmetics which contain hormones, as any interference with endocrine regulations during treatment must be absolutely avoided. Many women whose skin has in the course of years become adjusted to the use of fat containing cosmetics find that their skin gets dry as soon as they stop using them. In such cases we permit the use of plain mineral oil, which has no nutritional value. On the other hand, mineral oil should not be used in preparing the food, first because of its undesirable laxative quality, and second because it absorbs some fat-soluble vitamins, which are then lost in the stool. We do permit the use of lipstick, powder and such lotions as are entirely free of fatty substances. We also allow brilliantine to be used on the hair but it must not be rubbed into the scalp. Obviously sun-tan oil is prohibited
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    What is HCG, plz?
  • Not sure what you mean by phase 4. If you went off the HCG and were able to maintain your weight that is great! If you are again starting the HCG regiment again, you have to follow the diet plan strictly again! Also keep in mind that depending on your height or BMI, do you have more weight to lose? Even the slightest cheating on the diet can cause you to not lose weight. For me, I would not see any loss for 3-5 days despite being very strict on my eating and food choices. Then I would suddenly lose 2 pounds or so. If you did not stop using HCG for the 3-4 weeks, you body has become immune to the hormone and you will not see a change. Lastly water consumption is important. If you are not drinking 1-2 litters as stated, you body will retain more water in place of the fat and that will cause you to not see a loss in the scale. Hope this helps.
  • meshell216
    meshell216 Posts: 21 Member
    You are only supposed to do light exercise such as walking while on the hcg diet.
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    I am on maintenance phase where you slowly start to introduce starch and sugar back into your diet, so I am back to eating normal at this point. I am allowed approx 1600 calories now so I can exercise vigorously again...yay =)

    I have been following an organic diet and working out but for some reason I am not able to drop weight. I am thinking this has something to do with the HCG. I just wanted to see if anyone else that have gone through the HCG have lost weight since they've stopped the drops/shots?
  • It is possible that your metabolism is messed up from being on such a restritive diet for a long time. Plus your horomones might be out of wack from the HCG. Have you been to the Dr. for a blood test since you have been on this diet? I would get an overall checkup ASAP.
  • I am on maintenance phase where you slowly start to introduce starch and sugar back into your diet, so I am back to eating normal at this point. I am allowed approx 1600 calories now so I can exercise vigorously again...yay =)

    I have been following an organic diet and working out but for some reason I am not able to drop weight. I am thinking this has something to do with the HCG. I just wanted to see if anyone else that have gone through the HCG have lost weight since they've stopped the drops/shots?

    I'm contemplating on going on this diet. Do you find that you are maintaining well and not gaining back any of the weight?
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    It is possible that your metabolism is messed up from being on such a restritive diet for a long time. Plus your horomones might be out of wack from the HCG. Have you been to the Dr. for a blood test since you have been on this diet? I would get an overall checkup ASAP.

    This is exactly what comes to my mind, metabolism and hormone issues. I would have to agree with the getting a checkup soon:)
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    You're probably just on a plateau in between phases. People get annoyed when their bodies plateau, but that's your body's natural response, you're actually supposed to plateau periodically. As long as you're not gaining, you're probably ok.
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I thought during the maintence phase, you are to be maintaining plus or minus 2lbs.
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    I lost 14 lbs in 18 days and stopped the HCG at day 24. I gain ounces and loose ounces but never more than that. I am starting another diet on Saturday and if there is no weightloss, I will for sure see a doctor. For some reason I thought I would continue dropping weight after HCG as long as I follow a proper diet. Maybe I didn't understand the protocal as well as I thought I did :ohwell:
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    either way you still look good!!!
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    Thanks klabeau!!! I feel great...just wish I could get closer to my goal. I have about 18 more lbs I want to loose :smile:
  • The HCG is out of your body now... and has been since 3 days past last dose. But you know that~
    Now it's all about calories in and calories out. For me I learned that I have issues with certain types of carbs (the kind with flour in them) and cannot lose at all when it's in my diet. So, for me, it's lots of fruit, veggies, and protein.

    Try 'playing' with removing a food type and see if the scale moves... you may be surprised that your body will react differently to different foods-- everyone is different.

    From what I've read you are completely on track for what the HCG is supposed to do! Your body doesn't go into starvation mode while on the HCG--- so I wouldn't be concerned about that part (you would gain potentially) and now it's a matter of going the next mile (or in my case few miles!). You look wonderful and the loss will happen with time....
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    When you restrict your body to 500 calories a day, you screw up a lot of things such as your metabolism and your bodily functions. Essentially, the HCG was numbing your stomach. I would see a doctor. Now if you open your food diary up, we can analyze it and see what we can do to get your metabolism back. Keep in mind, that it will probably take several weeks or longer. Weight loss isn't always quick or easy. And in reality, it is very difficult on your body to lose more than 2 lbs a week. I would high suggest getting rid of anything HCG related. That stuff is not good for you. The best way to lose weight is diet and exercise. Diet pills and other diets methodoligies aren't going to do it right.
  • AutumnPThomsen
    AutumnPThomsen Posts: 7 Member
    When you are in Phase 4 (Maintance) you will not loose weight. You will fluctuate up to 2lbs. After about 6 weeks you can start on Phase 2 again to start loosing again. You are right on track!
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    Thanks ladies! I thought I read that in the protocal, but I guess I thought I would at least loose ounces or a pound a week. I did make my diary public :smile:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thanks ladies! I thought I read that in the protocal, but I guess I thought I would at least loose ounces or a pound a week. I did make my diary public :smile:

    How tall are you and do you exercise? I estimated 5"7. Either way, unless you are exercising a lot, you might be eating too many calories by looking at your BMR. Based on that calculation, you should be eating about 1400 unless you workout, then we adjust for that. Essentially, if you workout or just in a normal course of day burn 200 calories (which is very easy) than 1600 will put you in the maintain phase as opposed to lose. Now if you can get a BF% reading, then I can get better indicator of what your BMR really is.

    Oh, for those who are thinking of this diet, when you eat 500 calories, you don't lose fat, you lose muscle. Your body goes into starvation mode and you will retain fat. This is very similiar to being anorexic. I high suggest getting off this diet and doing it the real way... change your lifestyle and exercise.
  • AutumnPThomsen
    AutumnPThomsen Posts: 7 Member
    I have been on the HCG diet since December 2010. (on and off according to protocol). It is a wonderful diet that has changed my life and my sister who started in Jan 2011 at a weight of 391 is now 320 and still losing at a fantastic rate. We both feel wonderful. We have had no negative side effects and I can promise you that I am losing FAT!
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