Not Loosing Weight After being on HCG Diet



  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    I am 5.0" and I workout 4 days a week burning on average 400 calories per day. The last time my BF% was recorded a little less than a month ago it was 37%.

    As for the HCG diet, I also had great success with it and no side effects. I dropped 6 sizes and feel better than ever. I understand that many people have negative feelings about it, but it worked for me and am glad I did it :smile:
  • AutumnPThomsen
    AutumnPThomsen Posts: 7 Member
    It really seems like everyone I know that has done it and done it right has had great results without negative side effects and the only people saying bad things are the ones who have never tried it. Before I tried I was very skeptical that it would work but I had so many people around me having great results that I decided to give it a go. I have lost 50 lbs on it and I am going back on soon because I want to lose about 50 more!
    Great job on your loss!
  • Shepink
    Shepink Posts: 39 Member
    It's nice to hear positive results from those on the hcg diet. I've been on the injections for a week and have lost 6 pounds. Tomorrow I have my first check-up with the doctor and I hope to have lost at least 2 more pounds. I cheated a bit but have been real good with the VLCD, it's not as bad as I thought.

    Keep posting your success stories and motivating me.
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    I just started round 3 on HCG. I've lost 30 pounds. I just finished three weeks on p3. I can't understand for the life of me why people want to inject their negative thoughts on HCG. As if they are going to change the minds of those who have been on it and had great weight loss with it!! Happy losing ladies!!!
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55

    I've lost 1 pound since I began this thread...yay! I thought I'd never continue to loose weight again :sad:
    I was upset that I wasn't dropping more weight while I was in my maintenance phase. I was following a great diet and staying within my calories. I came to find out thanks to many of you that my success was in not gaining any weight :)
    I didn't realize my body was stabilizing and that eventually I would be able to loose again.

    Almost EVERYONE criticizes a diet where you loose weight at a rapid pace. What they don't realize is that HCG diet is not a fad diet. It has been around for 50 years and has helped many people loose weight and keep it off. I too was skeptical about it. I thought for sure that once I start eating more calories I would start to gain the weight back. I was wrong! this was the best diet I've ever done and I would consider doing it again to get to my goal weight :)

    Good Luck to all that are on the HCG. Follow it 100% and you will see amazing results!
  • tkbluejay
    tkbluejay Posts: 2
    Hi, I have been off of HCG for 10 weeks now and still unable to loose weight. I am curious how you are doing now a year later, I see that this thread stopped a year ago.

    I track all of my food and activity and steps taken 24/7 with my fitbit. I use their site to track my food as well. I have had a deficit in calories in vs calories out every week for the past month with no weight loss. I have not had 3500 burned each week but I have had about 2600 a week less than eaten. So after 4 weeks of that I should have lost at least 1.5-2 lbs. But still nothing. I take my body fat % each week and I have gained a pound of muscle but my actual pounds of fat on my body have stayed the same. I know that there is no way it should be the same and I have a feeling my body is still messed up from the HCG diet. While I was on it my period went from once a month like normal to once every month and half and it was not predictable. I am back on track with my cycle and have been for 2 months now.

    I am not asking if the HCG has affected my lack of weight loss because I have the numbers, the body fat%, etc so I know it has. What I would like to know is now after a year...have you had any luck or did you break down and jump back onto the HCG again?

    Thanks I hope have some good news!

    PS ..I too loved the HCG diet, I did loose a lot of weight very fast but I also lost a good 5 pounds of muscle too on my last round of it (Feb-March 2012) On Feb 1 I was 158lbs 28.2% BF (111 lean and 44lbs fat). at the end I was 143 26%BF (106 lean and 37lbs fat) so While I lost 15 pounds on that last run only 7lbs of that was actual fat, 5 pounds was pure muscle and the difference was water weight.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    What is HCG, plz?
    From what I've seen (only know a little about it) it's a hormone or amino acid that you take combined with eating an extremely low amount of calories for a period of time, and you gradually add back in things like carbs at some point during. It is illegal where I live, however there is a similar type one still here. I think that it is the 500 cals that drops the weight not the drug personally, but everyone has their own opinion on it. (I don't know much about it, but I hope that helps. All I really know is that it is illegal here. But I've herd that you can get it prescribed.)
  • I actually used to promote and sell homeopathic HCG, but I stopped. Honestly it does work for some, but your body does go in to starvation mode. I would make sure you are getting in enough water and hold back on the exercise.

    I stopped promoting it because I wanted to do it a safer way and I want to coach people to do it a safer way too. Just be careful and make sure you are getting enough protein and fiber.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hi, I have been off of HCG for 10 weeks now and still unable to loose weight. I am curious how you are doing now a year later, I see that this thread stopped a year ago.

    I track all of my food and activity and steps taken 24/7 with my fitbit. I use their site to track my food as well. I have had a deficit in calories in vs calories out every week for the past month with no weight loss. I have not had 3500 burned each week but I have had about 2600 a week less than eaten. So after 4 weeks of that I should have lost at least 1.5-2 lbs. But still nothing. I take my body fat % each week and I have gained a pound of muscle but my actual pounds of fat on my body have stayed the same. I know that there is no way it should be the same and I have a feeling my body is still messed up from the HCG diet. While I was on it my period went from once a month like normal to once every month and half and it was not predictable. I am back on track with my cycle and have been for 2 months now.

    I am not asking if the HCG has affected my lack of weight loss because I have the numbers, the body fat%, etc so I know it has. What I would like to know is now after a year...have you had any luck or did you break down and jump back onto the HCG again?

    Thanks I hope have some good news!

    PS ..I too loved the HCG diet, I did loose a lot of weight very fast but I also lost a good 5 pounds of muscle too on my last round of it (Feb-March 2012) On Feb 1 I was 158lbs 28.2% BF (111 lean and 44lbs fat). at the end I was 143 26%BF (106 lean and 37lbs fat) so While I lost 15 pounds on that last run only 7lbs of that was actual fat, 5 pounds was pure muscle and the difference was water weight.

    So you can't lose weight, your period is messed up... have you ever thought this program isn't working? This program is designed for obese people, not those in a normal range or close to a normal range. Also, losing weight won't make you look better. You will still be flabby sine you are losing muscle. Now, if you changed your mindset, where you tried body recomposition, you would be able to cut fat while maintaining muscle mass, which in turn would give you the ripped/fit looking body. You do this by taking TDEE and cutting 20%. You also have to understand that when you create large deficits, your body fights to conserve body fat. It releases cortisol in order to do this. So in the long run, you will lose more muscle and maintain your fat more frequently since you aren't providing nutrition to function.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Changed my mind about posting.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss, but the HCG diet has done nothing but HARM to people I know that used it.

    The only reason people lose weight on that plan is you are only allowed to eat 500 calories a day. HCG has been scientifically proven to do NOTHING to help with weight loss or to make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day. It will not protect muscle, reset your metabolism or do anything else the snake oil salesmen that sell it claim. Dr. Simeons was a quack doctor. His "HCG protocol" has absolutely NO scientific backing and is not worth risking your health on.

    Any doctor that pushes the HCG diet plan should be stripped of their license to practice medicine because they are being totally unethical and giving advice that goes against the conclusions of all reliable scientific research on the subject.

    The HCG diet has been studied by many scientific organizations, and they all concluded that HCG, even the "real" injectable version, is no more effective than a placebo, and eating only 500 calories a day for weeks, as recommended by that plan, can cause more health problems than it solves.

    I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. Then they regained more weight than they lost. Now they wish they never heard of HCG.

    The Government is now in the process of getting all that fraudulent stuff off the market, and it's about time!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member

    I wanted to start this thread to see if anyone else is having this problem. I completed my Phase 2 of the HCG Diet 1 month ago. I am currently on Phase 4. My weight upon completing Phase 2 was 149 lbs. I've been fluctuating between 149 and 150 for 4 weeks. I got down to 148.2 at one point, but now I am back up to 149. I am following a great diet. I follow The Diet Solution where I eat all organic and eat my recommended amount of protein and Carb. I also workout 4 days a week. I am not loosing any weight and am wondering if this has something to do with the HCG.

    That diet is a bunch of BS. One only needs to eat right and exercise. Sounds crazy, huh?
  • tkbluejay
    tkbluejay Posts: 2
    Hi, I have been off of HCG for 10 weeks now and still unable to loose weight. I am curious how you are doing now a year later, I see that this thread stopped a year ago.

    I track all of my food and activity and steps taken 24/7 with my fitbit. I use their site to track my food as well. I have had a deficit in calories in vs calories out every week for the past month with no weight loss. I have not had 3500 burned each week but I have had about 2600 a week less than eaten. So after 4 weeks of that I should have lost at least 1.5-2 lbs. But still nothing. I take my body fat % each week and I have gained a pound of muscle but my actual pounds of fat on my body have stayed the same. I know that there is no way it should be the same and I have a feeling my body is still messed up from the HCG diet. While I was on it my period went from once a month like normal to once every month and half and it was not predictable. I am back on track with my cycle and have been for 2 months now.

    I am not asking if the HCG has affected my lack of weight loss because I have the numbers, the body fat%, etc so I know it has. What I would like to know is now after a year...have you had any luck or did you break down and jump back onto the HCG again?

    Thanks I hope have some good news!

    PS ..I too loved the HCG diet, I did loose a lot of weight very fast but I also lost a good 5 pounds of muscle too on my last round of it (Feb-March 2012) On Feb 1 I was 158lbs 28.2% BF (111 lean and 44lbs fat). at the end I was 143 26%BF (106 lean and 37lbs fat) so While I lost 15 pounds on that last run only 7lbs of that was actual fat, 5 pounds was pure muscle and the difference was water weight.

    So you can't lose weight, your period is messed up... have you ever thought this program isn't working? This program is designed for obese people, not those in a normal range or close to a normal range. Also, losing weight won't make you look better. You will still be flabby sine you are losing muscle. Now, if you changed your mindset, where you tried body recomposition, you would be able to cut fat while maintaining muscle mass, which in turn would give you the ripped/fit looking body. You do this by taking TDEE and cutting 20%. You also have to understand that when you create large deficits, your body fights to conserve body fat. It releases cortisol in order to do this. So in the long run, you will lose more muscle and maintain your fat more frequently since you aren't providing nutrition to function.

    I notice that many people responding have not even read what I posted...I said I have been OFF it for 10 weeks now. My question was for the OP to see how long it took for her to start losing again or anyone who has had success losing fat again after coming off this diet. My cycle is back to normal...again I did post that...does anyone actually read? Not trying to be rude but seriously...I;m not concerned with pounds, that is why I go by my Body fat hand held device to track progress. I have been lifting weights, eating 100% natural, eating less than I burn a day, I know how to lose weight normally...I lost 50 pounds on my own twice (got pregnant inbetween) before I even tried the HCG diet.

    I was posting my facts that HCG does burn your muscle along with the fat and water...I am not saying its the way to go since obviously I am trying to find other people who have had success losing fat after getting off that diet.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hi, I have been off of HCG for 10 weeks now and still unable to loose weight. I am curious how you are doing now a year later, I see that this thread stopped a year ago.

    I track all of my food and activity and steps taken 24/7 with my fitbit. I use their site to track my food as well. I have had a deficit in calories in vs calories out every week for the past month with no weight loss. I have not had 3500 burned each week but I have had about 2600 a week less than eaten. So after 4 weeks of that I should have lost at least 1.5-2 lbs. But still nothing. I take my body fat % each week and I have gained a pound of muscle but my actual pounds of fat on my body have stayed the same. I know that there is no way it should be the same and I have a feeling my body is still messed up from the HCG diet. While I was on it my period went from once a month like normal to once every month and half and it was not predictable. I am back on track with my cycle and have been for 2 months now.

    I am not asking if the HCG has affected my lack of weight loss because I have the numbers, the body fat%, etc so I know it has. What I would like to know is now after a year...have you had any luck or did you break down and jump back onto the HCG again?

    Thanks I hope have some good news!

    PS ..I too loved the HCG diet, I did loose a lot of weight very fast but I also lost a good 5 pounds of muscle too on my last round of it (Feb-March 2012) On Feb 1 I was 158lbs 28.2% BF (111 lean and 44lbs fat). at the end I was 143 26%BF (106 lean and 37lbs fat) so While I lost 15 pounds on that last run only 7lbs of that was actual fat, 5 pounds was pure muscle and the difference was water weight.

    So you can't lose weight, your period is messed up... have you ever thought this program isn't working? This program is designed for obese people, not those in a normal range or close to a normal range. Also, losing weight won't make you look better. You will still be flabby sine you are losing muscle. Now, if you changed your mindset, where you tried body recomposition, you would be able to cut fat while maintaining muscle mass, which in turn would give you the ripped/fit looking body. You do this by taking TDEE and cutting 20%. You also have to understand that when you create large deficits, your body fights to conserve body fat. It releases cortisol in order to do this. So in the long run, you will lose more muscle and maintain your fat more frequently since you aren't providing nutrition to function.

    I notice that many people responding have not even read what I posted...I said I have been OFF it for 10 weeks now. My question was for the OP to see how long it took for her to start losing again or anyone who has had success losing fat again after coming off this diet. My cycle is back to normal...again I did post that...does anyone actually read? Not trying to be rude but seriously...I;m not concerned with pounds, that is why I go by my Body fat hand held device to track progress. I have been lifting weights, eating 100% natural, eating less than I burn a day, I know how to lose weight normally...I lost 50 pounds on my own twice (got pregnant inbetween) before I even tried the HCG diet.

    I was posting my facts that HCG does burn your muscle along with the fat and water...I am not saying its the way to go since obviously I am trying to find other people who have had success losing fat after getting off that diet.

    My apologies, i read that wrong, i thought you were on week 10 of another phase. Yes we read, but sometimes misunderstand. One think you should know, is you STILL can NOT have a large deficit. At your stage, 1/2 lb per week is optimal or your body will release hormones to prevent fat loss. Generally, what I suggest is eating at maintenance for a few weeks (to regulate the hormones) and then cut 20% from your TDEE. That should help.
  • I just want to say as a former, yo-yo, latest diet-crazed, how-can-I-lose-weight-quickly dieter, I tried to do the HCG. I didn't even last a day. I am amazed you lasted so long. I guess I was weak!

    Congrats on your progress so far and I hope you will find the answers you need!
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm kinda scared to post now, but I will. I tried the HCG diet for 3 weeks. I actually did a modified version of it eating more than 500 calories. Once I finished the 3 weeks I figured the HCG probably didn't do anything and it was just the low cal diet, but I was so scared of "starvation mode" I used the drops since that is what they are supposed to help prevent. I lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks and have kept it off and lost more. I lost a few more pounds right after, then I was stalled for several weeks, but now am back on track. I am glad I tried the diet though because it's what made me realize I was gluten intolerant. So, I really have no regrets although I wouldn't do it again or recommend it to anyone.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Never mind :)
  • dj00033
    dj00033 Posts: 2

    Just wondering how many calories you had on your modified version of HCG?

  • dj00033
    dj00033 Posts: 2
    I'm kinda scared to post now, but I will. I tried the HCG diet for 3 weeks. I actually did a modified version of it eating more than 500 calories. Once I finished the 3 weeks I figured the HCG probably didn't do anything and it was just the low cal diet, but I was so scared of "starvation mode" I used the drops since that is what they are supposed to help prevent. I lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks and have kept it off and lost more. I lost a few more pounds right after, then I was stalled for several weeks, but now am back on track. I am glad I tried the diet though because it's what made me realize I was gluten intolerant. So, I really have no regrets although I wouldn't do it again or recommend it to anyone.


    Just wondering how many calories you had on your modified version of HCG?

  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I was surprised to find out a friend of mine has tried alot of things to lose weight...and always gives up. She visited her doctor again....and he put her on the HCG shots. She is just starting, so I have no idea how it will go for her. I was just surprised a doctor was all for it....but he is. She is not really that heavy ....maybe about 180-190 and about 5'6"
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