Do guys think weight loss is hot?

SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
edited 6:06AM in Chit-Chat
I am just curious - the guys in your life that see you on a regular basis, do they see the gradual loss of weight and unveiling of the hottie within as a hot thing, or as a wierd, uncomfortable thing? I'm not talking about husbands or significant others - I am talking about guys you may see semi regularly like coworkers or neighbors or friends spouses, whatever.

I sometimes feel embarrassed about the weight loss - especially now that it has become quite noticeable and I am starting to turn a head here and there - I wonder what these men think of it? Can't help but wonder...


  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I wonder the same thing. Looking forward to hearing some answers.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good question. BUMP!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I have a lot of male friends and acquaintances. It seems like the ones I've been friends with for a long time just say stuff like "you look good" or "have you been working out?" Lol. (I've lose close to 60 in the last couple of years). The acquaintances are the ones that don't quite know what to do with me. :tongue:
  • Windi43
    Windi43 Posts: 11
    My daughter just recently lost over 50 lbs and looks fantastic. The guys she works with all of a sudden are paying more attention to her, stop by her office to chat with her. It makes her somewhat uncomfortable and a little angry. She is the same person she was 50 lbs ago. Her personality and ambition and intelligence hasn't changed. Basically, watch, and look.
  • boku70
    boku70 Posts: 80
    My wife's lost 35 lbs. in recent months. She definitely looks hotter.

    (Uh...*even* hotter! :-) )
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    back in 2007 i lost 70lbs in less than 6 months and i looked super good and A LOT of my male co-workers noticed. Most were just seriously impressed and would just say things like "hey hottie mcfly!" or "wow! you look amazing!"

    I had a few that were kinda freaked out because i was like the chubby sister they never had and when i lost that weight and they saw me as a more attractive person it kinda weirded them out.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Who cares, I'll feel 'hotter' when I'm slimmer.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    We think "Man, I hope she still has that fat chick mentality. This is going to be easy! :laugh: Just kidding! I'm only kidding, just a joke, not looking for any trouble. Truthfully we are always happy to see another hot chick in the office :smile:
  • paubanda
    paubanda Posts: 34
  • allmanro
    allmanro Posts: 22 Member
    Ok this is really funny! I actually have a lot of guy friends and they have noticed my "change" for the better. It's funny though guys are not really aware of it, or at least to them it’s not that big of a deal. I have gotten "Robin you look different" they are kind of moronic at times about it, like they can't figure out what is different...I am like " I lost weight! dummy!" lol but they mean well and are very encouraging. Do no ever feel embarrassed about such an amazing thing!! If you embrace YOU then they will embrace YOU! Even 50+ lbs ago before I was on this site I loved myself, all 220lbs lol and I had great guys in my life. It’s all about how you project yourself :)
  • paubanda
    paubanda Posts: 34
    Who cares, I'll feel 'hotter' when I'm slimmer.

    VERY TRU!!!
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    I have a lot of male friends. Only two of them willingly talk to me about the weight loss thing. One of them had his own battle a couple years back (he lost 160lbs!), so it's not such a weird thing for him. The other is a bit more emo than most guys and a lot of times more like a girl friend than a guy friend emotionally/conversation wise. The rest of them look suddenly interested in their shoes if I say anything about losing weight, eating a good diet this week, or going to the gym.

    My husband thinks part of the issue is that a lot of my male friends are our mutual male friends and therefore observing my body at all seems strange, but even the couple of male friends I have that don't really associate with my husband are the same way. I think it's uncomfortable for them because it seems like one of those 'trap' topics. They seem to believe that women specifically start conversations that are totally traps so that when the unwitting male replies in any way, she can yell at him. Men are strange...
  • allmanro
    allmanro Posts: 22 Member
    PS if a guy wont date you when your "fat" vs "skinny" than NEXT his *kitten*!!! ♣ lol
  • srast
    srast Posts: 17
    My boyfriend, his friends, and one of my (girl) friends were apparently talking about it at a BBQ we were at. My girl friend told me they said I looked "beautiful" and when she told them that they should tell me they were both like "no way!" as if it would be weird and awkward for them to tell me that. My other girl friend's boyfriend told her I looked good but also didn't want to tell me. It's such a confidence boost to hear that all your effort is working. I don't get why it's weird?? I ALWAYS tell people because I know I love to hear it!! I'm not doing this for other people, but to say I don't enjoy taking a compliment like that would be a complete lie! Why are guys so weird about it? I did have one guy friend, that I literally haven't seen in years who said it to me several times. Perhaps it's because I see the other guys all the time?
  • rlg89s
    rlg89s Posts: 2
    Gradual weight loss is definitely noticeable! I think overall if I knew any woman who was in the gym and taking a strive at weight loss is definitely a plus and super hot! it does not matter whether the weight loss was as quickly noticeable as others , the fact that they even took up the challenge is awesome!! its creating a life style and not looking for instant results!

    Idk just my 2 cents
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    As a guy.... I think that all you women are seriously overthinking it.

    Guys don't analyze and think about things like that. If you look good on any given day, our mind will think "Ooh hottie." (and then some explicit stuff I shouldn't post). If you haven't been a hottie before.... OUR MIND WON'T CONNECT THE DOTS! Over time, our mind may start to accept the fact that... this girls a hottie!

    When a guy tells you "You look nice." or some other complement... take it as that. You don't need to to think that we are giving you a compliment because you looked like **** last week. Ya'll read into us WAY too much.

    Guys aren't that complex. Seriously.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    PS if a guy wont date you when your "fat" vs "skinny" than NEXT his *kitten*!!! ♣ lol
    I think that's the problem my acquaintance male friends are having, if they hit on me now where they didn't before they'll come off as complete *kitten*. Lol.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    We think "Man, I hope she still has that fat chick mentality. This is going to be easy! :laugh: Just kidding! I'm only kidding, just a joke, not looking for any trouble. Truthfully we are always happy to see another hot chick in the office :smile:

    Ah! Thats the type of thing I want to know! Do they see you as a hot chick with a "fat chick" inside? Do you ever get rid of that "ugliness" that some men see when they see an overweight woman? (I have been very obese before, so I am not talking about a pleasingly plump look)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think that when someone is working hard to improve their diet, health, and fitness, it is absolutely, positively hot.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    PS if a guy wont date you when your "fat" vs "skinny" than NEXT his *kitten*!!! ♣ lol

    Oh that's a crock of ****. If a guy cares about his body and works hard to make it look good, why would he be willing to settle for someone that doesn't take care of themselves?

    If you don't care enough about yourself to make an effort, why should a guy care about you?

    Besides, like it or not, guys do have "types" as well. I got a good friend that will only date extremely chunky women. I have friends that only date skinny women. I personally like a little more curves, but not too much.

    I'm not saying a guy who only cares about looks is what you want, I'm just saying don't use lines like that as an excuse for when a guy isn't interested.
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