More Women Than Men



  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    well as a guy who has asked a few questions on MFP, I usually dont get many responces. which is discouraging.

    I have posted about different workouts and asked for peoples thoughts but hardly ever get any feed back. i have had maybe two or three questions actually answered when opening up a topic.

    I do agree that women have a lot of pressure on them, weither that be from men, other women, or themselves. they are held to a standard that is set far too high.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I don't post threads that ask questions because I search to see if it's already been asked first. The search feature is my friend. When I find what I'm looking for, I will browse through the replies to see if someone brings up a point that I should research further. If I can't find what I'm looking for, I will ask my friends whatever is on my mind or even send a pm to someone I know is well educated on the subject. I'm planning for my introduction and before/after pictures to be the only threads I ever create on mfp.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    well as a guy who has asked a few questions on MFP, I usually dont get many responces. which is discouraging.

    I have posted about different workouts and asked for peoples thoughts but hardly ever get any feed back. i have had maybe two or three questions actually answered when opening up a topic.

    I do agree that women have a lot of pressure on them, weither that be from men, other women, or themselves. they are held to a standard that is set far too high.

    I have noticed that when a guy posts there aren't as many responses. Perhaps that is because women don't feel comfortable giving advice to a guy? Or don't feel their knowledge applies? And as others have said, guys just aren't as chatty. Though I tend to ramble on and on when people send me questions as private messages. I get carried away.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    well as a guy who has asked a few questions on MFP, I usually dont get many responces. which is discouraging.

    I have posted about different workouts and asked for peoples thoughts but hardly ever get any feed back. i have had maybe two or three questions actually answered when opening up a topic.

    I do agree that women have a lot of pressure on them, weither that be from men, other women, or themselves. they are held to a standard that is set far too high.
    Hit me up on a message and I will do my best to answer.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Pretty much agree with everything that's been said.

    I post a fair bit on the forums but don't usually have questions, usually just links to interesting articles I have come across and recipes and stuff. Definitely spend more time answering other people's questions I would say. (as well as random jibber jabber :smile: )
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I post quite a bit and have started some threads, but those are mostly fun. As others have said, I research on my own and find the answers I'm looking for. I will say I have no problem asking for directions or reading the instruction manual, sometimes to the embarrassment of my wife :laugh: .
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    The ladies tend to be more insecure... and with insecurity comes the paranoia and the need to have those insecurities quelled. Needing to hear or read that they are pretty, they are doing well, they aren't alone. And on the flip side, when finally that girl is confident in her appearance and those insecurities vanished, other women can be judgmental that they are cocky or the like. Vicious cycle! Luckily MOST the women I've befriended on here are pretty down to earth :bigsmile:

    Maybe actually the ladies are MORE secure and that is why they are ok with asking questions. :)

    Plus guys always want to "fix" everything, so I guess it's a perfect balance. I choose to embrace the differences that God created into men and women. It's hard to understand each other sometimes but if we realize we were made to balance each other out, it all suddenly makes much more sense.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    As a side note, I don't think I've ever posted a question on the forum. I have posted a few interesting things or I'll join a group with a common goal. I read the posts a lot but I interact more with those who are my friends, through the newsfeed and messages.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I have asked a few questions, but I find if I do I don't get many responses either. If I let my mind take over I think it's b/c I am not pretty enough. I know thats not all together true b/c I reply to as many things as I can when I see it and don't discriminate. But I just don't get responses like a lot of people do so I tend to just do the research myself.

    On a side note, I do think women have more pressure to lose weight, but men have more pressure to look "buff" so I think it's equal but different. My husband would like to lose his belly, but he mainly works on his arms if he works out. He wants nice muscles, thinks that makes him look more manly. I don't think so, personally, but really its not about what other people think completely. its about what we see. I know I'll never look like I want to look b/c I can't see improvements. I keep working hard and have lost weight, but when I look in the mirror I see a big fat manly looking plain woman. No amount of positive feedback seems to help with that.
    We are our own worst enemies. IMO.

    Sorry for the blabbering rant.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    We are our own worst enemies, indeed. Or our own best motivators. I prefer the latter.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    well as a guy who has asked a few questions on MFP, I usually dont get many responces. which is discouraging.

    I have posted about different workouts and asked for peoples thoughts but hardly ever get any feed back. i have had maybe two or three questions actually answered when opening up a topic.

    I do agree that women have a lot of pressure on them, weither that be from men, other women, or themselves. they are held to a standard that is set far too high.

    I have noticed that when a guy posts there aren't as many responses. Perhaps that is because women don't feel comfortable giving advice to a guy? Or don't feel their knowledge applies? And as others have said, guys just aren't as chatty. Though I tend to ramble on and on when people send me questions as private messages. I get carried away.

    I do agree as guy we seem to get less replies and it often requires bumps to get a reply. And I can see what you mean about not feeling comfortable to give advice when a guy asks, but with how many folks there on here that seem to be "experts" I wonder how much that alone is the case...
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    well as a guy who has asked a few questions on MFP, I usually dont get many responces. which is discouraging.

    I have posted about different workouts and asked for peoples thoughts but hardly ever get any feed back. i have had maybe two or three questions actually answered when opening up a topic.

    I do agree that women have a lot of pressure on them, weither that be from men, other women, or themselves. they are held to a standard that is set far too high.

    I have noticed that when a guy posts there aren't as many responses. Perhaps that is because women don't feel comfortable giving advice to a guy? Or don't feel their knowledge applies? And as others have said, guys just aren't as chatty. Though I tend to ramble on and on when people send me questions as private messages. I get carried away.

    I do agree as guy we seem to get less replies and it often requires bumps to get a reply. And I can see what you mean about not feeling comfortable to give advice when a guy asks, but with how many folks there on here that seem to be "experts" I wonder how much that alone is the case...
    Just put the word "boobies" in the title. People will flock.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    well as a guy who has asked a few questions on MFP, I usually dont get many responces. which is discouraging.

    I have posted about different workouts and asked for peoples thoughts but hardly ever get any feed back. i have had maybe two or three questions actually answered when opening up a topic.

    I do agree that women have a lot of pressure on them, weither that be from men, other women, or themselves. they are held to a standard that is set far too high.

    I have noticed that when a guy posts there aren't as many responses. Perhaps that is because women don't feel comfortable giving advice to a guy? Or don't feel their knowledge applies? And as others have said, guys just aren't as chatty. Though I tend to ramble on and on when people send me questions as private messages. I get carried away.

    I do agree as guy we seem to get less replies and it often requires bumps to get a reply. And I can see what you mean about not feeling comfortable to give advice when a guy asks, but with how many folks there on here that seem to be "experts" I wonder how much that alone is the case...
    Just put the word "boobies" in the title. People will flock.

    That sounds like something testable! Shall we perform experiments on this idea and see what happens?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    . I know I'll never look like I want to look b/c I can't see improvements. I keep working hard and have lost weight, but when I look in the mirror I see a big fat manly looking plain woman. No amount of positive feedback seems to help with that.
    We are our own worst enemies. IMO.

    Sorry for the blabbering rant.

    You'd be surprised what hard work and determination will get you. And you're current weight loss is outstanding!

    Oh and you're husband should probably just watch his diet. Unfortunately, that is not what most guys want to hear. haha
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    . I know I'll never look like I want to look b/c I can't see improvements. I keep working hard and have lost weight, but when I look in the mirror I see a big fat manly looking plain woman. No amount of positive feedback seems to help with that.
    We are our own worst enemies. IMO.

    Sorry for the blabbering rant.

    You'd be surprised what hard work and determination will get you. And you're current weight loss is outstanding!

    Oh and you're husband should probably just watch his diet. Unfortunately, that is not what most guys want to hear. haha

    Thanks. :)

    Yeah, he knows he has to adjust his diet. He has food wise, somewhat, but what really gets him is the alcohol. He likes his liquor, which is straight sugar. He works construction so he thinks he burns a lot of calories doing that, but I tell him that's not cardiovascular exercise so it isn't the same. Of course, I don't know what I am talking about so..... ;)