Does Jillian Michael's "off counting" bother you?



  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    lol Yes!!! I count and have noticed this. Because I know where it's the worst (being so far off), I'll do my own to make it even. lol

    Another thing that irritates me, is where she says these guys never cheat while I'm up here. The one does!! She's with Anita explaining something while Natalie is half-a**ed doing the exercise...just moving her arms, not doing the leg part. I'm like, turn around, you'll see they cheat, too! lol

    I thought maybe Natalie stopped doing the exercise because she didn't want to distract attention from Anita...

    Is there a way to go straight to the workout without having to watch the "Hi I'm Jillian, if you don't know me you should, and here are my friends" intro, etc.? When I'm ready to do it, I want to start pronto!
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    You guys are scaring me!!! LOL I'm heading out tonight to get the 30 DS. I'm not a huge fan of Jillian's but I love the workouts.

    I'm (thankfully?) not OCD so I probably wouldn't even notice some of these issues -- but I don't think it's a matter of jealousy (quite harsh to say IMHO) to notice them. Kudos to all of you for working so hard -- I hope to be joining you starting tonight :)
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    Another thing that irritates me, is where she says these guys never cheat while I'm up here. The one does!! She's with Anita explaining something while Natalie is half-a**ed doing the exercise...just moving her arms, not doing the leg part. I'm like, turn around, you'll see they cheat, too! lol

    LMAO!!! I noticed that too! And now I see it every time I watch lol. Are levels 2 and 3 as bad?? lol

    OMG, I so notice this too! LOL!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    I love her at the moment but am only on day five of level two. I do feel slightly sad for Anita, she seems to get the bum deal while Natalie gets all the compliments. Works so well so can put up with hearing her saying 'you don't get these abs for free' while I am virtually sweating blood!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    I love her at the moment but am only on day five of level two. I do feel slightly sad for Anita, she seems to get the bum deal while Natalie gets all the compliments. Works so well so can put up with hearing her saying 'you don't get these abs for free' while I am virtually sweating blood!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Wow. I was just doing a workout of hers this morning and the women in it were not in sync with the music. It made me crazy and I couldn't watch, but had to keep my own tempo.

    I don't think she even counted reps-- just made sure that you did the exercise for a certain length of time.

    Funny you should post this :)

  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Nope, doesn't bother me. Nor do I want Jillian to be all nicey nice, that would annoy me more than any tough talk. Not to say I haven't called her a few choice names. But, that's because I'm sore. Not because she or her off counting bugs me. All I care about is does it work.

    Well put!!! She may be 'mean' but I take it as 'good mean'! She inspires and gets you to work by irritating you or by tough decide what you want to call it!!!
  • faithNlove212
    faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
    I put on music and mute her out so I cant hear her :laugh:
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    I put on music and mute her out so I cant hear her :laugh:

    This is what I do. But I have to say that I would love to have just one week with her training me.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    lol Yes!!! I count and have noticed this. Because I know where it's the worst (being so far off), I'll do my own to make it even. lol

    Another thing that irritates me, is where she says these guys never cheat while I'm up here. The one does!! She's with Anita explaining something while Natalie is half-a**ed doing the exercise...just moving her arms, not doing the leg part. I'm like, turn around, you'll see they cheat, too! lol

    I thought maybe Natalie stopped doing the exercise because she didn't want to distract attention from Anita...

    Is there a way to go straight to the workout without having to watch the "Hi I'm Jillian, if you don't know me you should, and here are my friends" intro, etc.? When I'm ready to do it, I want to start pronto!

    Hahahahahahahaha i thought exactly the same, i actually shout at the tv " shut up woman and get bloody on with it"
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I also find it annoying that you can't skip the intro, though thankfully, it's short. I use that time to get a resting heartbeat.

    Another thing that cracks me up every time is at the third circuit of cardio on level one of 30 DS, I think right before the jump rope, Anita gives this look to Jillian like she wants to kill her. I'm sure I'm imagining it, but is so funny the way she gets this evil smile and nods her head!
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I have never tried her workouts, but i wanted to try the 30 DS, but after reviewing it on youtube and seen all the jumping around in it, i backed out of buying it. I have a heel spur on my left heel and can't be jumping like that. I do Leslie Sansone workouts and she gets annoying sometimes because her counts are not even either. For example, she will have you do about 16 counts on one leg and 24 counts on the other leg, if i follow her workout exactly to a T, i feel like my right leg gets more workout.
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