"Play date " issue - Mommy advice needed!



  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    ** UPDATE **

    My daughter's father and I finally had a long discussion about this issue. I'd been saying stuff to him for a while about not wanting her to go over there, but he didn't quite get it and it was becoming a source of contention as she would go back and forth between us asking to go over there. This discussion was inspired by all of your responses on this thread, confirming to me that I am not in fact crazy regarding this problem. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS! x

    I came up with a list of reasons as to why I was weirded out by this family, and before I even shared them he said that he was now feeling a little uncomfortable about the Dad, too. Breakthrough!!! Again, we have both been to this house and both met the parents. So we came to a consensus that our daughter will not play over there or ever sleep over there. The kid can come to us, but not the other way. I was so relieved after this conversation that I cried. I think this had been stressing me out for quite a while and I was unable to identify the problem.

    I feel like a weight has been lifted. You're all such a great support and this website is such an amazing resource... for more than just my weight loss. Thank you!!! xxxx