Smoke Break



  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    They don't let us medicinal marijuana smokers have breaks either!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Agreed....and I hate when they come into work after their smoke break and how they reaks....

    OMG!!! I WAS GONNA SAY THAT!! but i already knew someone would probably hunt me down say " I SMOKE BUT I DONT STINK! RAWWRR!!" Then shoot me in the head.. anyway.. on the elevator, when they come back from smoking, and you're trapped in a 6x8 box with that stank for 1 LONGGG minute... sometimes i get the feeling of throwing up just from tthat..
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    How about those people that are supposed to be working, but they're on some non-work related website?

    You think we're bad? The smokers probably come on here too AND take 6 smoke breaks a day.

    OMG TRUE!! seriously only work 4 hours a day.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I just wish my co-worker would spray herself down with Fabreze or something when she comes back in from a smoke break. We share an office and it's hard for me to breath when she comes back in from smoking.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I used to work at a job that had the same problem until.....I started taking 15 minute "Pepsi breaks" because I am addicted to caffeine. I told my boss that I think Human Resources would have a problem with discriminating against addictions.

    Rule went out 1 week later: No more ciggy breaks unless you were clocked off.

    The backlash sucked...Nothing I couldn't handle but the looks weren't pretty. Lucky for me, I'm used to people hating me
  • VELVET2688
    VELVET2688 Posts: 40
    i think you should tell your co-workers you went out for a "smoke break" even though you don't smoke... cause thats the excuse they accept.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I've worked with people who started smoking just for the breaks.

    that is stupid lol. ive said i picked up smoking but didnt and just chilled for a bit heheh. There is this one guy i work with you can smell him before you see him. He is out smoking like once every 30 minutes i swear. it is freakn nasty.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Agreed....and I hate when they come into work after their smoke break and how they reaks....

    OMG!!! I WAS GONNA SAY THAT!! but i already knew someone would probably hunt me down say " I SMOKE BUT I DONT STINK! RAWWRR!!" Then shoot me in the head.. anyway.. on the elevator, when they come back from smoking, and you're trapped in a 6x8 box with that stank for 1 LONGGG minute... sometimes i get the feeling of throwing up just from tthat..

    Its okay they can hunt me down....but I only spit facts here
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    How about those people that are supposed to be working, but they're on some non-work related website?

    shhhhhhhh I couldn't imagine anyone being on this website during working hours. :bigsmile:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I used to work at a job that had the same problem until.....I started taking 15 minute "Pepsi breaks" because I am addicted to caffeine. I told my boss that I think Human Resources would have a problem with discriminating against addictions.

    Rule went out 1 week later: No more ciggy breaks unless you were clocked off.

    The backlash sucked...Nothing I couldn't handle but the looks weren't pretty. Lucky for me, I'm used to people hating me

    HAHAHAA I seriously laughed at this.. that's a brilliant idea! although i wouldnt mind taking the break.. just not cool i get **** for not smoking when i am on it :(
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My employer doesn't allow smoke breaks and I think that's how it should be. It's not fair. You wanna smoke, do it before, after, or during your lunch break

    but u cant always have a boss who was fair..
    the office i worked at Everyone smoked except for me and this pregnant lady.
    and because so many people smoked, and because there were so many *kitten* brakes he changed the rules so that people could smoke inside aslong as they were near a window...

    Oh my! I'd have to quit that job because even near windows the smoke circulates in the room. I wouldn't be able to breath. Seriously!
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    P.S.#2 though I don't mean to offend anyone, because frankly, i don't know any of you... I already know this is going to piss people off, just because there are some people who just can't have a normal read without getting their little panties in a bunch, or needing to find something negative to say or getting their feelings hurt because for some reason they think i am talking about them in particular.... but i said it anyway because i need to vent to strangers because i really don't give a crap about your feelings.:heart:

    You dont give a crap about our feelings?? ::super saddy face:: lol jk!! you're bluntness made me giggle :smile:
    p.s. im not a smoker but i do work with some and i understand where you're coming from
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    whoops...i meant to quote that ^
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm an ex smoker too but I always made sure I only went out on my 2 15 minute breaks and that was it..unles I was having a really crappy day then it could be more :smile: Now I use that time to walk around the block a few times.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    P.S.#2 though I don't mean to offend anyone, because frankly, i don't know any of you... I already know this is going to piss people off, just because there are some people who just can't have a normal read without getting their little panties in a bunch, or needing to find something negative to say or getting their feelings hurt because for some reason they think i am talking about them in particular.... but i said it anyway because i need to vent to strangers because i really don't give a crap about your feelings.:heart:

    You dont give a crap about our feelings?? ::super saddy face:: lol jk!! you're bluntness made me giggle :smile:
    p.s. im not a smoker but i do work with some and i understand where you're coming from

    hahaha i like your feelings.. i will give my crap.... here is my crap.. for your feelings :heart: :laugh: :heart:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    We're allowed breaks under 20 minutes once a day... sometimes I'll just walk outside and go to a shop down the street if I need a break. I understand your complaint, but you should get a break of some kind whether you smoke or not. It's actually a rule at one of my jobs that you get a 15 minute break for every 3 hours you work, plus an hour lunch break if you work over 6 hours.

    that's what we need!!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    My employer doesn't allow smoke breaks and I think that's how it should be. It's not fair. You wanna smoke, do it before, after, or during your lunch break

    but u cant always have a boss who was fair..
    the office i worked at Everyone smoked except for me and this pregnant lady.
    and because so many people smoked, and because there were so many *kitten* brakes he changed the rules so that people could smoke inside aslong as they were near a window...

    OHHHH HELLLLZ NAHHH!!! that is so crazy!!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    It really annoys me that smokers can take 15 minute breaks every hour without anyone telling them anything, and if i NEED to run to the little convenience store for some tissue, i have someone say "oooh does your boss know your not at your desk??" or "i was looking for you, where were you??" or even if i come into work 15 minutes late, someone is there to give me a look.. It's like i have to take up Cancer in order for it to be okay that i get paid for 8 hours in a day, when really i only work 6 and no one tell me crap about it??? well that's not fair, is it?? i have actually thought to myself "what if i just hold a cigarrette in my hand... maybe they'll buy it, and i can do anything i want.." just so that i can take a break! i know some people are addicted, and it can be REALLY hard to stop - my poor step dad tried and tried is little heart out and i never happened for him,and it probably never will.. but i don't think it's fair that i stay at my desk and work, & they are being paid for working, when they aren't doin crap. (i approve timesheets, so i know they ARE being paid for that time they are on a break :mad: )

    oh yeah, and there's this dude who goes to starbuck EVERY hour, no joke! i bet he wastes more time in the line than smokers do to finish a cancer stick... NOT COOL!

    anyone else ever think this???

    P.S. i will deduct the 7 minutes it took me to post this :laugh:

    P.S.#2 though I don't mean to offend anyone, because frankly, i don't know any of you... I already know this is going to piss people off, just because there are some people who just can't have a normal read without getting their little panties in a bunch, or needing to find something negative to say or getting their feelings hurt because for some reason they think i am talking about them in particular.... but i said it anyway because i need to vent to strangers because i really don't give a crap about your feelings.:heart:

    This has been erking me since I can remember. We should get random NON SMOKER BREAKS!!!!
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I'm with you....very annoying!!! I had an employees that did that, so I made him clock ina nd out everytime he went out. That cut his smoke breaks right out of his day!!